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Author Topic: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1  (Read 31983 times)

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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2015, 12:08:13 PM »

Not until the patch 414 because in the patch 413 it reads:

New AI planes
• Ju 88 A-1
• Ju 88 A-5
• Ju 88 A-6
• Ju 88 C-2 (C-1 ?)

New Flyable Planes
• Ju 88 A-5 Late
• Ju 88 P-1
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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2017, 03:41:52 PM »

Yes, of course. Pls find it attached.


It is mix of excellent Ju-88 pack of yt2 for 4.12 and its version for 4.09 of Epervier.

I hope it may be useful.

Thank you! This and the He-111s pack are a must have imo. Btw, I can confirm this works with the VP Modpack.
My YouTube channel - https://goo.gl/6BYvMt


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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #38 on: September 19, 2018, 01:04:54 PM »

Sorry guys it maybe anywhere else in this forum but are the four AI only Ju88s flyable at last?


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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #39 on: October 11, 2018, 05:27:54 PM »

How to make cockpit for A-4 work for A-1, A-5 and A-6? Probably I do not understand the core of how the cockpit works, but copying and renaming the A-4 cockpit folders gave nothing with A-1, A-5 and A-6 (like Ju-88A-1, Ju-88A-1BGun etc.). The issue must be more complicated as I understood ((


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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2018, 03:21:30 AM »

How to make cockpit for A-4 work for A-1, A-5 and A-6? Probably I do not understand the core of how the cockpit works, but copying and renaming the A-4 cockpit folders gave nothing with A-1, A-5 and A-6 (like Ju-88A-1, Ju-88A-1BGun etc.). The issue must be more complicated as I understood
There's a sorcerer's apprentice!  :D   ;)
Copy and rename folders and get what you want? It's a little too simple otherwise ALL AI planes could be piloted in a few minutes!

You forget the essential! What is the Java code used for?
Maybe to tell the plane that it has a cockpit and that it will find it in a specific folder.  ;)
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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2018, 04:13:08 AM »

 :P Thank you for explanation!!! Of course, I had no idea about this java code and what is it for  ;D  Even how it looks and where is licated  ;D
Is it a huge job to make cockpit for A-4 work with A-1, A-5 and A-6?


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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2018, 05:10:17 AM »

The biggest difficulties in modding are:
- the desire
- the time
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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #43 on: October 12, 2018, 05:24:48 AM »

I will never manage to do this myself, cause I am not a modder, nor a professional, just user. I even do not know what is java classes. The only thing I can do is creation of missions  ;D. Now am very interested in creating missions of Battle for Britain 1940 with beatiful Channel Map. That's why would like to have Ju-88A-1, A-5 and A-6, which were engaged in 1940 to have everything historically correct.  :) Eh, as far as I understood it will take the modder to much time to make them be flyable. Now at least I learned the things how cockpits work! Many thanks for your help!!!


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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2018, 02:57:47 PM »

Don't fell bad Marat, you're not the only one . The only java I know come with cream and sugar!


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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #45 on: November 01, 2018, 01:30:33 PM »

I will never manage to do this myself, cause I am not a modder, nor a professional, just user. I even do not know what is java classes. The only thing I can do is creation of missions  ;D. Now am very interested in creating missions of Battle for Britain 1940 with beatiful Channel Map. That's why would like to have Ju-88A-1, A-5 and A-6, which were engaged in 1940 to have everything historically correct.  :) Eh, as far as I understood it will take the modder to much time to make them be flyable. Now at least I learned the things how cockpits work! Many thanks for your help!!!

No, not really. The cockpit is the same as the A-4 version. It's easy to place it as "placeholder" and use the stock A-4 cockpit as it is, it would be virtually the correct cockpit for them anyway. It's just that no one has any motivation for doing so. Planes that don't have any forward shooting guns are not popular, not many people are "flying" them, so why bother?

But if you open a new topic with such request I 'll support it. It would be interesting to fly them and useful for scenarios in Poland, Norway, Netherlands and France during the 1939-1940 perdio.



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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #46 on: November 01, 2018, 01:55:05 PM »

Hi! Many thanks for your reply!

I did not understand how and where I can open a new topic, probably I do not have special rights for this. And I even do not know and understand what means as a "placeholder")) If it is the air.ini, then I already have there these unflyable Ju-88 series. So, being the just a game user many things are beyond my knowledge and understanding))


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Re: Ju-88A1/A4 late/A5/A5 late/A6/P1/C1
« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2018, 01:02:17 AM »

Go to the section "the lounge", then "requests", there is a option "new topic". With the term "Placeholder" they mean the use of an already made part for another plane so for example


using the Ki-27 cockpit as a cockpit for the A5M4 which is only AI in stock form.

But in real life the cockpits of the Ju 88A-1/5/6 were virtually indentical with the A-4 model anyway, so there's no need for any modification and further work on the cockpit section to make these planes flyable, only creating the appropiate classfiles for doing so, that is only Java not 3d or skinning work.

Much the same about the Ju 88C-1 which can use the cockpit of the already made Ju 88C-2 of SAS~Epervier. But again possibly SAS~Epervier has no desire to such work,  because the Ju 88C-1 was build in limited numbers and it modern terms it was more of a pre-production initial batch before the arrival of the "definite" Ju 88C-2 (so limited historical importance).
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