Department of Aircraft Production [Australia]
It`s a smal Modifikation of the Beaufighter Mk21 already in the game. I made it for my own fun but perhaps You like it too:
1] B-Stand with Vikers MG (very often Australien Beaus had this feature by fieldmod.) I always wanted to have it in the game ;-)
2] new loadoud better suited for ground pounding
The additional Mk_71, M_26 I borrowed of
Storebrors Jugs Reloaded Pack
The 108 Tanks are made by
Kumpel or
CrazyflakDefault-skin by
HayateAnto`s Rockets
PA_Jeronimo: 3d-Parts for engines, spinners, cowlings etc.
So many helped me with 1000 little things I hope I did not forgett someone :
MaloneTested in 4.12 with latest Modact ! in 4.10 the new loadout is only partially usable

Version 1.3 with additional loadout (US-Bombs, Napalm ..)
# BeaufighterDAP
BeaufighterDAP.default Default
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs 2x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.2x500lbs 2x500lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.4x250lbs 4x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.2x500lbs+2x250lbs 2x500lbs+2x250lbs.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.8x60lbsRP 8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs+8x60lbsRP 2x250lbs.Bombs+8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.8x90lbsRP 8x90lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbs+8X25lbsAS 2x250lbs.Bombs+8X25lbs.AS.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.Torpedo_13a 1xType Mk13 Torpedo
BeaufighterDAP.8x25lbsAS 8x25lbs.AP Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.4xFragmentbombs_M17 4xM17 Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.LR_8x60lbsRP LR_8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.Torpedo_13a_late 1xType Mk13(late) Torpedo
BeaufighterDAP.2xFragmentbombs_M17+8x60lbsRP 2xM17 Bombs+8x60lbs.RP.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x20Fragclusters_M26 2x20_M26 Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.2xNapalm 2x175Gal Napalm
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbsus+8X25lbsAS 2x250lbs.Bombs US+8X25lbs.AS.Rockets
BeaufighterDAP.2x250lbsus+2x500lbsus 2x500lbs US + 2x250lbs US.Bombs
BeaufighterDAP.none Empty
FIX for "Mission Loading Null ..." Error for 90lbs RP`s (07.10.2015)
BeaufighterDAP air.DAPBEAU 1 NOINFO au01 SUMMER