I figure if you truly don't want your work plagiarized... well, you shouldn't put it in the Internet. But if you do, put your big boy (or girl) pants on and deal with it.

OK... I'll behave. In truth, some of my mods have already been incorporated in most large packs most times without request, and most times without credit. But I have not lost sleep over it.
Following the spirit of this thread I, in *extremely* mild manner, give the right to any person to use my Java-based IL-2 mods (including aircraft, vehicles, QMB templates), as well as any mission files I authored (.mis, .properties), to create their own mods with full rights to do whatever they want, as long as they understand that any resulting damage, to include famine, and major world disasters, are not my responsibility. A mention of my name in the credits would be appreciated, of course.
I think I capture my mods below:
http://www.uberdemon.net/dzzmods/UD_SuperAddOn0001ForUP30RC4.pdf (Flyable G-11 & Me-321, IL-2 Field Mod with playable gunner, Weapon Mods (Super Fw-190F-8, Recce versions or certain planes, Hurricane Mods, IL-2 Mods, Fw-190D mods, Ki-43 mods, Bf-109 mods, Ju-87 mods, etc))
http://www.uberdemon.net/dzzmods/UD_FCLFLAddon0001ForUP30RC4.pdf (Forgotten Latinos)
* UQMI batch files
* Jeep Gunner project
Best Regards,
UberDemon (AKA Demon, AKA danzigzag, AKA DZZ)