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Author Topic: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited  (Read 60958 times)

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MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« on: October 21, 2014, 08:50:47 AM »


-The textures of all the airfields are redone.

-All the English and French airfields are redone in detail on the two maps 40 and 45.

-Four season added and some extras and bonus...

( A good reason to (re)test the very beautiful dgen campaign
of Boelcke :"Westfront" and re fly all your BoB campaigns ! )

The work is not perfect and it's rather a good compromise to avoid
frustration of take off and landing on low res airfields.

For this I have used the work of "gilb_57" on Canon airfield plates
and I have modified one more time this plates.
(Putting a plate on an over plate, unfortunately, don't work visually
correctly in IL-2.)

I have used ground plates, concrete plates and airfield banners.
It's surely not historical, but surely visually better.

Sorry for my bad English, I'm French.
So please, look at the pictures they will speak better than me !

Have FUN ! Thierry.


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Cartes Can_english_channel 40_41 et 42_45 revisitées :

Tout d'abord je tiens à remercier "Canon_UK"  et "Gilb_57" pour un travail vraiment remarquable.

Je n'ai fait ici que poursuivre modestement le travail, dans la continuité de ces deux personnes.

Cette volonté à été déclenchée en moi suite à la réalisation de la campagne Dgen Mod de Boelcke :"Westfront"
pour HSFX 7

Très bonne campagne Dgen, sur un sujet qui me touche, car je reside dans le nord de la France !

Oui mais... Quelle frustration de devoir prendre son envol ou se poser sur des aérodromes très limités en résolution,
surtout sur la map version HSFX 7 !

J'ai donc réutilisé le travail de  "Gilb_57" sur les "Canons_airfields" en les arrangeant aussi à ma mode,
sans pour autant faire un travail parfait moi non plus et j'ai revu tous les aérodromes des cartes "channel 40-41"
et "channel 42-45"

Maintenant la totalité des aérodromes des deux cartes sont refaits.

Pour la carte 42-45 j'ai pris comme base la carte 40-41 qui était beaucoup plus riche en détails et j'ai reconstitué
toutes les nouvelles bases utilisées pour cette période. Les "landing and take off points" sont replacés exactement
à leurs emplacements originels. Ceci explique le fait que dans certains cas des pistes sont assez larges.
En effet il est impossible de pouvoir faire pivoter des objets de moins de 5° dans le FMB et ceci explique cela...

Je n'ai pas recherché une réalité historique, mais plutôt un compromis visuellement agréable,
qui permette d'avoir des repères visuels confortables que les limitations du jeux ne permettraient pas d'offrir.

Pourriez vous voir des traces de roues dans l'herbe fraîchement couchée, percevoir une piste
qui vient d'être fauchée de 2 cm. ? PAS ENCORE !!! ( mais, patience, cela arrivera... Vive la Mod attitude ! ;-) )

Donc, j'ai utilisé des "airfield banners", "ground plates", "concretes plates"
(ce qui imposait de revoir les "plates" elles même  des "Canons_airfields",
car poser une plate sur une plate ne marche pas vraiment bien dans IL-2 !!!)
et j'ai refait toutes les textures de tous les aérodromes.

Now: "an airfield is an airfield and not a potatoes field !!!" :-)

Les "windsocks" sont généralement médium, positionnées vent de travers donc "neutres" pour les scénarios.
Les pistes non "retravaillées en détail" ont uniquement des balises de début et fin de piste
et des textures neutres d'aérodromes.

Donc si vous avez assez de carburant vous pourrez aller où bon vous semble sur la carte, vous aurez toujours
les structures de base pour vous accueillir... Un petit WE à Guernesey ???

J'ai également décliné une version "spring" et "autumn" de ces maps et j'ai revu la version "winter" avec des forêts
et des arbres moins feuillus. (version "Winter stratus sky" en option dans le load.ini)

C'est en travaillant sur ces aérodromes que je me suis rendu compte à quel point cette carte était d'une richesse inouïe !
je n'en reviens pas encore sur le soucis du détail développé par "Canon_UK". De plus, les reliefs sont vraiment
très sympathiques et très bien distribués ! Loin de l'exactitude absolue, c'est à mon sens, le feeling qui compte et
ce feeling je l'ai trouvé dans cette carte de même que sur les cartes WF de "Gilb_57" qui sont réellement uniques
dans leurs domaines et très complémentaires de celles ci.

Donc, une fois encore, merci à eux !!!




first you absolutely need this :
(and even if you already have the original mod "can_english_channel" map in your game !)

Can Airfields:(updated on 17/11/2014)
In this latest version the "plate256.tga" are modified in order to avoid or prevent the "black squares" bug
for some users.
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/download/079di7qf7ibst43/!!!!!!!!!!!!AIRFIELDS_CAN_17-11-2014.7z

And this:(updated on 13/11/2014)
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/download/fueda788t7pqaa3/Can_english_channel_40_41+%26+42_45_revisited_12-11-2014.7z

For those who have already my 40-41 version of the map or the airfields with the old "plate256.tga":
-Just replace your folder 3do contained in your  : !!!!!!!!!!!!AIRFIELDS_CAN by the new one that is in the new folder:

-You can overwrite the folder : _Tex that is contained in the folder maps

-For the folder CAN_EnglishChannel, please delete the old one and replace it by the new one.

Read-me include in the folder .

