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Author Topic: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain  (Read 35703 times)

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ol' Navy

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2014, 07:01:30 PM »

Hey Bob,

             I must encourage you to give the FMB a whirl. It is very very satisfying to put a mission together , even a simple one , and have it come off well. I can tell you that my impression of you from reading your threads from time to time over a long period is you are likely to be very much drawn in to the FMB once you get started.
I remember how very intimidating I found that big blue empty screen when I first started opening it up.
Now I enjoy plotting missions almost as much as I enjoy flying.
There are lots of great tutorials out there too.
Kiwi Biggles  tutorials are really interesting and well written.

Good Luck Bob.


Thank you for that.  Your vote of confidence, although it may not be warranted, is appreciated.  I may do as you say and give it a try.  But in the interim, could you give me a hint on how I might find out what the "player plane" is in one of those missions?  I can get into the mission using FMB, but then when I get to the map I see a whole bunch of lines and waypoints and objects and I can't figure out which would be the player plane.  And I do have just one more question if you'll bear with me  - if a mission seems to be fouled up on my campaign, wouldn't it be messed up on everyone else's also?  We all have the same download, do we not?  Are these issues PC related? Thanks again for your help.  Any advice you guys give is always much appreciated. 


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2014, 09:02:54 PM »

Nearly twenty missions into the campaign and I have reflown plenty of them quite a few times just for the replay factor. Of note I think is the quality of the airfield environment - I find myself busting my balls to get back to at least one of the satellite airfields for the warm fuzzy feeling of welcome that they give on return. The scramble missions out of Biggin Hill are wonderful. It's great to be back in 32 Sqn skins, I loved that trio of campaigns from Compans where I learnt to fly the Hurricane in close formation. The immersion of the flying is close to that of CloD and that is a complement for sure.

This is going to rate as one of  the very best campaigns for this  flight sim and it shines through as a labour of love from Monty, who has clearly had his creative juices flowing like crazy on this  one. Bloody good show! 8)


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2014, 10:01:16 PM »

OK Bob,
(and please consult other opinions as well , as other people may focus on different things than me)

In order to find out which is the player aircraft in the FMB , open the mission .
If you are lucky , you may spot the player flight by a little flag sticking out of the top of
a waypoint.
Aircraft waypoints are circular. Other chiefs (vehicles , ships etc) are not.
When you click on a waypoint , the flightpath will flash.
Click the "View" button in the top right of the menu tab at the top of the screen.
If you are not lucky , you will need to click on one waypoint of each flight at a time.
When you click on a waypoint a submenu will  appear with the tabs :
Properties , Waypoints , Waypoint Options and one numbered tab for each aircraft in the flight ( a max of 4 is allowed by the game).
Click on the tabs for each aircraft one at a time.
As soon as you open the aircraft tab , there will be a small white square with "Player" beside it. If this box has a checkmark in it , it is the player aircraft.
If you click on an empty white box , you must beware that you are selecting the current aircraft as the player aircraft , and will affect the mission significantly - the player will now fly an aircraft unintended by the designer. If this is in a campaign this will likely produce a whole string of problems , but experienced campaign designers will need to speak to this.




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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2014, 02:28:08 AM »

Nearly twenty missions into the campaign and I have reflown plenty of them quite a few times just for the replay factor. Of note I think is the quality of the airfield environment - I find myself busting my balls to get back to at least one of the satellite airfields for the warm fuzzy feeling of welcome that they give on return. The scramble missions out of Biggin Hill are wonderful. It's great to be back in 32 Sqn skins, I loved that trio of campaigns from Compans where I learnt to fly the Hurricane in close formation. The immersion of the flying is close to that of CloD and that is a complement for sure.

This is going to rate as one of  the very best campaigns for this  flight sim and it shines through as a labour of love from Monty, who has clearly had his creative juices flowing like crazy on this  one. Bloody good show! 8)
Thanks for a good review Euan.  There is a growing band who 'get' what I'm trying to present.  Your scrutiny, and friendship over some years now, makes the work worthwhile. 

