Load.ini error,
La_chute map can't load maps/tex/water/pacificBlue.tga I had a pacificBlueTL.tga in the proper folder so I copy/paste to make one named pacificBlue.tga but still received same error.
Ok, The La_chute map is working after my rename, I just had to exit the program and restart the sim (DOH!)
The Reno map gave me the same problems with the whc_jungle.tga texture but i got that to work by backing up the file, copy/paste the whc_JungleTL file and renaming it as whc_jungle.tga
New problem:
If no one else has that problem it must be something related to my card or settings but on the TFM412 BOB missions and the 352 maps in general the SE England airfields now have misplaced airfiled start locations and white panel markers outlining the airstrips in wrong places. Does the 352 maps and the Canon UK share common airfield files? If no one else has the same problems then it is just a mod-soup problen on my side. If someone can test with the first BOB training mission at RAF Manston (that is the worst misplacement) then I'll know if it is just me. It really wrecks the AI planes.
The maps I am having problems with:
According to the all.ini and respective load.ini they reference many textures from Can_Channel to include:
AirField0= land/summer/CAN_Channel/airfields1.tga,-2
AirField1= land/summer/CAN_Channel/airfields2.tga,-2
AirField2= land/summer/CAN_Channel/airfields3.tga,-2
AirField3= GW_tex/spring/GS_airfieldGrGilPr.tga,4
I think TFM-412-34-Map Pack-5 is not displaying well on these maps. They may need their texture files redirected to the previous older files since that is what the BOB mission pack was designed for.