Link for more pictures :
Please look at : #reply 1 or :

And now the Pictures :



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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited and finished
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 05:49:56 AM »

Hi all,

As promised, I am pleased to announce you that the Can Channel maps 40 and 45 are finally over !

All the airfields tracks are redone in detail on the two maps.

For the map 45 I have used the map 40 as base because this one is more rich and I have replaced all the new airfield of this period exactly at the same place.

Some pics of the new airfields :

Some "Extras" :

The "Batterie Todt" at the "Cap Gris-Nez" :

If you want to protect the Scharnhorst the Gneisenau and the Prinz Eugen maybe you would have to use this :

Or better, this :

And if it's not enough and you want to do more long range firing so you surely need this :

The "Coupole" near "Saint Omer" :

A good target opportunity for your "Lanc" heavily loaded !!! (The base was indestructible, but not the mountain !)

Some "Bonus" :

Now the "Cap Gris-Nez" and the "Cap Blanc-Nez" are different in colours and textures :

Addition of the towns : "Bray-Dunes" and "La Panne" for "Operation Dynamo" :

For "epic scenarios" :
try to see if you can land an appropriate aircraft on these beautiful little islands near "Guernesey" !

finally these Canon airfields will be now able to accommodate new life :
(Pictures from my personal templates for the Dgen missions of the very good Boelcke Westfron campaigns.)

For the download links I have updated the first post.

If you find "holes" on the airfields when taxiing please report to me. Sometimes some airfield plates
are not absolutely correctly adjusted !... I have corrected the grass part of Bigging Hill because in
the Monty campaign: the Battle of Britain it was sometime impossible to take off...

Have fun, Thierry.


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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2014, 05:42:15 PM »

Fantastic work!  Thank you for getting these maps up to a very high standard.  Great screenies too.  ;D


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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2015, 05:05:33 AM »


I just saw this mod of yours, installed it and - absolutely fabulous!!!  ;D ;D ;D What a change! This is an ESSENTIAL mod if at all interested in the Battle of Britain period.

The old low-res airfields were a bit of a turn-off, but now you FIXED that. Super!!! Can't wait to fly over this map now. Fighter Boys v.2.0 - here I come!  :)
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2015, 06:42:47 AM »

This looks fantastic! This is perhaps a stupid question, but does this update the original map by Canon that is included with HSFX or does it show up as a separate map? I want to use it with Poltava's updated Fighter Boys campaign 2.0.

I'm also confused in general about how to actually install it. I tried adding it through JSGME (no luck), and I tried putting it in files/maps and adding the included entries to the all.ini file there. I'm running 4.12.2 with HSFX 7.0.3. Any hints for this noob would be appreciated.



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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2015, 07:31:38 AM »

Hi Tictactoe,


At first : put the folder named : !!!!!!!!!!!!AIRFIELDS_CAN_17-11-2014 in your MODS folder.

Then, open the Files folder, go to the folder maps and open it.

If you have already a folder named : CAN_EnglishChannel , make a back-up, delete it  and put the mine in place of it,
If not, put directly my folder CAN_EnglishChannel in your maps folder.

If you have already a folder named : _Tex in your maps folder, please put the mine in this maps folder
and let overwrite. Say yes to all when the program ask to replace the files.

After that, in the maps folder open your all.ini file (make a back_up before) .
Delete all the lines with the name : CAN_EnglishChannel (but not : CAN_Channel ) and put at that empty place all my entries.

For the maps_ru.properties file, the process is the same.
You will find it in the folder Files/i18n   
however, if you don't change these entries it does not matter, the game will still work.

Thierry.  ;)


ol' Navy

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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2015, 05:35:10 PM »

Is this the same mod as in TFM-412 #38?


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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2015, 01:50:01 AM »

Is this the same mod as in TFM-412 #38?
Yes, it is !  ;)


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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2015, 09:38:03 AM »

Thanks for the clear and simple instructions, Thierry. Much appreciated! Unfortunately I currently get a CTD when I try to open the updated maps, or occasionally the dreaded Paratrooper error. I suspect it's a memory issue and will investigate further.

ol' Navy

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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2015, 10:35:28 AM »

Is this the same mod as in TFM-412 #38?
Yes, it is !  ;)

Thank you.  I very seldom am able to figure out whether mods that you guys make are what is already included in TFM-412.  And again, thank you very much for your help and your mod.


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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2015, 02:59:58 PM »

Thanks for the clear and simple instructions, Thierry. Much appreciated! Unfortunately I currently get a CTD when I try to open the updated maps, or occasionally the dreaded Paratrooper error. I suspect it's a memory issue and will investigate further.
Hi Tictactoe,
those maps are very heavy, so please try :

I do not know your setup but personally I use with HSFX  the patched exe at 4GB and all work fine
at full settings in open GL mode... ( I'm on a Windows 64 bits system )  ;)

In the hope that you can solve your problems,
Good luck !!!   :)


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Re: MOD Can_english_channel_40_41 and 42_45 revisited
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2015, 05:34:53 AM »

Dear Mister Bauchot,
I downloaded your very interesting map.
I am using SAS 412.2 with modact 5.3
When I try to load the map in FMB I get a message "java lang runtime exception landscape 'can english channel gsum_43 loading error " and the map doesn't appear.
I checked your map with the missing object search soft and found "buildings.Houses$FuelTankEarlyType01_s".
I tried to find this object on various objects packs without success.
Does this missing object explain my problem?
Best regards.
Intel Core Duo E8400 3GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 2x2 gb DDR2 1066 mHZ
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