Have you represented German defensive positions being set up in 1944?
German attempted to fortify two Polish cities in 1944, Warsaw and Posen.
The uprising interfered with the construction of bunkers around Warsaw and was not fully completed when it fell to the Red Army. Posen's siege did not happen till Jan 1945 but would have been in existence in 44.
POSEN- january 1945
The defenders made use of some of the surviving fortifications that had been built during Prussian rule in the 19th century. The Fort Winiary citadel stood on a hill to the north of the city center. Around the perimeter of the city were 18 massively-built forts, spaced at intervals of about 2 kilometers in a ring with a radius of about 5 kilometers, Each fort was ringed by a ditch ten meters wide and eight metes deep, with walls brevetted with brickwork. Across the ditch was a bridge, leading to one of the upper stories. Among the forts, to the rear, there were one-story brick bunkers. These were clad in concrete almost a full meter thick, and were used as stores. The upper works of the forts were sufficiently strong to provide reliable protection against heavy artillery fire.