This version is only for 4.12.2m.
original F-4 MOD version1.31 Beta was released from s3231541 on 17th/Oct./2012
Before installing version 1.40 ,
you have to erase the old "_00_F-4 Phantom II" folder completely.
version 1.40 is new full-set 3D/2D/classfiles, not compatible to old one.
Now "Pylon_Zuni" 3D and 2D are excellent by S3.
When your IL-2 folder has older "Pylon_Zuni" folders in 3do\arms\ , delete them.
- IL-2 Strumovik 1946 version4.12.2m
- 1956 The JetEra version1.33
... SAS Engine Mod v2.7
... SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 02/Dec./2014 (or later)
... SAS Common Utils
...,40490.0.html- Vega's Weapons Pack
...,48603.0.htmlDOWNLOAD: patch: Gerax: for a ver1.41 patch see reply #216.,40856.msg500978.html#msg5009783D update on 02nd/Nov./2015
Copy the folders "_00_F-4 Phantom II" and "PylonLAU130_HYDRAx19" into your #SAS folder.
Edit your air.ini and as below.
About "3D update on 02nd/Nov./2015".
Delete 3do folder in "_00_F-4 Phantom II" before copy new 3do folder.
After it, copy new 3do folder into "_00_F-4 Phantom II" folder.
It has new TER and MER 3D models and decreasing install size and fps dropping.
Updates from version1.31
- Analog gauges and text indicators working in the cockpit
- Navigation by ILS or TACAN
- Missile/Rocket selection
- Flares by "Deploy Flares" key (F-4E)
- adding some loadouts
- flightmodel (not to easy Overheat)
- Radar scope doesn't work
- ECM doesn't work
- RIO seat cockpit isn't implemented
- air refuel isn't implemented
- body may be broken in high-speed & high-G
Optional MOD and Mission:
1. ILS and TACAN station as StationaryObjects 20th/Apr./2014 you want to use ILS or TACAN, change your game difficulty "Realistic Navigation - On".
2. ILS and TACAN sample mission 2 thanks go to:
Oleg for this wonderful IL-2 game
QTim of enable us to mod
SAS and AMT for the amazing jetwar version 1.2 and DBW 1.7 and UP for UP 3.0
Ranwers: Pilot model and skin
Melissa: M61 Vulcan, AGM-84, SUU-16, MK.20 Rockeye, exhaust flame
F22-Raptor-2006 and US_Grant: AIM-7E/E-2 model
Barnesy12: Wheels
Thank you guys for making this project possible!
Thank you for the one directly involve in making this wonderful aircraft:
LC_Crafts: original external 3D model
OC-Tiger: Skins and template
Wasted: Java class, cockpit texture, skins, ordinaces, FM, sound
Ton414: Cockpit texture
cromhunt: Cockpit texture
Mario71:Java class
Batbomb: Skins and template
Vega: FM and Java
The_Alaska_Man and 51sfts_FC for extensive researches and testing
Thanks Beowolff, Checkyersix, Rock, F22-Raptor-2006, Anto, US_Grant and Deutschmark for support
and advises
And also the guys I may have forgot
F-4B air.F_4B 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4D air.F_4D 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4E air.F_4E 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4J air.F_4J 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4B F-4B Phantom II, 1960
F-4D F-4D Phantom II, 1966
F-4E F-4E Phantom II, 1967
F-4J F-4J Phantom II, 1967