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Author Topic: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)  (Read 145706 times)

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Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« on: September 09, 2014, 06:21:13 PM »

Updated 2014/09/11 (since V8 only for v4.12.2):

New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest...
(Updated 2014/09/11)

Whole List of Features of the Visual MOD V9:

Additions released on 2014/09/09
 -New Depth of Field (D.O.F.) External Views. Very slugsish due to the rendering method, but fully functional and a good effect for ScreenShots. For the while it only works in Stereo.
 -New Walking Pilot MOD. Something requested by many due to the famous video of Kegetys Pilot running around a Finnish Buffalo. Fully controlable with Jostick, can re-enter planes, etc.

BugFixes and Additions released on 2014/05/31
 -Refuel and Rearm. Land your plane, set the chocks and choose the option in the Menu, and it will refuel and rearm your plane as it was when the mission started. I have received some suggestions about implementing Repair for this too, but I consider it quite of non-sense. Refueling and rearming can be achieved in some "decently short" time in real life. But any plane reparing will take days, so it is contrary to real possibility.
 -Three different models of HUD.
 -All HUD indications are configurable from the Menu.

BugFixes and Additions released on 2013/03/23:
  -New HeadShake for Gunner Positions!!! This was something that due to a contradiction on Stock Game never worked. It was necessary to made a change in the FM to allow this to work. SAS AI Engine MOD 2.7 has the support required for this.
  -New Sluggish response for Gunners (Turrets or manually handed Weapons). Much more real represents the non-instantaneous response on aiming. Aparently this collaborates to make AI Snippers less exact. Still to be confirmed!.
  -New 4 Levels of Stereocity (External, Cockpits, Gunners and Aims / Tubes) => Independent Settings for better Stereo Comfor in any condition of the game.
  -New Stereo Settings for all 4 Levels (External, Cockpits, Gunners and Aims / Tubes) are remembered by the Game. So Next Time you load Il-2 everything is as the last time used (no need to edit Conf.ini for Separation and Convergence).
  -New MOD Remembers Stereo Mode (or Stereo Disabled) => No need to set this either through Conf.ini.
  -Now if plane is On Ground and in External View your sight is not aligned with the plane axis. So you see it as if being a person on-ground. When it gets out of land, the MOD starts to make the camera aligned with it. It shows to be much more reasonable this way.
  -Now if you press "P" for Pause, and the view (this was particularly observable in External View) of the camera was inertially going to some position, it really frozens. Then you can reorient or whatever, but it stops repositioning when you pause the game.
  Previous Change Log:
  -New Real Follow Mode.
  -New 6DOF for External Views.
  -New Fixed Padlock Mode which didn't have Stereo 3D.
  -New Includes Cockpit Change Wind Issue.
  Original Features of the Stereo (Visual) MOD:
  -Fully integrates TrackIR 6DOF MOD (you wont need an indepenent TrackIR 6DOF anymore). There were some isolated problems reported by users that didn't seem to be specifically related to this MOD.
  -Fully integrates EcranWide (you wont need an independent EcranWide anymore). But in this case consider that some extra stuff that you were accustomed to (small fonts, small icons, etc.) would be needed by you. I have added the module Extras For EcranWide.rar that includes all that stuff.
  -ScreenShots are possible in .jpg and .tga format in any Mode.
  -Video captures are possible in most of the current Modes.
  -ModeD has been made perfectly operative and will not conflict basically with any modern card.
  -ModeC includes since v5 Final the chance of directly managing 3D Feature of nVIDIA cards (Quadro series). I still don't have such a card so I cannot effectively test it but it should work. For ATI or nVIDIA non-3D this mode will be a basic mode with auxiliary buffers and a slow one (not recommended).

This Stereo 3D MOD by requirement of many users was adapted to support TrackIR 6DOF and EcranWide. Nonetheless I have implemented these two functions in a slightly different way, I would credit for the inspiration these MODders:
-sHr for the mouse 6DOF (I use my previous reworked MOD of Mouse Headshaking 6DOF).
-Josse and CirX for the settings for Wide Monitor support.
-Kegetys for TrackIR 6DOF (and different changes made by others as far as I know).

-Herra Tohtori


EDITED on 2014/09/11

After some comments received in this thread I decided to implement several suggestions that I considered good to have.

1-I set up as per suggestion of Alex840 a configuration line which limits the number of actors (statics, vehicles, etc.) that are displayed in the menu. And effectively it creates a substancial better performance in the Menu display when the number of actors of the mission was huge due to the number of ground forces.


