Some new work done.
- Improved, livelier look to clouds; no boringly monochromatic grey/white.
- Even bigger, via BASE_R_DISP = 6 in DATA.cld, with DENSITY still at 1. With Base at 1,000m, hazy weather cloud tops go to about 15,000 feet; thunder clouds go to 35,000 feet.
- Improved balance for brightness and contrast of cloud base shadows with the atmospheric hazing, particularly so for the poorer weather clouds. (I have no idea if this has been made to behave differently in versions later than my 4.08. If anything seems odd, get in and tinker with the DATA.cld file; the readme.txt points the way.)
(P.S. The Hawaii pics also feature my retexturing of the game's default map.)
A 'satellite' view of Hawaii, from the FMB. Note the extensive merging of clouds into sizeable masses over considerable area. Your are sited on a mountain, looking west toward Honolulu and Pearl Harbour. The two diverging lines show the angular width of the FOV of the inset image. Weather is 'haze' (#3 in the list), and the cloud base is at 1,500m. Here the tops go to near 5,000m. Note the very uniform base height, as it virtually always is in nature. This is achieved by setting four parameters in DATA.cld to zero. Significant departure from base height uniformity is a no-no to this ex weather observer!

Two more views of the cloud mass over Honolulu/Pearl...

A view on top of cloud (hazy weather; 3rd selection) at about 5,000m (15,000) feet.

Under the weather (thunderstorm; last selection). Cloud cover is easily 95%, with only small, widely scattered chimney-like holes, which you have to be practically underneath to see. Virtually overcast. Cloud tops go to 35,000 feet!