This is a campaign I have revisited several times now and its good to get it this far alongside all that 412 has to offer. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #28 on: June 29, 2014, 02:40:06 AM »

Excuse my ignorance, but are the human figures in the screenshots included, or are they a separate mod/ addon?
All those guys are in TFM-412, along with a host of new functions, vehicles and aircraft.  If you have TFM-412 then you will see everything in those in those screenshots.  The figures are actually static scenes but they work well as you taxi past them and turn your head to look. 

Some of the aircraft parked around the scenery employ the usual static FMB method, others will taxi around the airfield!  These wartime airstrips were busy places and placing all those vehicles and people is at least as important as the rest of the flying part of any mission.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2014, 05:39:30 AM »

super, super stuff! a big thanks to Simon, and all others who contributed to give us such great entertainment, great job all round! :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2014, 06:38:27 AM »

Thank you very much for the answer Monty. It is all about immersion, and Spitfires! :)


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2014, 09:25:08 AM »

OK, OK, I'm sold, LOL.  Where is the post/instruction for modding 4.12 to TFM???


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2014, 10:20:30 AM »

OK, OK, I'm sold, LOL.  Where is the post/instruction for modding 4.12 to TFM???


ol' Navy

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2014, 05:36:54 PM »

Hi Bob

Kopfdorfer is giving good pointers there.

As to your question about everyone having the problem, yes we would if it was the mission where the error was.

I suspect that, we need to find out, a plane is your problem...the Defiant.

Can you fly the Defiant in QMB? If so is the Defiant the player plane in mission 8 on your rig?

You may be experiencing a corrupted file which is easily repaired by a redownload of the missions but then you lose your progress so I am avoiding that for the moment.

There are a lot of possibilities which I could check quite quickly on my own system but take time to describe.

Keep posting and we will find the cause.

Edit: Bob, I think I just realised the cause and possible solution for your problem.

You say before you loaded 26 & 27 packs you tried the missions, there was a message, you accepted, the mission loaded and you had a strange screen.

I think what happened then was the mission was saved with incorrect information in the mission file.

Now you have 26 & 27 activated all you should need to do to fix the missions is, if you still have the original zip file, unpack just mission 5 & 8 and replace the ones in your game with originals.

This way you repair the errors but you should not lose your progress.

Of course I am assessing this problem from a distance so I may be wrong, don't take my advice a gospel!
Good luck :)

Hamm, I tried it.  Copying the missions 5 and 8 from the download into my game (..../missions/campaign/GB/1940 Battle of Briitain) and let it overwrite the two that were already there, but I still get the "snow storm" when I try to play them. Could I ask you.....where are the saved missions kept in the game folder?  Should I try to get rid of it?  And oh yeah, I was able to fly the Defiant in QMB.  It is just really really embarrassing to seemingly be the only one having problems with this.  I notice Mad Dog said he had played twenty missions and apparently he has had no such difficulties.  I guess I will just skip over those two missions and hope that the problem doesn't happen again.  It really isn't such a big deal I don't guess.  I'd just get shot down anyway.  But I do like to at least look at the game the way others seem to do.  Thank you very much for trying to help me out.  I appreciate your time and patience.

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #34 on: June 30, 2014, 05:26:19 AM »

Well Bob I'm stumped!

I'll be honest, I have no idea where or how campaigns save your progress, not my field.

The Defiant flies and you copied over the missions fresh, you are up to 27 in the TFM.

If it was me I would delete the ongoing campaign in game and start over but that's the amateur speaking.

Sorry I couldn't help more.

Edit: Actually there is more I can do.

Starting with mission 8, could you open the mission file in notepad and copy the entire text then paste it in a PM to me so I can compare it to my working copy.

That way I can check for errors in the mission and if there are none we will know the problem is elsewhere.


I'll do it Hamm, later today probably.  Gonna go play golf this morning, and grandkids are here so I don't have a whole lot of free time today.  But thanks for the offer.  Now if I can figure out the PM thing you mentioned.  Thanks.

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #35 on: June 30, 2014, 03:57:25 PM »

Nice work.  I've been looking for a BoB campaign for 4.12.  Thanks.
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