That's the default value, and it is a conservative figure. Obviously if you set it to 0 it will never display any actor again.

It should be understood as "Only list actors in menu when there are less of n. Don't show any if higher".

2-It was before requested since early moment in the Walking Pilot MOD and later too, so now I set up a HotKey for the Leave Plane action. You will find it as LeavePlane in the MISC section of the Controls. I have found that mapping it to Shit+E is a good business due to the fact that typically Ctrl+E was the stock BailOut.

3-The Menu now auto-collapses after a selection, something that proved to be quite useful.

4-I have introduced a new option: "Depthless Stereo Mode". This affects any of the 5 Stereo Modes blending the two semi images of the Anaglyph into one and without displacement of the views corresponding to Left / Right eyes. So you see a plain non volumetric image in full color => equivalent to Monoscopic View but with any feature of the Stereo modes as the Depth of Field (D.O.F.):


Normal Stereo:


Edit Gerax:

see here where to define the Game-Menu- and LeavePlane Key!



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2014, 06:22:12 PM »

Depth of Field (D.O.F. but not the same that Degrees of Freedom) basic explanation:

The depth of field is the result of any optical system impossibility for rendering in focus objects very distant and others which simulteneously are very close. In some cases it is a limitation, but in many others (in photography this is used an artistic effect i.e.) a wanted way of differentiate an object. The two basic variables are the Apperture (f Factor) and the Focus Distance, both of them can be selected in the submenu Adjust:

-The Focus Distance is how far from the Camera (in this case the point of view of the external view of the game over any Actor) the most accurately focused points are.
-The apperture, in reality is how wide is the lens diameter use, and in fact as much as it is opened, more light enters (here it doesn't produce that effect), but more intense is the focus differentiation. In fact a 0 (theorically impossible) apperture, leads to a uniform absolute focus in all planes.

You can see here a series with the three typical cases and you can see in the HUD to the right, the distances at which the Focus Point was established in every case.

Here the focus is in a closer plane, in the pilot:

Here it is in a middle plane, in the barrel:

And here it is in the background:

Considerations of the D.O.F. Mode:

-The depth of Field only Works in Stereo now. Probably I will extend it to work in Normal (non-Stereoscopic) Mode.
-The way of achieving the Depth of Filed is by rendering several frames (16 each eye, 32 total) per refresh of the screen. That's why, depending on your video card, when you Activate the D.O.F. mode, everything will became blurry, and the updates of the screen will be very slugish, twice a second, hopefully. It is ideal to pause the game, so you can take the pictures you want and the slow update is not an inconvenient.



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2014, 08:16:26 PM »

The Walking Pilot MOD.

Walking Pilot MOD allows you to imperson an animated figure of a Pilot (in fact the same one you are used to seeing when you Bailout from a plane). Now it is drivable from the joystick. Typically you will use it through the Game Menu, like this:

If your plane has opening cockpit, the cockpit will be opened (if not it will do anyway), and the pilot will jump to ground, walk some steps and finally you will be positioned 1.8m behind him. With the Mouse approach/distancing movement (with the button), you can go up to 5m behind him or just in front of his head, so getting a 100% clean first person sempsation.

The result is something like this:

By hitting a plane in some part of its Collision Mesh, you will enter its cockpit (if Flyable) and get control of it.

He doesn't have interaction with other objects. You will see the Pilot is unable to pass through any solid object of the game, but he doesn't produce them any damage either.


To Ton414, who I unfairly omitted in my first aknowledgment. He made the first decompilation of the Body.msh of the Paratrooper and pointed the way regarding the Hooks for the camera. It was the first approach to the pilot first person, which finally was implemented in a different way.

To Stainless, who was able to fully decompile the Paratrooper animated mesh. Finally and after a lot of research, I have found a method that allows to don't need a modified mesh (something that was a problema because of the size).


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2014, 01:53:23 AM »

Can HUD Log Bottom Right work with this awesome mod. :P, Tryed this on a aircraft carrier fell thought the deck.
i7-5820k CPU 3.30gHZ, 16 GB ram, RTX 2080 Graphic card, 49" CHG90 QLED Gaming Monitor, VKB- T-Rudders Mk.III pedals, VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick with VPC Desk Mount, VPC Extensions Set with a thrustmaster warthog grip on the stick, saitek TPM System, thrustmaster warthog throttle,


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2014, 07:38:52 AM »


From an old guy with Coke-bottle glasses I look forward to you getting the depth of field working in the normal, non-stereoscopic, mode. For short amounts of time I can use the anaglyph spectacles but then my eyes start to twitch and a headache begins. Besides, with this focus/D.O.F. feature we can now make shots that could conceivably be hung on the wall. In our man caves at the very least.

