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Author Topic: M113-M59_LVT5  (Read 11594 times)

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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2014, 05:28:33 AM »

Superbly done Gio, thank you very much indeed. 8)

I have been having a lot of fun with these while putting a slot together for them, I still need to do the LVT5 though. ;)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2014, 01:38:55 AM »

Hello guys, I have now got these little beauties into slots of their own. ;)



And the LVT-5 in both land and sea:


Damage models for the moving vehicles seem ok:

Static LVT-5 looks superb :

However there are issues with the M59 and M113.

The M113 was using what I think is a mesh for the SdKfz251 which looked rather odd when destroyed so I changed
it for the body of the M113, looks better but is missing a lot of its parts and it sits like this when destroyed:

Since I made that change I have noticed it now also happens to the moving vehicle.

The M59 stationary just dissapears when destroyed and creates a slowdown/freeze in the game so is best left
of the map if there is any shooting.

I have also experienced graphic issues with the vehicles,  if I use a convoy of four together some of them become shadows and
merely the soldiers inside moving along, mod problem or my Pc I do not know.

So the question is should I release them as they are with the faults, or would someone be able to fix the issues.

There are 3ds files in the mod but I do not know how to open or manipulate them, besides, I have gmax so they probably
are not compatible.

I do not know if Gio would want to do anymore with these, although he would be the best to do so as he created them.

Maybe I should send him a link and see what he says. :-\

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2014, 02:49:02 AM »

as great as they are, Pete, i think we should try and address this disappearing parts problem. i've noticed it a lot, and it's no good trying to create a fancy looking ground scenario when the vehicles disappear from certain angles/distances.
i'm sure we have enough capable guys to have a look at it, if it's mesh/mat related or...
alternatively, just release it and maybe some bright spark will find an easy solution ;)
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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2014, 04:33:50 AM »

as great as they are, Pete, i think we should try and address this disappearing parts problem. i've noticed it a lot, and it's no good trying to create a fancy looking ground scenario when the vehicles disappear from certain angles/distances.
i'm sure we have enough capable guys to have a look at it, if it's mesh/mat related or...
alternatively, just release it and maybe some bright spark will find an easy solution ;)

I agree with you Eugene, now there is a slot it needs either the original modder, Gio, or as you say some other bright spark to sort out the issues I cannot because I have no expeience of doing it.

In my Aerosani thread in the school it was mentioned by Epervier that the dissapearing stationary was a texture issue, the damaged vehicle file is almost certainly a 3d issue that maybe Gio could deal with.

I used the work around of using entries in the technics file to deal with the Aerosani stationaries, however, that was because of the spinning propellor issue and not something you want to have to do with every mod.

I do not really want to release as they are, better to have them finished, so if anyone can deal with the problems I will send them the mod as is.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2014, 12:39:05 PM »

 I have never done objects like this so take this advice for what it is worth.

Some pilots use a Pilot1_D0 mesh and a Head_D0 mesh. When the pilot is killed it usually reverts to a single mesh, Pilot1_D1 because in the classfile there will be commands under murder pilot will make the  live pilot and head meshes invisible with a command that says false, and the dead pilot mesh will appear where the command says true.

To fix the issue a few things can be done. The simplest would be to lower or rotate the damaged hull, _D1, mesh  in the heir him so the blown up hull sets on the ground.

If the classfile for the vehicles has commands for switching meshes from D0 meshes to D1 meshes as in a plane's classfile you would just have to make sure the suspension remains true when the D1 hull appears.

Or you could clone the D0 suspension meshes and rename them D1 and attach via heir him.

All the above is if these vehicles' classfiles work the same as a plane's.



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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2014, 01:05:43 PM »

Hello CW, thank you very much for the information, really appreciated. ;)

There is actually very little in the classfile for a vehicle, unlike aircraft, it is quite basic, I think the main work for a vehicle is done in the 3d and in the textures.

All movment and general characteristics seem to me to be primarily in the technics file, which I suppose is governed by the sim itself.

It is a strange new world to venture into, I am lost here, doing the java was fairly straight forward once I had been given help by western and Epervier, understanding just how everything else functions is going to be interesting.

I have finally figured out by reading a few tutorials just how to get a mesh into gmax, but the rest is still a mystery.

