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Author Topic: Visible blank plates MOD  (Read 12705 times)

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Visible blank plates MOD
« on: October 21, 2014, 08:10:58 AM »

Put the folder in your Mods, or #SAS, or #DBW folder.

Then activate or desactivate it by a - in front of the name of the folder.
Or activate or desactivate it via JSGME.

You will be able to see blank plates without any editing of the static.ini

In FMB unlocked, Object :

Go to :

BlankPlate :           Parking

Kronstadt :             Kronstadt01

Blank Field Plates :  BlankFieldPlate

So you will be able to see, really very, very big, enormous plates !!!

between 4 or 8 plates in order to cover an airfield !
Is it enought for your frame rate ? ;-)

Amusez vous bien,

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/download/dmcg5sdddyj0a3h/!!!!!!!!!!001A_Visibles_blank_plates.7z



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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2014, 04:27:22 AM »

moved to a more suitable area, tech help is not the ideal place to post up new mods ;)
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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 04:41:32 AM »

moved to a more suitable area, tech help is not the ideal place to post up new mods ;)
Many thanks Malone !


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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2014, 06:35:45 AM »

Hi, Thierry!
I really appreciate your mod of large blank plates.
Nevertheless, it would be nice of you if you give us  the static.ini entry.
Or I overlooked something ?


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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2014, 06:54:06 AM »

Uzin, i may be wrong, but i think this simply replaces the existing blank plates with ones you can see, so there shouldn't really be any new entries needed.
that's what i understand, but i may be wrong....
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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2014, 12:17:30 PM »

One question related to airfield plates in general:
How come we can see them in Unlocked FMB but not in normal FMB?
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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2014, 05:14:19 AM »

Hi all,

You are on the good way : You don't need any editing of the static.ini

On the old way, that I used:
I had a static.ini modified in order to see Blank plates (replaced by sand plates)
but when I had to add new objects in game I had also to change my "blanc plate " static.
It was a source of errors, oversights and bad surprises !!!
Also it was only possible to me to see the blank plates corresponding to runways...

But when I worked on Canon map to redo the airfields I have found that he used plates that I have
never seen before !
So I have extracted this plates and the over from SFS archives.
I have modified them with Photoshop in order to made them visible .
So, when you activate this folder you are able to see the modified blank plates.
 ( in FMB , FMB unlocked and alike in flight )

So when you have done your job on airfields in FMB unlocked you have just to save it
and deactivate the blank plate mod without any editing and possibility of errors...




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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2014, 04:04:20 AM »

I tried these plates mod on Estonia map - Parnu airfield.

1. Installed the mod in my unlocked FMB:  Il2_folfer/MODS/!!!!!!!!!!001A_Visible_blank_plates

2. Opened Estonia map:  Il2_folfer/MODS/MAPMODS/MAPS/Estonia

3. Put 8 BlankAirPlates  on Parnu airfield

4. Saved the map into  Il2_folfer/MODS/maps/Estonia

5. Copied the files newly appeared in Il2_folfer/MODS/maps/Estonia
both into unlocked Il2_folfer/MODS/MAPMODS/MAPS/Estonia and into the game
TPD4101_SASmodacxt306/Il-2 Sturmovik 1956/#SAS/MAPMODS/MAPS/Estonia,
[ in this case there is not BlankPlate mod installed.]

6. Opened Estonia map, created and flied a mission on takeoff -landing at Parnu airfield.

The takeoff was with bumps as if there is not any blank plate. This was in contrary to Silesia map, where obvious smoothing can be observed.



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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2014, 04:32:29 AM »

Hi Uzin,

If you have the original plates installed in your standard  game you should not have any trouble... 

I am not the creator of this plates.
Like said before : I discovered them by accident while working on the Can channel maps.

So I made a mod to make these plates visible. So it's more easier to place them on a map and when the mod is
deactivate the plates are absolutely the original one.

Personally I use the same game for map editing and playing :
I activate or deactivate the mod FMB unlocked and, or, the mod visible blank plates  via JSGME.
It's also possible to activate the visible blank plate mod without activation of the unlocked FMB.

When my work is saved via unlocked FMB I put the content of the "X map folder" of the Map folder
of the game root folder into the #SAS-DBW-etc..." / Mapsmods/ Maps/ "X map folder" , I deactivate
Unlocked FMB via JSGME and that's all... So I think you are on the good way.

So please, look at these pics that illustrate the use of :
Blank Field Plates :  BlankFieldPlate

Notice that the ground must be absolutely flat when you put your plates.

On my version of Can channel map 40 and 45 I have put some blank plates in order to be able to land or take off
on the little islands near "Guernesey" :

So I am now able to land or take off very smoothly on these beach just like on an airfield :

An over landing :

I hope that this will help you.

Best regards, Thierry.


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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2014, 07:25:20 AM »

Heureka !
Problem solved !
I have not had installed Canonuk's map so  neither his BlankFieldsPlates, nor the static ini entries for them in my Normal FMB - my testing version of Il2. After copying these objects and their path into Normal FMB, and installing the above Visualising MOD into unlocked FMB (aka MapEditor, aka MapBuilder), takeoffs and landings are OK.
So, for anybody using the Il2 version without Canonuk's map, do not forget insert proper objects and their paths from, e.g., Boomers pack.
Thierry, accept my apologies for my being a noob , please.


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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2014, 07:53:41 AM »

No worries Uzin,

I use DBW and HSFX since a long time and this objects are already include in these games ! ;)

So, now, have fun on your airfields !!! :D

NB: Notice that the airfield plates solve also the problem of the apparition of row of trees on the
airfields !


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Re: Visible blank plates MOD
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2015, 09:55:11 AM »

I feel like an idiot for not using this mod to fix rough airfields before. I also moved the two Blankfield Plates text to the end of my static ini, so I can find them easily.
In the past I've used the stationary ship runway items. Sometime this works, but sometimes it confuses the AI so they don't know where to spawn, and they all spawn at the same point...."Boom"

I always make copies of my ini's , on a weekly basis.....Just in case I have to "Reset".

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