When you started Hyperlobby, hold Ctrl+Shift before clicking "connect", that way you get to the screen where you can setup the path of your il2fb.exe file.
Let that path point to the il2fb.exe of the launcher.
Then you open up the launcher's ini file "hl_il2_launcher" and adjust the paths to your needs.
The ini is pretty self explaining, if there's anything you don't understand, please let me know:
; *********************************************************
; * Common Settings for the IL-2 Hyperlobby Launcher *
; *********************************************************
; opacity sets the overall opacity level of the IL-2
; Hyperlobby Launcher Window.
; 0 is fully transparent
; 100 is fully opaque
; default value is "80"
; fontname sets the font name to be used for the buttons.
; You can choose the name of any font installed on your
; system here.
; Setting this to "default" results in automatically
; choosing a "Sans Serif" font type available on your system.
; default value is "default"
; fontsize sets the font size to be used for the buttons,
; in points.
; default value is "24"
; fontbold sets whether or not to use bold font for the
; buttons, "0" means no bold font, any other number,
; e.g. "1" means bold font.
; default value is "1"
; fontitalic sets whether or not to use italic font for the
; buttons, "0" means no italic font, any other number,
; e.g. "1" means italic font.
; default value is "0"
; *********************************************************
; * Game-Specific Settings for each available Launch Option *
; *********************************************************
; You can enable up to 100 different launch options, starting
; with "Game_00" up to "Game_99".
; You must not use the same launch option index more than
; once, but you don't need to use adjacent numbers and
; you don't need to take care of their order.
; The launch options will appear in the IL-2 Hyperlobby
; Launcher according to their numbered order, not necessarily
; according to their order in this file.
; If you have many launch options, it might be clever to
; "group" them as we did in this sample configuration,
; here each game type (Modact, HSFX, UP) is grouped into
; the tens of the launch options order number.
; Available settings are:
; "name" sets up the name to be shown on the regarding
; button in IL-2 Hyperlobby Launcher.
; "path" sets up the path where your game's il2fb.exe can be
; found.
; "player" overrides the player name from Hyperlobby, if set.
; If no value is given for "player", the Hyperlobby User Name
; will be used instead as is default for Hyperlobby gameplay.
; If a value is set it will be used instead.
; Note that in contrast to Hyperlobby, here you can use
; special characters, spaces etc. in your name too.
; "autoconnect" sets whether or not your game will directly
; connect to the selected Server from Hyperlobby.
; default is "1" = connect automatically
; Setting this value to "0" will result in the game launching
; without connecting to the server.
; In that case the Server's IP address and port will be
; stored in conf.ini instead, so you just need to select
; "Multiplayer" game and the server details will be filled
; in there already, so you just need to click "connect".
; This way you can reconnect faster to the server again in
; case of a disconnect.
; Note that without auto connection enabled, the "player"
; setting will be ignored as will be the Username from
; Hyperlobby, instead you will connect to the Server with
; the name selected from your Pilot's Roster in IL-2.
; There's one more "hidden" feature:
; You can also start IL-2 Hyperlobby Launcher directly,
; without starting it through Hyperlobby.
; In that case all you can do is select your game type
; and launch it, all server connection related features
; will be disabled automatically.
; 3 sample launch options for Modact Game below:
; Option 1: Modact 5.3, use Username "John Doe" and connect
; automatically to the Server
name=Modact 5.3, John Doe
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 Modact 5.3
player=John Doe
; Option 2: Modact 5.3, use Username "[ACME] John Doe" and
; connect automatically to the Server
name=Modact 5.3, [ACME] John Doe
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 Modact 5.3
player=[ACME] John Doe
; Option 3: Modact 5.3, connect manually to the Server
name=Modact 5.3, manual connect
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 Modact 5.3
; 3 more sample launch options, now for HSFX:
name=HSFX 7.0.2, John Doe
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 HSFX 7
player=John Doe
name=HSFX 7.0.2, [ACME] John Doe
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 HSFX 7
player=[ACME] John Doe
name=HSFX 7.0.2, manual connect
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 HSFX 7
; 3 more sample launch options, now for Ultrapack:
name=Ultrapack 3 RC4, John Doe
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 Ultrapack 3 RC
player=John Doe
name=Ultrapack 3 RC4, [ACME] John Doe
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 Ultrapack 3 RC
player=[ACME] John Doe
name=Ultrapack 3 RC4, manual connect
path=C:\IL2\IL-2 Ultrapack 3 RC
Best regards - Mike