A group of fighter pilots in the pacific were on a 48 hour pass for some R&R. On returning to thier base they found it had been over run by Japanese troops and destoryed. Angy over the loss of all thier friends and all thier planes except a B-17 that had made a stop over at thier base that was badly damaged but fixable, they went to work getting her ready to go after the bastards that killed their friends.
They found napalm tanks, incendiary cluster bombs and other incendiary bombs that were stock piled for fighters they began adapting the racks of the B-17 to hold them to send those who killed thier friends back to hell. They fitted the chin turret with two extra 50 cals and two extra in the ball turret for straffing the toops and the ground. These fighter pilots wanted revenge and refused to go to the rotation pool and be slpit up so these fighter pilots became a bomber crew.
They named the B-17 The Bitch of the Pacific. Lovingly they called her "Karma" and as they would attack the Japanese ground toops, they would yell "Karma's a bitch! "

I need to work the second set of 50's around and make them work and add two more 50's to the ball turret and a few more upgrades.

Thanks to CWatson for all his help and Max the hitman for the skins.