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Author Topic: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain  (Read 35704 times)

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ol' Navy

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2014, 10:13:49 AM »

The Defiant flies and you copied over the missions fresh, you are up to 27 in the TFM.

I'll do it Hamm, later today probably.  Gonna go play golf this morning, and grandkids are here so I don't have a whole lot of free time today.  But thanks for the offer.  Now if I can figure out the PM thing you mentioned.  Thanks.

OK Bob

I looked at the mis file and it looked all right so I replaced my copy with yours and it works in my setup.

So the conclusion of that is that the mission is not where the problem lies.

And we know your Defiant works so...

Does your Defiant gunner work? Can you jump in the gunner seat and fire? Does the AI for the gunner work?

I really am grasping at straws here. This problem looks like a missing air.ini or missing cockpit problem to me but if your Defiant works I cant see why the mission would not work for you.

I'm back to my delete the campaign and start again with a fresh download suggestion.

Sorry, I'm stumped.

Well, regarding your question about the Defiant gunner.  When I hit C on my keyboard, all I get is a black screen.  Then, when I move my mouse, the view shows up and I am able to fire the weapons.  But then when I hit c again I am back with the pilot view, hit C again and it is back to the black screen until I move the mouse.  This was all in QMB of course.  Does this indicate a problem?  Did you read what I had done lately, in the reply I think I sent you in the PM?  And, when I set up the campaign, I always set it up as "Easy" since I have such a hard time now with eyes and other stuff.  Is there something there I should do differently?  Just "grasping at straws" I guess.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2014, 12:57:54 PM »

The Defiant flies and you copied over the missions fresh, you are up to 27 in the TFM.

I'll do it Hamm, later today probably.  Gonna go play golf this morning, and grandkids are here so I don't have a whole lot of free time today.  But thanks for the offer.  Now if I can figure out the PM thing you mentioned.  Thanks.

Bob, I've followed your problem with Mission 8 and I suspect your installation is corrupted, either the campaign download or one or more of Monty's TFM-412 packs maybe the one that has the British aircraft included). I've tested the BOB missions, including #8, and had no problems. I noticed that others here have had corrupted file problems.

I suggest you do this:
1) Delete the BOB campaign
2) Re-download the re-install the campaign.
3) Test mission #8 using "Single Missions" for GB.
4) If the mission is still corrupted, post back here and we'll continue.
Good Luck!

OK Bob

I looked at the mis file and it looked all right so I replaced my copy with yours and it works in my setup.

So the conclusion of that is that the mission is not where the problem lies.

And we know your Defiant works so...

Does your Defiant gunner work? Can you jump in the gunner seat and fire? Does the AI for the gunner work?

I really am grasping at straws here. This problem looks like a missing air.ini or missing cockpit problem to me but if your Defiant works I cant see why the mission would not work for you.

I'm back to my delete the campaign and start again with a fresh download suggestion.

Sorry, I'm stumped.

Well, regarding your question about the Defiant gunner.  When I hit C on my keyboard, all I get is a black screen.  Then, when I move my mouse, the view shows up and I am able to fire the weapons.  But then when I hit c again I am back with the pilot view, hit C again and it is back to the black screen until I move the mouse.  This was all in QMB of course.  Does this indicate a problem?  Did you read what I had done lately, in the reply I think I sent you in the PM?  And, when I set up the campaign, I always set it up as "Easy" since I have such a hard time now with eyes and other stuff.  Is there something there I should do differently?  Just "grasping at straws" I guess.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2014, 11:27:48 AM »

The Defiant flies and you copied over the missions fresh, you are up to 27 in the TFM.

I'll do it Hamm, later today probably.  Gonna go play golf this morning, and grandkids are here so I don't have a whole lot of free time today.  But thanks for the offer.  Now if I can figure out the PM thing you mentioned.  Thanks.

OK Bob

I looked at the mis file and it looked all right so I replaced my copy with yours and it works in my setup.

So the conclusion of that is that the mission is not where the problem lies.

And we know your Defiant works so...

Does your Defiant gunner work? Can you jump in the gunner seat and fire? Does the AI for the gunner work?

I really am grasping at straws here. This problem looks like a missing air.ini or missing cockpit problem to me but if your Defiant works I cant see why the mission would not work for you.

I'm back to my delete the campaign and start again with a fresh download suggestion.

Sorry, I'm stumped.

Well, regarding your question about the Defiant gunner.  When I hit C on my keyboard, all I get is a black screen.  Then, when I move my mouse, the view shows up and I am able to fire the weapons.  But then when I hit c again I am back with the pilot view, hit C again and it is back to the black screen until I move the mouse.  This was all in QMB of course.  Does this indicate a problem?  Did you read what I had done lately, in the reply I think I sent you in the PM?  And, when I set up the campaign, I always set it up as "Easy" since I have such a hard time now with eyes and other stuff.  Is there something there I should do differently?  Just "grasping at straws" I guess.