Am I correct in removing the old version completely and simply putting this version into the #SAS folder?

Looking forward to hanging a picture on the wall!



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2014, 09:11:42 AM »

Woha! That will be many hours of good fun switching planes again and again :D :D

Thx for these great mods!
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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2014, 09:32:53 AM »

I think i found some bugs in the walking pilot mod:
when I enter an AI controlled plane with engine not started no controls work until I leave the plane again. So my pilot is running around the airfield now and I control an empty plane...

2nd: If I do not enter my original plane before ending the mission (or refly in dogfight) i can't control the visual controls anymore (e.g. change to outside view). I have to exit il-2 and relaunch it to get that to work again
When all else fails: read the instructions!


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2014, 10:27:04 AM »


From an old guy with Coke-bottle glasses I look forward to you getting the depth of field working in the normal, non-stereoscopic, mode. For short amounts of time I can use the anaglyph spectacles but then my eyes start to twitch and a headache begins. Besides, with this focus/D.O.F. feature we can now make shots that could conceivably be hung on the wall. In our man caves at the very least.

Am I correct in removing the old version completely and simply putting this version into the #SAS folder?

Looking forward to hanging a picture on the wall!


Later I willl explain it better but you have to take into account that any Stereo mode would result into a Normal mode by reducing the stereo separation to 0 and setting the color filters to the last option with full color frames.

In fact the Depth of Field was used by me this way for some pictures.

Regards, Pablo



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2014, 10:35:54 AM »

I think i found some bugs in the walking pilot mod:
when I enter an AI controlled plane with engine not started no controls work until I leave the plane again. So my pilot is running around the airfield now and I control an empty plane...

2nd: If I do not enter my original plane before ending the mission (or refly in dogfight) i can't control the visual controls anymore (e.g. change to outside view). I have to exit il-2 and relaunch it to get that to work again

How strange... has anybody else experienced things like this?

I will test exactly what you explained.

Regards, Pablo


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2014, 01:23:55 PM »

Pablo, please note this last guy is still rather new here, so very likely he is doing something wrong.
nothing personal, skylla, but lately there have been way too many new members coming up with problems that are totally unique, or just plain repeating old bug reports, which means they aren't bothering to read threads first, and i am getting a little tired of it.
again, this is a generalised statement from my observations, not aimed at you specifically. ;)
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2014, 03:24:20 PM »

Can HUD Log Bottom Right work with this awesome mod. :P, Tryed this on a aircraft carrier fell thought the deck.

The implementation of the HUD Log Bottom Right made by Storebror works modding the same Class that I use for other things. So you cannot load it over the Visual MOD V9 without loosing several features. I will see if I imlpement it in the future.

As you mentioned, the pilot cannot walk over a carrier. There are several things that make it imposible: The pilot should be moved by the carrier, at a constant height of the deck and eventually falling if ge goes out of the limits. All of that is far from being implemented in game.



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Re: Visual MOD V9 (New Walking Pilot + Depth of Field + the rest)
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2014, 03:43:31 PM »

hey benitomuso... im sure im doing something wrong here but my searching has turned up nothing, i downloaded your mod and the game wont boot, so i tried a clean sas folder still no boot, so i removed it, now it loads to 95% then ctds then i load it again and everything works.... now everytime i get a no boot i get these files popping up in my folder called hs_err_pidXXXX (X's represent numbers) and inside each file it says this

Code: [Select]
An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.
Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION occurred at PC=0x77df1830
Function name=RtlAddAccessAllowedAce

Current Java thread:
at com.maddox.opengl.Provider.nGetGLCaps(Native Method)
at com.maddox.opengl.Provider.getGLCaps(Provider.java:136)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Config.PALGetCardCaps(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Config.createGlContext(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Config.createGlContext(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:507)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:212)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:422)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

