Love this plane, but can't get the PTO loadouts on the A-26B version.
Is there a fix for this? I would be grateful.
The answer has already been given!
Try post #73 or #90, I think that's what you are looking for... from scanning the posts it the only thing I have seen for ordnance... 73 for the B and 90 for the K.............
# A-26B
A-26B.default Default
A-26B.6x500lbs 6x 500lbs Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs 16x 100lbs Bombs
A-26B.2xMk13 2x Mk13 Torpedos
A-26B.14xHVAR5 14x HVAR 5" Rockets
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm 10x HVAR 5" + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.10xHVAR5+2x154DT 10x HVAR 5" + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.4x1000lbs+10xHVAR5 10x HVAR 5" + 4x 1000lbs Bombs
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5 10x HVAR 5" + 6x 500lbs
A-26B.6x500lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm 10x HVAR 5" + 6x 500lbs + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5 10x HVAR 5" + 16x 100lbs Bombs
A-26B.16x100lbs+10xHVAR5+2x175Napalm 10x HVAR 5" + 16x 100lbs + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.4x500lbsExternal+10xHVAR5 10x HVAR 5" + 4x 500lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.4x250lbsExternal+10xHVAR5 10x HVAR 5" + 4x 250lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.4x100lbsExternal+10xHVAR5 10x HVAR 5" + 4x 100lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExternal 6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (External)
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExt+2x154DT 6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (Ext) + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.6x500lbs+4x500lbsExt+2x175Napalm 6x 500lbs + 4x 500lbs Bombs (Ext) + 2x 175gal. Napalm
A-26B.2x154DT+4x1000lbs 4x 1000lbs Bombs + 2x 154gal.
A-26B.PTO_Default Default (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_8xHVAR5 8x HVAR 5" Rockets (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_2x154DT+8xHVAR5 8x HVAR 5" + 2x 154gal. (PTO).................. this is for a future 4.09 only because it does not work in 4.12.2 HSFX 7.0.2 so I deleted them
A-26B.PTO_4x1000lbs 4x 1000lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_6x500lbs 6x 500lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.PTO_16x100lbs 16x 100lbs Bombs (PTO)
A-26B.none Empty
But like they said before, the A-26.none does not show up either when you put it at the end of the infact you will see 6 different entries that say External, but there is only one in game.
and it looks like this, which can't be right.............

Good luck!