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Author Topic: loading order of Mods - influence on classfiles  (Read 3356 times)

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loading order of Mods - influence on classfiles
« on: August 02, 2014, 02:08:48 AM »

quick question, since i haven't found any answers to this.

is the loading order of mods withing the #sas folder determined by the actual file name of the mod folder?

Code: [Select]
so in this example !00_modb will get loaded first and after that 00_moda, correct?

now for the important part of my question:

how does this influence classfiles IF there are 2 classfiles with the SAME filename (but different content) in 2 different mod folders?

example for clarification

Code: [Select]

2 different mods use the same class file (XYZ123) but each edited it slightly differently.

i am asking this because i had problems with adding JapanCats MergeEffects mod to my TFM 4.12 install. it turned out it shares some classfiles with the sas engine mod and makes the game crash to desktop as soon as a bullet hits an aircraft (it has bullet hit effects...)... (i cross tested this with my backup modact installation without TFM. where it worked fine)

now i renamed the JapanCat MergeEffects folder to !000_Mergeeffects so that it is listed ABOVE the sas engine mod folder... and now the effects seem to work and the game does NOT crash, but i am worried that now some parts of sas engine mod are not working correctly maybe?

am i overthinking? complexifying? paranoid?

cheers, deci.



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Re: loading order of Mods - influence on classfiles
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2014, 02:49:54 AM »

ok found my answer.... so basically the mod that is loaded first.. "works" the other will probably crash your game  ;)

when loading japancat merge effects first, the effects work, but flying jets which use more in-depth sas engine mod feautures will be bugged and occasionally CTD.

when loading sas engine mod first, the jets work, but bullets (7.7mm for example) which use japancat merge effects will make the game CTD...

so no hope to get the effects on TFM without japanCat releasing a special sas engine mod compatible version i guess...

ps: thanks to malone for taking the time to help me with this in chat too :)


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Re: loading order of Mods - influence on classfiles
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2014, 03:08:31 AM »

am i overthinking? complexifying? paranoid?

probably, but just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you.. ;)
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Re: loading order of Mods - influence on classfiles
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2014, 10:09:05 AM »

how does this influence classfiles IF there are 2 classfiles with the SAME filename (but different content) in 2 different mod folders?

I asked Mike (Storebro) about duplicate classfiles in Feb 2014.

His answer was this (in german, so I try to translate):

Der wrapper (also die Bibliothek "wrapper.dll") scannt beim Systemstart die Unterordner des MODS-, #SAS-, #UP#- oder #DBW-Ordners (bis auf die, die mit einem "-" im Namen beginnen, diese werden übersprungen) und erstellt eine Liste der darin vorhandenen Dateien.

Der Scan findet in alphabetischer Reihenfolge statt.

Am Ende werden Duplikate aussortiert. Wer im Alphabet vorne steht, bleibt bestehen, die anderen werden schlicht behandelt, als würden sie nicht existieren.

Das trifft nicht nur auf classfiles zu, sondern auf alle Dateien, die sich im Mods-Ordner befinden.

The wrapper (the library "wrapper.dll") scans at startup the subfolders
of the MODS-, #SAS-, #UP#- or #DBW-folder
(except for the ones with a "-" at begin of the name: these are skipped)
and creates a list of all existing files in that folder.

The scan will take place in alphabetical order.

At the end duplicates are discarded.
Who is ahead in alphabet, remains;
the others are simply treated as if they do not exist.
(remark Gerax: what means: they are not executed by the game,
every function etc. in this discarded classfiles is lost!)

This is true not only for classfiles, but for all files that are located
in the #SAS-, #UP#- oder #DBW-folder.

Extra info:

In old "Files" folder there are no subfolders for single mods,
so there are no duplicate classfiles.

But its another thing in SFS files:

Dort gibt es Duplikate.

Die Lade-Reihenfolge für SFS-Archive wird in der .rc-Datei festgelegt, Ausnahme ist der "SFS_AUTO" Ordner, darin enthaltene SFS-Archive werden automatisch in alphabetischer Reihenfolge geladen.

Für Dateien in SFS-Archive gilt, umgekehrt zum Mods-Ordner, dass die Version der Duplikate erhalten bleibt, die zuletzt geladen wurde, alle anderen werden ignoriert.

There are duplicates.

The load order for SFS archives is set in the .rc file (in STD folder),
exception is the SFS_AUTO folder, there the SFS archives
are loaded in alphabetical order automatically.

Files (like classfiles etc.) in SFS archives are treated different
as the files in #SAS-, #UP#- oder #DBW-folder:

Here the last loaded version of duplicate files remains,
(and will be executed by the game), all others are ignored.

Many thanks to Mike for the explanations, hope this helps.  ;)
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Re: loading order of Mods - influence on classfiles
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2014, 05:10:58 PM »

The lesson here; do not alter the mounting order of SFS files in the .rc file! There are multiple instances of duplicate files scattered among the SFS files, and if your mods do not contain such a file (which automatically is assigned priority), you coyld end up using an older version.
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Re: loading order of Mods - influence on classfiles
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2014, 09:49:26 PM »

great info right there, thanks for rounding up the info and even giving the google translations... i have to admit though.. german would have been fine. being from germany and such. haha. thanks for the effort!

with this and many hours reading around here and installing TFM now i have a much better understanding of how modding il-2 works,before last week the only "mods" i ever used for il-2 were additional skins for my standard aircraft :)

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