One question for the modding gurus. Each object is displayed with the little white house icon but despite keeping my object along the center lines in gmax I sometimes get the icon (i.e. the center) off-set in the game which makes things a bit awkward when trying to move them.
While waiting for some modding guru, maybe it worths to remember that we can differentiate (at least) about three different main "centers" related to an object in a scene inside 3dsmax or Gmax:
1- the center of the scene, wich is the origin of grid axes where x,y and z coordinates reaches a value of zero.
2- the center of an object, or barycenter, generally speaking we can say for our 3D pourposes that means its center of mass.
3- its pivot point, wich is the point in the space used as a center for all the transformations you do in an object (move, rotate, scale)
that's the one you can edit inside Gmax or 3dsmax and place it in any location you want, even outside of the object or far away from it..
Also that's the one that matters, when you model an object and export it to IL-2.
(Normally, distance from center of coordinates to an object is calculated related to its pivot point, not to its center, and in hierarchies, parent's pivot point is used to determine rotation and position of its childs objects)
Often the center of an object and its pivot point may be located at the same spot, but that not has to be the case, always. (for instance, when you create a cilinder in Gmax, its pivot point is located at its base, not at its center)
The thing is that while you can have an object perfectly centered in the grid "visually", its actual pivot point may not be at the grid center as it seems. An usual example of this is when you attach an object to another: the attached object takes the pivot point of the object wich is attached to. So, usually is good practice to check where your pivot point actually is, and change its location if it is not where you want it.
my bet is that you pivot point is not (centered) located where it should. That would be the reason for the offset you have noticed.
To edit the pivot point of an object, check the right control panel for a tab between "IK" and "System" called "pivot".
There you have some options to use with pivot points.
Normally the one you will be using more would be "Edit Pivot point".
Once you press this button you can move, rotate or scale the pivot of an object without affecting the object itself.
The other button that comes handy is the one called "center pivot to object" and it does just that.
Maybe you want to explore other possibilities to see what happens. ("align to world" or "reset move, scale and rotate" are very useful in some situations)
Hope this helps you in some way, good luck with your projects.