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Author Topic: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain  (Read 35700 times)

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #72 on: July 27, 2014, 11:15:51 AM »

Just trying a few things out with mission 1 in regards to Reply #75 . I have discovered that the tiger moth causes the "Mission Failed:Null" . Anyone have any idea on why this is happening ?


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #73 on: July 30, 2014, 02:05:38 PM »

I think, as usual, I need some guidance.  All works fine except, but for some reason mission #8 won't.  I had the same problem with mission #4 (I think it was) but I just told it to apply and then I went on to the next one.  With #8 though, I was kinda looking forward to seeing that "Bolton" aircraft.  But when the mission appeared to have loaded, all I could see was a partly completed background scene at least I think that is what it was.  Any suggestions for the old guy needing help?  Thanks.

Hi Bob, As an old guy myself* I too had trouble with missions 5 and 8.  After much messing about, I changed my rank from Flight Sergeant to Flight Lieutenant, restarted the campaign, and all was well.  I would ask if Monty (God bless him for all his work) could look into this possible glitch?

*For your information, Bob, I was born in 1947!

All the best.

ol' Navy

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #74 on: July 30, 2014, 04:57:32 PM »

I think, as usual, I need some guidance.  All works fine except, but for some reason mission #8 won't.  I had the same problem with mission #4 (I think it was) but I just told it to apply and then I went on to the next one.  With #8 though, I was kinda looking forward to seeing that "Bolton" aircraft.  But when the mission appeared to have loaded, all I could see was a partly completed background scene at least I think that is what it was.  Any suggestions for the old guy needing help?  Thanks.

Hi Bob, As an old guy myself* I too had trouble with missions 5 and 8.  After much messing about, I changed my rank from Flight Sergeant to Flight Lieutenant, restarted the campaign, and all was well.  I would ask if Monty (God bless him for all his work) could look into this possible glitch?

*For your information, Bob, I was born in 1947!

All the best.

Damn Arjay, you are an old guy.  I was born  in 1942, and in about a month I will turn 72.  Getting old is hell isn't it?  I do appreciate your help though.  But now I am on something like mission #49 and I have still had some missions that won't load correctly.  Heck, I just skip over them even though it claims that my aircraft is lost.  Well, so am I (lost most of the time).  Thanks again.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #75 on: July 31, 2014, 12:12:24 AM »

Be aware that this kind of happenstance is quite common with this sim. A lot of campaigns come with the instruction to start at a certain rank, sometimes the lowest and sometimes the highest and this is because the campaigns are designed to put the player into a specific aircraft type when there are multi-type flights on the flightline. Monty normally recommends the lowest rank available but it can be a difficult situation to control at times with the game engine as it is.

It is something that the player just has to accept really I think. As Bob says, if it happens just move on to the next mission or refly the campaign from a different rank.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #76 on: July 31, 2014, 01:28:21 AM »

yes, IL2 has always been a game of 'work-arounds' for these niggly issues - none of them are showstoppers, you just need to use a bit of creative thinking ;)
i'm loving the campaign so far, no real issues - if i want to be nit-picky, i don't know why, but my side's planes (Blenheims, for example) all use the same skin, and this seems a bit silly, considering there are many skins made for the campaign, and yet they all use the same skin....anyone know why this happens?
as i said, it's no biggie, just a little niggle....
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #77 on: July 31, 2014, 01:57:46 AM »

That is interesting Malone, so you're saying that the squadron code identifications are all the same? Does this happen when you fly with the Hurricanes for example also? I certainly remember that with the Hurri each one of the flight had it's own skin, 'markings off'. I think it was the same for the Bleni flights too which means individual skins were employed.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #78 on: August 01, 2014, 02:44:02 PM »

