Note: Administrators and Moderators feel free to move this wherever you please!
SAS presents: Drewm3i's New User Interface Mod for any game version.
This pack is a collection of menu music, flight music, splash screens, and backgrounds for DBW, and HSFX 7. It should work with Modact 5.3 too. Note:only for HSFX because SAS~Monty 27 has plenty of splash screens for DBW, as does SAS~Strorebror for Modact.
It will completely change the IL-2 1946 interface backgrounds and give it a sexy, more modern feel. The music pack is a collection of tracks from the Wings of Prey, WarThunder, the Battle of Britain movie, and "epic" style tracks. Some of the samples are even based off of Monty 27's music pack so credits to him! Also, the French background comes from one of Poltava's great campaigns so credits to him as well!
I do not own any of the tracks or paintings. Some of them I downloaded and edited, but others were already perfect. The new background collage is my work, but the images aren't originally mine; I got them from using Google image search.
To install: 1) place the contents Into your main game folder and allow the files to overwrite yours. 2) Be sure you are using a widescreen resolution because these are designed for widescreen. 3)#DBW is obviously for those using DBW and "Files" is for those using HSFX. Again just make sure the contents of these files go into the location they need to be. Just delete either #DBW or "Files" depending on which you don't need and place all folders in your main game folder.
Edit 3/15/14: I realized today that in DBW the single mission background screens were stock, so I fixed it here: 3/27/14: I repackaged this mod in jsgme format so just place it in your jsgmemods folder and activate it via jsgme. Link:;s_GUI_mod.zipJust extract that folder and drop the contents into your main game folder and allow the contents to overwrite yours and you should be go to go!
Sample video:
Here is the new DBW background:

Download Link:, critiques, suggestions, etc. are welcome, but this took a while (especially the collage) so be courteous. I hope you all enjoy this mod and feel free to promote it on other sites if you wish!