Dynamic libraries:
0x00400000 - 0x0049A000 C:\IL-2_1946\il2fb.exe
0x77D90000 - 0x77EE7000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
0x776B0000 - 0x777E0000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
0x760E0000 - 0x76187000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
0x74720000 - 0x747C7000 C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll
0x75A80000 - 0x75B96000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USER32.dll
0x77C20000 - 0x77CCE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x6C440000 - 0x6C461000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll
0x77910000 - 0x77930000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IMM32.dll
0x5BA00000 - 0x5BA20000 C:\IL-2_1946\DINPUT.dll
0x75BA0000 - 0x75C9D000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GDI32.dll
0x75CA0000 - 0x75D51000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msvcrt.dll
0x759F0000 - 0x75A24000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll
0x753C0000 - 0x7546C000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RPCRT4.dll
0x6C410000 - 0x6C43B000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll
0x754F0000 - 0x755CE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSCTF.dll
0x75380000 - 0x7539D000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll
0x759A0000 - 0x759E6000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cfgmgr32.dll
0x777E0000 - 0x777FE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll
0x75370000 - 0x75379000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll
0x75310000 - 0x75361000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
0x6D420000 - 0x6D4EF000 C:\IL-2_1946\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll
0x6D220000 - 0x6D227000 C:\IL-2_1946\bin\hpi.dll
0x6D3B0000 - 0x6D3BD000 C:\IL-2_1946\bin\verify.dll
0x6D250000 - 0x6D266000 C:\IL-2_1946\bin\java.dll
0x6D3C0000 - 0x6D3CD000 C:\IL-2_1946\bin\zip.dll
0x5B9A0000 - 0x5B9FB000 C:\IL-2_1946\wrapper.dll
0x765D0000 - 0x77696000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHELL32.dll
0x779C0000 - 0x77AF6000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\combase.dll
0x76190000 - 0x761D0000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHLWAPI.dll
0x74F60000 - 0x74FD3000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\shcore.dll
0x68380000 - 0x683A7000 C:\IL-2_1946\DT.dll
0x005F0000 - 0x005FA000 C:\IL-2_1946\pathfind.dll
0x26A80000 - 0x29946000 C:\IL-2_1946\il2_core.dll
0x7C340000 - 0x7C396000 C:\IL-2_1946\MSVCR71.dll
0x261E0000 - 0x26203000 C:\IL-2_1946\jgl.dll
0x26210000 - 0x2624A000 C:\IL-2_1946\il2_usgs2.dll
0x75750000 - 0x757A0000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WS2_32.dll
0x776A0000 - 0x776A8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NSI.dll
0x2A470000 - 0x2A4E7000 C:\IL-2_1946\mg_snd_sse.dll
0x60610000 - 0x60640000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dinput8.dll
0x6BB60000 - 0x6BB6A000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL
0x75D60000 - 0x75F0F000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SETUPAPI.DLL
0x75A30000 - 0x75A72000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINTRUST.dll
0x75F10000 - 0x76092000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPT32.dll
0x760A0000 - 0x760B2000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll
0x6F410000 - 0x6F498000 C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll
0x6D340000 - 0x6D348000 C:\IL-2_1946\bin\net.dll
0x74710000 - 0x74718000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll
0x74F50000 - 0x74F60000 C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll
0x74F30000 - 0x74F44000 C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
0x74F20000 - 0x74F30000 C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll
0x74ED0000 - 0x74F1A000 C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll
0x74E50000 - 0x74EC5000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll
0x74E40000 - 0x74E49000 C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll
0x62290000 - 0x6235E000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Opengl32.dll
0x62A90000 - 0x62AB3000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GLU32.dll
0x6BEA0000 - 0x6BF79000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DDRAW.dll
0x6BE90000 - 0x6BE97000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll
0x6BE70000 - 0x6BE8E000 C:\PROGRA~2\Raptr\ltc_help32-84409.dll
0x77B00000 - 0x77C19000 C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll
0x5B980000 - 0x5B995000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\atiglpxx.dll
0x5A290000 - 0x5B972000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\atioglxx.dll
0x74D60000 - 0x74D68000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll
0x6F3F0000 - 0x6F409000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll
0x5A1B0000 - 0x5A28E000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\atiadlxy.dll
0x74A70000 - 0x74B89000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll
0x753A0000 - 0x753BB000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll
0x74C70000 - 0x74C7E000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll
0x761D0000 - 0x761D6000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PSAPI.DLL
0x75180000 - 0x751A0000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x77880000 - 0x7790B000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEAUT32.dll
0x77860000 - 0x77871000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll
0x75040000 - 0x75048000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL
0x5A180000 - 0x5A1A5000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\atigktxx.dll
0x760C0000 - 0x760D2000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\imagehlp.dll
0x6C790000 - 0x6C8B9000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll

Local Time = Sat Aug 30 00:04:05 2014
Elapsed Time = 4
# The exception above was detected in native code outside the VM
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.3.1-b24 compiled mode)

im at a total loss at what to do haha... but anyways im running a clean 4.12.2 modact game on windows 8
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