It's been awhile since I have pestered you guys, but now I have a problem I don't know how to overcome (I'm sure this amazes you) - I have played the campaign up through mission #51.  I won't tell you how many a/c I have lost but that is another story.  Anyway, mission #52 starts and I have just a split second view of the front of my canopy, then my view magically switches to a long range view of me getting blown up, at least I assume it is me, still on the runway.  I say "long range view" and I am serious.  From way up in the air.  I don't even have time to touch a key or the mouse.  I haven't had a mission loading problem for some time, and this was a shock.  But previously I  just ended the problem mission and told it to apply, and then went to the next.  This won't let me.  Only option I am offered is to refly.  Same result, time after time.  I tried that mission in Single Missions but had the same result.  I'd like to just go on to mission #53, but I don't know how to get past this one.  Any advice is, as usual, appreciated. :)


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #79 on: August 01, 2014, 02:57:14 PM »

I didn't experience what you did Bob on Mission 52. I do know exactly what you mean however and I believe that the usual culprit is incorrect loadout. Why you would have that and not me for example I have no idea but it could be down to an error made whilst installing or activating one of the packs for example. Try to open that mission in the FMB and then save it, you don't need to fly it all. That is a trick that I learned from Poltava a while ago.

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #80 on: August 01, 2014, 05:41:31 PM »

I didn't experience what you did Bob on Mission 52. I do know exactly what you mean however and I believe that the usual culprit is incorrect loadout. Why you would have that and not me for example I have no idea but it could be down to an error made whilst installing or activating one of the packs for example. Try to open that mission in the FMB and then save it, you don't need to fly it all. That is a trick that I learned from Poltava a while ago.

Hey MD, as usual, thank you.  And I needed to do an addendum to my post.  Numbers 53 and 54 didn't work either.  Exact same result, except one took place either at night or bad weather (I can't remember which and it was just about an hour ago.  Sad).  I could get #55 to work.  But I could just do it in Single Missions obviously.  I will certainly try what you say.  Thanks again.

ol' Navy

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #81 on: August 02, 2014, 08:55:45 AM »

Your fix worked.  Thank you.  Now I need to try and play mission #53 later today.  My eyes won't allow me to play more than that a day.  They play out on me nowadays.  But while you are here, maybe you could answer a question posed earlier in the thread.  That beacon thing - I have never been able to hear one either.  I have realistic navigation turned on and keys for it to work, and it shows up on the screen.  What in your setup needs to be turned up/down for sounds to come out?  I also can hear the female controller fine.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #82 on: August 02, 2014, 09:38:16 AM »

Bob, for you to hear sounds in the cockpit you need the following:

Reaslistic navigation and assigned keys for previous and next beacon which you have I think AND you need to flick the switch in the sound options for 'Play Music'

Wav files to listen to in the Radio folder for each nation

An appropriate NDB on the map that you're flying on, they have a radius of around 100 km I understand.

In Monty's BoB there are such NDBs on almost every map so you just need to make sure that you activated his Music pack within JSGME

The radio beacons are a great bonus on the longer patrols, you may need to turn down the engine volume a little to be able to hear the tracks well. Enjoy!

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #83 on: August 02, 2014, 06:51:18 PM »

Bob, for you to hear sounds in the cockpit you need the following:

Reaslistic navigation and assigned keys for previous and next beacon which you have I think AND you need to flick the switch in the sound options for 'Play Music'

Wav files to listen to in the Radio folder for each nation

An appropriate NDB on the map that you're flying on, they have a radius of around 100 km I understand.

In Monty's BoB there are such NDBs on almost every map so you just need to make sure that you activated his Music pack within JSGME

The radio beacons are a great bonus on the longer patrols, you may need to turn down the engine volume a little to be able to hear the tracks well. Enjoy!

I didn't have the aforementioned music pack enabled, but I have done that now.  You mentioned turning down the engine volume a little.  Pardon the ignorance again, but which "knob" is it that you turn to do that.  I don't think I have really ever understood what each of those four or five knobs do in relation to the game.  I was always pretty sure that the top master volume one controlled pretty much everything, but the rest of them - well, I just didn't know or I have forgotten.  Thanks.
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