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Author Topic: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.  (Read 15012 times)

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B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« on: May 18, 2014, 12:03:05 PM »

 A group of fighter pilots in the pacific were on a 48 hour pass for some R&R. On returning to thier base they found it had been over run by Japanese troops and destoryed. Angy over the loss of all thier friends and all thier planes except a B-17 that had made a stop over at thier base that was badly damaged but fixable, they went to work getting her ready to go after the bastards that killed their friends.

They found napalm tanks, incendiary cluster bombs and other incendiary bombs that were stock piled for fighters they began adapting the racks of the B-17 to hold them to send those who killed thier friends back to hell. They fitted the chin turret with two extra 50 cals and two extra in the ball turret for straffing the toops and the ground. These fighter pilots wanted revenge and refused to go to the rotation pool and be slpit up so these fighter pilots became a bomber crew.

They named the B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific. Lovingly they called her "Karma" and as they would attack the Japanese ground toops, they would yell "Karma's a bitch! "

I need to work the second set of 50's around and make them work and add two more 50's to the ball turret and a few more upgrades.  8)

Thanks to CWatson for all his help and Max the hitman for the skins.
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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2014, 12:23:04 PM »

Hey that looks mighty nice. You did this mod pretty fast.
Thank you, I will fly it.

Don´t thank me for the skin, but do thank JARINK, for it is his skin-template. I have always considered him to
be the master at B-17 skins.

Looks groovy man  8)  Heavy-duty gunship
More firepower to shot down more pidgeons! We will have a barbecue tonight ! and Roasted ducks! 

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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2014, 12:26:51 PM »

Thanks Max. I'll be sure to add him,you and all the others who I have added things from. :)

A little update on the quad 50's in the chin turret....

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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2014, 03:43:46 PM »

Have all four 50's firing on the chin turret now....

Now on to the ball turret.
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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2014, 07:10:51 PM »

That screenshot is beauuuutiful ! :)
What a fortress!
Firepower galore!

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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2014, 07:28:22 PM »

Thanks Max. I may try your suggestion of making the YB-40 but will need a 3D guy to remove the radio man area so I can add the turret in the right place.
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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2014, 01:17:51 PM »

A small update. Working on second top turret. I need to get the gunner in the turret but need someone who can cut a hole in the model for the second turret. This will also be my base for a YB-40.

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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2014, 01:34:45 PM »

That´s an "stingy" Bitch! Is she into knitting or hitting?
And you can fly, high as a kite, if you want to.........


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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2014, 08:58:36 PM »

In reply to that black and white... That's one they used in the Eurpean Theader as a Bomber escort before they came out with the P-51. They needed a plane to go the distance and protect the bombers after heavy loses, but this plane proved that it's firepower could help the bombers....on paper, but the bombers used more fuel than the other bombers and couldn't make the entire trip due to it's weight in ammo and fuel.

Neverthless, I think a fighter coming to say hello would be in for a surprise in this game. I like the idea. Lost my touch on 3D but if you need help elsewhere, let me know ;)


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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2014, 11:18:55 PM »

Slightly off-topic, but where can I get those napalm effects shown in the OP?


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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2015, 11:05:03 AM »

Any more progress on the project,just been watching dogfights, old 666 had 19 50cal's
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Re: B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific.
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2015, 01:34:39 PM »

Not as of yet but I have not given it up. I need a 3d guy to reshape the radio mans section, get rid of his window and cut a hole for the second top turret like in the picture.

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