Bob, the Defiant is a semi-franken mod that provides a player/pilot and an independant AI gunner.  We are all so used to flying a very heavily modded sim these days, so far removed from the sparse 'official' packages of the old dark ages, that we sometimes forget; this is all modified code.  This sim has been stretched, tweaked and expanded way beyond its 10 year shelf-life and, thanks to the modders, there is still nothing that can hold a candle to it. 

Features and details are going to vary.  The Defiant is a beautiful add-on, so what if it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the standard game.  The AI gunner works very well without interference from the player.  If that's how Ectoflyer and CWatson put it together, I for one am very grateful for their efforts and very pleased to see it over Southern England in 1940.

I'm sorry you are having problems with some of TFM-412, I will have a good read through the thread again tomorrow and see if anything else comes to mind.  I reckon we need to get you up on Skype, then we would sort you out quickly!  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2014, 02:24:20 AM »

Some of these missions are truly excellent. I like the way that missions have been constructed to take advantage  of extra functionality provided by such mods as VisualMod8. One of the recent scrambles from Lympne took me and the rest of 32 Sqn on an intercept with a gaggle of Ju-87s and after dishing out a good thrashing to the Hun, I still had time to RTB, R&R and get back up to provide CAP against the late arriving snappers! Wizard! ;D And still got home in time for tea!

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2014, 01:59:54 PM »

Bob, the Defiant is a semi-franken mod that provides a player/pilot and an independant AI gunner.  We are all so used to flying a very heavily modded sim these days, so far removed from the sparse 'official' packages of the old dark ages, that we sometimes forget; this is all modified code.  This sim has been stretched, tweaked and expanded way beyond its 10 year shelf-life and, thanks to the modders, there is still nothing that can hold a candle to it.

Features and details are going to vary.  The Defiant is a beautiful add-on, so what if it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the standard game.  The AI gunner works very well without interference from the player.  If that's how Ectoflyer and CWatson put it together, I for one am very grateful for their efforts and very pleased to see it over Southern England in 1940.

I'm sorry you are having problems with some of TFM-412, I will have a good read through the thread again tomorrow and see if anything else comes to mind.  I reckon we need to get you up on Skype, then we would sort you out quickly!  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

I asked one of my daughters in law about what Skype was, and she said that you need a camera or speaker or something to do that.  I don't have one.  My wife doesn't really get too enthused about buying stuff for my PC.  I was able to get Windows 8.1 'cause it was free.  I'm hell on free stuff.  I do appreciate you guys helping me with all this.  You fellers are really, really smart and talented so I just accept that fact and kinda try to go about my merry way.  An example is these missions.  I'm certain that I haven't enabled something or other is why I am having trouble, and I'll just live with it.  It just really makes me feel stupid when everyone else seems to do well with a campaign/mod, whatever, and I can't.  Then I think about it and I understand.  Again, thank you for having patience, and for your help.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2014, 02:37:40 PM »


Don't get down hearted at all mate. You'd be wrong to think that TFM-412 works flawlessly in every regard and respect for everyone else but you. There are all kinds of little glitches and things that are not perfect but I don't let that bother me at all. I would expect that such a huge piece of work as a TFM is going to have to go through a process of snagging just like anything else. Take the Boulton Paul Defiant for example. When you look at it in QMB it is clearly a frankenstein aircraft, a cut and shut of various other aircraft parts. The genuine article can be seen in CloD and looks so much better but that doesn't detract from the fact that the skilled modders have produced something that wasn't there before. It works in my install as long as I am in the cockpit but I can't change to the rear gunner position - I just get a black screen. Same happens with the rear gunner position of the newly added Lancaster III.  Doesn't bother me, I use what I can. The beauty of this sim is that there is just  so much stuff to choose from, so what if a few small details aren't quite right. It isn't surprising when you consider just how far from the original sim we are - TFM-412 The Next Level is another world away from the stock version. We who chose to modify our installs do so at our own risk of some stuff not working quite right and we accept that of course.

Why not disregard the parts that don't seem to work for you and enjoy the flying of the parts that work fine and as they should? All the missions can be played as Singles so you can pick and choose. For me the important thing with this campaign is to sense something of the times and experience the atmosphere of the flying. Monty's skills as a creative artist are self-evident here and his love for his subject shines through. I would urge you Bob to concentrate on the positive aspects of what you can get from this work, jump in and taste the Battle of Britain and simply ignore the odd hiccup along the way.

This is simply the finest Battle of Britain campaign out for any flight simulator that I have seen. It easily bests the scripted campaigns within CloD and I feel very grateful to be able to enjoy such a richly painted canvas as this. Now don't just stand there, get one up Bob!

ol' Navy

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2014, 06:33:04 PM »


Don't get down hearted at all mate. You'd be wrong to think that TFM-412 works flawlessly in every regard and respect for everyone else but you. There are all kinds of little glitches and things that are not perfect but I don't let that bother me at all. I would expect that such a huge piece of work as a TFM is going to have to go through a process of snagging just like anything else. Take the Boulton Paul Defiant for example. When you look at it in QMB it is clearly a frankenstein aircraft, a cut and shut of various other aircraft parts. The genuine article can be seen in CloD and looks so much better but that doesn't detract from the fact that the skilled modders have produced something that wasn't there before. It works in my install as long as I am in the cockpit but I can't change to the rear gunner position - I just get a black screen. Same happens with the rear gunner position of the newly added Lancaster III.  Doesn't bother me, I use what I can. The beauty of this sim is that there is just  so much stuff to choose from, so what if a few small details aren't quite right. It isn't surprising when you consider just how far from the original sim we are - TFM-412 The Next Level is another world away from the stock version. We who chose to modify our installs do so at our own risk of some stuff not working quite right and we accept that of course.

