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Author Topic: Easy to make 2048x2048 textures.  (Read 14043 times)

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Re: Easy to make 2048x2048 textures.
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2014, 02:51:02 PM »

damn I`ve got it already but it not work in my 4.12 MA 5.3 with Carsmaster HD mod and I dont know what I doin wrong ....

'Cause Carsmasters HighRez mod only works on modded 4.09/4.10.

Carsmaster's HR mod is working perfectly here on HSFX 7.01 (over 4.12.1)

That's good to hear.
I get a little confused with all the different game versions and modpacks and what they have to offer.
I was afraid that this great mod would fall into oblivion with older version like V4.09/4.10.

Personally I think this mod is indispensable when it comes to graphic effects.
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Re: Easy to make 2048x2048 textures.
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2014, 03:05:50 PM »

Personally I think this mod is indispensable when it comes to graphic effects.

I agree.

And I love your 2048 textures (Winter Textures for example, or HD clouds). Thank you.


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Re: Easy to make 2048x2048 textures.
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2015, 06:09:15 AM »

Also, I love how you make it sound simple to make the textures seamless ;D I know from experience that is the part that always defeated me :) Thanx for sharing!

Making textures seamless ís simple with GIMP.
I've seen a couple of methods over the years and people recommending special software for that but not necessary.
And set the X, Y values at about 30%. Or whatever value you like.
Last step is to remove the edges with the clone stamp.

Gimp also has a function to make an image seamless in one step: FILTERS -> MAP -> MAKE SEAMLESS.
The disadvantage of this function is that it blurs the image way too much. Better not use it for creating textures.

Hello Uuff,
could you once you got the time upload 2-4 screenshots with that (easy) method, as my German version of Gimp got me all confused there.
Especially interested in the last step. By now I understood which function is which in my Kraut version, but would like to see it once done. Especially the part with smoothing it out. Also trying to dig out the tutorial you once sent me. :-[
ATM finally trying to do my first seamless tex (for fun only ;)).



Also found this


I think next I search for a German gimp site, as foto stuff is the one thing where I do do not want to translate any instruction or guess, as the descriptions in my language are really compeltely different named often. Plus most tutorials are written.

I try this first. ;)

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