I think the best way forward for these at the moment is for someone familiar with how they are made and imported to adopt them and finish them, that is if Gio does not want to carry the project through.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2014, 10:10:50 AM »

Hello guys, I figured out what was causing the freezing when the M59 was destroyed. ;)

Here is the link to the mod as it is now running in my DBW 1.71 and TD 4.12.2 with SAS ModAct 5.30:


Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2014, 11:28:22 AM »

Super-Duper! Nice work on creating new slots for these , Pete! Thank you!
I have been researching on the web about these APC´s and will start next week to paint some skin-templates
for some skins.

One thing you guys could do for Damaged vehicles, is just to simply leave the model as it is, but on fire.
No need for putting it or making it sideways.
The skins for the damaged model will make it look like it has been hit. By doing some alfa-channels on the
 skn, I can make it have holes in the armor too. Or even missing its wheels and tracks  ;)
For some vehicles I usually paint a detailed damaged skin, so I can fly by and look at it.

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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2014, 11:31:45 AM »

i agree, max - no need to get too fancy with the dead vehicles, they could easily just be the live mesh with damage painted on. fire would be cool. ;)
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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2014, 04:09:18 PM »

Super-Duper! Nice work on creating new slots for these , Pete! Thank you!
I have been researching on the web about these APC´s and will start next week to paint some skin-templates
for some skins.

One thing you guys could do for Damaged vehicles, is just to simply leave the model as it is, but on fire.
No need for putting it or making it sideways.
The skins for the damaged model will make it look like it has been hit. By doing some alfa-channels on the
 skn, I can make it have holes in the armor too. Or even missing its wheels and tracks  ;)
For some vehicles I usually paint a detailed damaged skin, so I can fly by and look at it.

I only did the slot Max, I had to use what was there, but I agree the damage models are over done.  If you see actual photographs of damaged armoured vehicles they are not like these, more chared than physically contorted as these are. ;)

The original M113 was fairly good as an image I posted shows, however, once I made the stationary it required a damage model which altered things considerably.  For some reason only Gio knows, it used the Sdkfz personell carrier, I made a copy of the M113 body which looked better to me rather than that.

I look forward to your skins Max they are always excellent, please would you do a winter one for the M113 as they use the summer version at the moment.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2014, 02:15:00 AM »

Some clarifications, the issue of damages, the destruction takes place in the game when the vehicle passes from Live.Him to Dead.Sim the files Sim does not have a hierarchy only consists of a MHS (M113 and the others are made ??up of body, head , gun, details, tracks left and right mhs) so I had to gather and to reduce as much as possible to be able to have a visible MHS (the set of MHS surpasses the 5000 polygons), so I went down to get the damage compromises,for choosing the SD251 as a basis was only time, I had no other slots available at that time, for the stationary problem recurs Him / sim I do not know if it is possible in tecnish in class or alter the indication of Him to choose the instead of sims this would solve the problem even WWI vehicles without wheels, the location of M113 is determined by the position of the slot base, which uses a different direction X / Y / Z with respect to others, I would also like to specify that this mod made ??for the fun in two weeks (this is not to justify the errors but it was sudden and without design).

Greetings Gio.

If necessary I am ready (although not immediately, I am very taken by a project which I hope will make many happy) to change what I can to resolve the issues

(Alcune precisazioni, il problema dei danni , nel gioco quando avviene la distruzione del veicolo si passa dal Live.Him al Dead.Sim il files Sim non ha una gerarchia è composto solo da una MHS (M113 e gli altri sono composti da body,head,gun,dettagli,cingoli destro e sinistro mhs) quindi ho dovuto riunire e ridurre il piu possibile per potere avere una MHS visibile ( l'insieme delle MHS sorpassa i 5000 poligoni) , quindi per ottenere dei damage sono sceso a dei compromessi ,per la scelta del SD251 come base è stata solo temporale , non avevo gli altri slot disponibili in quel momento , per lo stazionario si ripropone il problema Him/sim non so se è possibile nei tecnish o nei class alterare la indicazione di scegliere lo Him al posto dei Sim questo risolverebbe il problema anche dei veicoli WWI senza ruote , la posizione dell m113 è determinata dalla posizione dello slot di base , che usa un altra direzione X/Y/Z  rispetto agli altri , vorrei anche specificare che questo mod lo fatto per divertimento in due settimane ( non è per giustificare gli errori ma è stato improvviso e senza progettazione).)


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Re: M113-M59_LVT5
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2014, 05:14:21 AM »

Hello Gio, thank you very much for the explanation, it is greatly appreciated, as is the mod also. 8)

Two weeks to make. ???

I have been at my Lysander for probably twelve months or more and I am still no where near finished. :(

Your ability is truly amazing.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
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