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Author Topic: New flight sim project  (Read 54145 times)

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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #204 on: February 11, 2015, 03:10:05 PM »

Well I have just spent a week looking for a bug.

To test the landing gear, I was dropping the F4 from an altitude of 2 feet.

The first bounce threw the aircraft up to about 500 feet, the next threw the plane out of the Earth's atmosphere.

A week to find the bug.

Found it now.

Can anyone spot it?

Code: [Select]
         public static Matrix33 operator *(Matrix33 N, Matrix33 M)
            double i11 = N.Entry(1, 1) * M.Entry(1, 1) + N.Entry(1, 2) * M.Entry(2, 1) + N.Entry(1, 3) * M.Entry(3, 1);
            double i12 = N.Entry(1, 1) * M.Entry(1, 2) + N.Entry(1, 2) * M.Entry(2, 2) + N.Entry(1, 3) * M.Entry(3, 2);
            double i13 = N.Entry(1, 1) * M.Entry(1, 3) + N.Entry(1, 2) * M.Entry(2, 3) + N.Entry(1, 3) * M.Entry(3, 3);
            double i21 = N.Entry(2, 1) * M.Entry(1, 1) + N.Entry(2, 2) * M.Entry(2, 1) + N.Entry(2, 3) * M.Entry(3, 1);
            double i22 = N.Entry(2, 1) * M.Entry(1, 2) + N.Entry(2, 2) * M.Entry(2, 2) + N.Entry(2, 3) * M.Entry(3, 2);
            double i23 = N.Entry(2, 1) * M.Entry(1, 3) + N.Entry(2, 2) * M.Entry(2, 3) + N.Entry(2, 3) * M.Entry(3, 3);
            double i31 = N.Entry(3, 1) * M.Entry(1, 1) + N.Entry(3, 2) * M.Entry(2, 1) + N.Entry(3, 3) * M.Entry(3, 1);
            double i32 = N.Entry(3, 1) * M.Entry(1, 2) + N.Entry(3, 2) * M.Entry(2, 2) + N.Entry(3, 3) * M.Entry(3, 2);
            double i33 = N.Entry(3, 1) * M.Entry(1, 3) + N.Entry(3, 2) * M.Entry(2, 3) + N.Entry(3, 3) * M.Entry(3, 3);

            return new Matrix33(i11, i12, i13, i21, i22, i23, 131, i32, i33);

Maybe if I enhance the display a little bit

            return new Matrix33(i11, i12, i13, i21, i22, i23, 131, i32, i33);

 :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

A week for that.

I wish we had a face palm icon


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #205 on: February 11, 2015, 06:30:30 PM »

I learned long ago to forgive myself for what I consider stupid amateur mistakes. I mean what other kind of mistake am I going to make? One of those "only a pro would screw that up" mistakes?

It's these moments that keep us honest. If only with ourselves. :) Shit happens, have a beer :P


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #206 on: February 20, 2015, 02:39:37 AM »

Well I have had first flight.

I set the throttles to idle, hit the starter for both engines, waited for them to spin up and ignite. Pushed the throttles through the stops to full afterburner. Waited until it hit 100 knots. Put a little back pressure on the stick.... the nose rotated up, and the aircraft flew cleanly up to 500 feet.    ;D

Then the nose began to drop, the airspeed bled off and the stall warning kicked in. I cleaned the aircraft and centered the stick. No good, piled into the deck a few seconds later.  :o

It was like getting all seven numbers in the UK national lottery and knowing I had a share in £15 million, only to then find out 15 million other people also had all seven numbers.

So I wrote some code to allow scripted testing of the various systems and ran a test that generates a CSV file with engine thrust output as a function of speed and altitude

My thrust calculation is completely wrong.

At sea level the engines produce hardly any thrust, the thrust increases as the altitude increases until it reaches about 15,000 feet. Then it levels off.

Oh well, at least I am now in the debugging stage rather than writing code I cannot test.



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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #207 on: February 22, 2015, 12:30:29 PM »

What about adding playable ship... or two... when it works...?
public static void main (String[] args){}


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #208 on: February 22, 2015, 05:39:03 PM »

This makes me think, perhaps someone could start a kind of "wish list" intended for this new flight sim'...
v4.12+MA 5.3 - Win 7


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #209 on: February 23, 2015, 02:17:59 AM »

This makes me think, perhaps someone could start a kind of "wish list" intended for this new flight sim'...

I can't promise to do all of them, but go ahead. Why the hell not ;D


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #210 on: February 23, 2015, 02:20:36 AM »

Any thoughts yet on how the landscape will be modelled.
Do you intend to import IL2 maps?

Issues to consider:

Modelling of water surfaces --- rivers with gradients?  ---- dynamic tides in coastal zones?
Road rail ---- true spline modelling to define road and rail routes. Not IL-2 style straight lines.

I appreciate that these are not a priority matter.


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #211 on: February 23, 2015, 02:32:33 AM »

Good luck  ;D but i dont like other sims  :) my life = ?l-2 1946+SAS and Silent Hunter 3  8) 8) 8)


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #212 on: February 23, 2015, 02:33:17 AM »

Actually before I decided to do the project, the main consideration was the terrain.

If I couldn't come up with a good way of doing it, I wouldn't have started.

I haven't finalized the design yet, but the basics I have in my head.

I was considering doing a similar system to Microsoft flight sim. You model the whole world using a very simplistic map, then have terrain packs to add detail to areas. In some ways it is a lot simpler than what I have planned, but it has issues.

I have decided that the only way to do it is to import IL2 maps. I plan to write a tool that imports the maps, then builds all the data I need from them.

Things like generating splines for roads and railways. Slope detection for rivers. Waterfalls. All those sort of visual details that make the terrain more real.

Also generating local atmospheric systems. So you get updrafts in the right places. Areas that are prone to fog. You know the sort of things.



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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #213 on: February 23, 2015, 02:38:49 AM »

Modelling of water surfaces --- rivers with gradients?  ---- dynamic tides in coastal zones?
Road rail ---- true spline modelling to define road and rail routes. Not IL-2 style straight lines.
You beat me by a few minutes...
Yes! No layered forests, no angled roads, no flat river banks, etc.
Also, no self generated buildings to populate towns & villages (that's why Slowakia is my preferred map to build missions).
v4.12+MA 5.3 - Win 7


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #214 on: February 23, 2015, 03:44:25 AM »

Also, no self generated buildings to populate towns & villages (that's why Slowakia is my preferred map to build missions).

Actually Slovakia does appear to be based on auto-populated towns and villages, but they are extensively edited after generation to give each one a unique appearance.


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Re: New flight sim project
« Reply #215 on: February 23, 2015, 03:54:09 AM »

I was considering doing a similar system to Microsoft flight sim. You model the whole world using a very simplistic map, then have terrain packs to add detail to areas. In some ways it is a lot simpler than what I have planned, but it has issues.

So will it be based on a planetary sphere? --- unlike IL-2 which has a flat world.

I presume that the "World" Basemap will have a coarse terrain grid and coastlines, so horizons will appear correct from a distance.
All large IL-2 maps have significant distortion to project onto a flat map so would need to be re-processed to fit a spherical map.
Something like the Lake Balaton map might be good to base a trial on. The Lake provides a good fixed point of orientation.
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