Why not disregard the parts that don't seem to work for you and enjoy the flying of the parts that work fine and as they should? All the missions can be played as Singles so you can pick and choose. For me the important thing with this campaign is to sense something of the times and experience the atmosphere of the flying. Monty's skills as a creative artist are self-evident here and his love for his subject shines through. I would urge you Bob to concentrate on the positive aspects of what you can get from this work, jump in and taste the Battle of Britain and simply ignore the odd hiccup along the way.

This is simply the finest Battle of Britain campaign out for any flight simulator that I have seen. It easily bests the scripted campaigns within CloD and I feel very grateful to be able to enjoy such a richly painted canvas as this. Now don't just stand there, get one up Bob!

Yeah, I have pretty much decided to do as you say.  It was just bothering the heck out of me that I couldn't get the silly thing to work.  I had even gone back and disabled all the mods back to #14, redownloaded them, reenabled them up through #27, reinstalled the campaign, and it still was a no go.  I'm not sure what else I can do.  But.....now I am up to like mission 17 and it is all working the way it should.  I'm hoping for the best.  Thanks.


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2014, 06:53:19 PM »

What parts do you like particularly Bob? Are you taking advantage of the VisualMod8 so you can jump to another aircraft and fly that if you need to, or you can Rearm & Refuel to get back into the air and continue the furball?

I am having a ball with this campaign currently. Into Phase Two and flying the SpitIIa out of Biggin Hill with 610 Sqn. All these mods are really coming together well with this TFM. Corker! ;D


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2014, 03:20:59 AM »

Thank You for the campaign, I have played the first 6 missions and it's excellent.
I had no idea IL2 had been modded with such care and passion to achieve these high standards until joining the forum a few days ago.

I do have 2 issues associated with this mod...

The 7th mission will not work for me, at the very start of the mission, the 3 hurricanes and 3 Beaufort aircraft fly over and then I get a freeze and crash to desk top.
Any idea what could be causing this to happen?

Also around airfields I experience very low frame rates.. sometimes dropping to 16 fps.
Perhaps this is due to the amount of objects in the area, or my ATI graphics card running opengl.
I usually achieve 45-50 frames in the air most of the time... my rig isn't brilliant, but I thought a frame rate as 16 was unusually.

AMD phenom 2 quad core 3.6gb
ATI radeon 7850gb 2gb
Ram 8gb

Thanks once again. :)

Oh, I have TFM412 installed up to 27.




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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #45 on: July 06, 2014, 08:11:24 AM »

Yes, the aerodromes do contain a lot of objects and each aircraft in the sky is another one so on heavy raids for instance there is a lot of pressure on our systems and even my ubermachine has intermittent hiccups with fps. This is to be expected with such a heavily modded install of IL-2. To help yourself, you can make sure that you are compressing textures, confirm you have CompressTexture=2 in your conf.ini. You could overclock the graphics card or dial down some of the OpenGL settings. To a certain extent it's just something that we have to live with. This game engine was never designed to be pushed this far so we will see it stumble now and then.

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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #46 on: July 06, 2014, 08:41:04 AM »

What parts do you like particularly Bob? Are you taking advantage of the VisualMod8 so you can jump to another aircraft and fly that if you need to, or you can Rearm & Refuel to get back into the air and continue the furball?

I am having a ball with this campaign currently. Into Phase Two and flying the SpitIIa out of Biggin Hill with 610 Sqn. All these mods are really coming together well with this TFM. Corker! ;D

I do enjoy the whole thing.  Graphics, to me, are pretty outstanding.  I think it is pretty cool having people on the field.  You have mentioned our PCs and their limitations.  I don't have hardly any pauses even over cities. I always worry about that, and not having the computing power to run my game effectively.  My PC is pretty much made up of hand me down parts from my grandkids computers, but I gotta say I do end up with some pretty good ones I think.  Now if my eyes were just a little better (trifocals are a bitch) and my hands less shaky so I could plug all those damn little connectors in. 


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Re: TFM-412 The Battle of Britain
« Reply #47 on: July 06, 2014, 09:36:57 AM »

I had a look in the config.ini and the only line I saw similar to the one you suggested was this, under directx and opengl

TexCompress=0 I changed this line to 2 with no increase in frames around the airfields.
However do you think I should keep this line as 2 rather than 0?

I'll attempt to gain a few frames altering a few opengl settings also..
But yes, I understand what you meant by IL2 not being originally made to handle the large amounts of content.
I'm happy with the over all performance tho' good frame rates and very little stuttering anywhere else... so far.
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