Just in case you might have missed it with all the TFM buzz,this is to let you all know that in a few days
both Emel and I will be releasing New Zeke Templates and a large Skin Pack for the whole community.
After close to two years we thought it was about time as no other Templates could be found in our neck of the woods...Strange.,so about two months ago we hit the bricks and sought out JCats wonderful work that he had sent over to us here at SAS.
And with that, Emel began building a brand new set of Zero templates that I believe are the best I've ever seen. I guess I'm more than sold as a s Skinner for they are beautifully done as you will soon find out. This guy is one of the very best.
I've been working with Monty after well over a years planning and work on TFM which as you know has been released, and skinning at night as
as Emel passes them down our Mitsubishi production line where I'm adding on the Skin finishing,and you know what? We are almost there.
I'm going to put up some grabs for you to have a peek at, but before I do there is one more person that plays into this project and that is
Yeager 1946. He offered me a lot of support on this whole project and encouraged me to get out there and not accept no for an answer when I
wasn't able to dig up not a one template. When Emel dropped another project to start on the Zekes Yeager sent lots of excellent info in a timely
manner on all existing varients which made Emels job much easier.
Sorry if is getting a bit windy,however I just wanted to share with you all how this came to happen
Lastly,these aircraft are only for 412 and The full Monty.So if you don't have the build,it is well worth getting it ASAP.
Although it is a stop gap until DBW it is the best foundation this Sim has ever seen. When DBW is released,well we will just continue on
All The Best,
Christopher aka RDDR


https://www.mediafire.com/download/jse0ratk4ikdr7r/RDDR_A6M_ZERO_SKIN_PACK.rarSeems we had a broken link for the Zero Skin Pack. a broken link. It is Ok now.
eMels Zero Template