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Author Topic: 2 tree sets and two water colours a possibility?  (Read 1609 times)

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2 tree sets and two water colours a possibility?
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:31:47 PM »

Well I like to have a couple of projects going at once so you can have a change of scenery or depending on the mood you are in at the time.

I am developing a new Darwin Northern Territory map including Timor and surrounding islands.

This comes from ordering great books by Mr. Bob Alford Darwin's Air War and Japanese Units (air) of The Dutch East Indies.

For the above mentioned subject yes I am keen to know if you can place two sets of trees on the map.
Example Niel's Darwin map tree set obviously in Australia and a greener  set of trees in Timor and the surrounding islands.

Concerning the 2 colours of water. Obviously one is for the ocean. The other colour for rivers. I am using a bright light blue for the ocean. However if it is possible can the rivers be painted on my map_T using a particular colour to just change the river colour as a layer then attached to the current map_T ? The only thing I can think of right now is to use F.Fred's river cat plates for a dirtier coloured river. If the other method is possible has anyone tinkered around with this?

Just thoughts for experimentation.

In some load.ini's I have seen two sets of trees listed in wood but I presume these would be painted on map_T as in the fmb+ you could only choose one set in the tiles selection.


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Re: 2 tree sets and two water colours a possibility?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2014, 11:50:39 AM »

Don't know about the trees but different water colours for rivers and sea is possible.
See Avala's answer. And have a look to whom he is replying.  ;)  :D


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Re: 2 tree sets and two water colours a possibility?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2014, 05:35:33 PM »

Thanks Uff  ;) a sign of old age I guess am 50 next year.
Borneo that was a year or so ago I think.
I'll try two versions of rivers and oceans 1) a standard Agracier version, 2)an Avala version and compare.

Thanks again  ;)


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Re: 2 tree sets and two water colours a possibility?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 11:54:04 AM »

I think connecting here with my latest results of map experimenting will not hurt.

There are similar topics around, even one I started but could not find.

Recently I tried, inspired by other sims, to improve the look of forest in a few map mods.

If we let the option to plant palm trees aside (or other trees), we find several ways to apply forest and trees in IL-2:

The default forest, as defined by wood 0 to Wood 4 in the load.ini and again as wood 0 to wood 3 in the texture load.ini section.

The random trees...

A mix of both, whenever the random trees surround the forest sectors if the forest texture does either not come with a "_fields.tga" extension or has such an extension and sports a dedicated "...fields.tree.tga" file, matching it.

Then there is the very interisting option to place textures outside the forest areas as forest without IL-2's 5 layer cake.

This can be done, nothing new here, by placing any texture except the wood textures and applying a "..._fields.tga" naming convetion and adding a dedicated ".._Fields.tree.tga".
Modders that come to my mind who did that e.g. are Mission_bug, WhiteCat and Checkyersix.

The tricky part: If the "..._Fields.tree.tga"  does not come in the correct painted format, it will simply not work.

AND: I found, to make it work, in my last attempts, you need to have a load.ini like this:

 Country0 = whc/land/pacific/whc_rice_field_VN_fields.tga

and not

 Country0 = whc/land/pacific/whc_rice_field_VN_fields.tga,2

The texture size addition in my tests spoiled the effect, at least when additional random trees with a dedicated "..._Fields.tree.tga" texture where used.
For forest I am still testing.

The total advantage of using such a method is, the trees, especially such as Uufflakke's high res trees, look natural and their thickness can be controlled via the "..._fields.tree.tga".
The other factor is planes will not magically crash and explode as soon as they scratch one of the default forest layer cakes.
 o_O  :D
The extreme disadvantage:
They will pop up and cause bad effects from altitude except the underlying texture is very smartly chosen. An example for such a texture would / could be Checkyersix's great set of tree carrying textures in his South Vietnam Full Scale map, available only at FM afaik.

I used his textures for a remesh of WHC's repaint of South Vietnam, to be released soon.

I also used his method and "..._fields.tree.tga" files for an experiment in the Lapland Jet map (map by agracier, tad modded).
The effect with the autumn trees was amazing, tried several base textures.

Another thing I just noticed while playing with my modified Slot map mod:
You can actually assign RGB 26 in map_T.tga and this RGB value aka texture carries the default 5 layer forest!

That opens another way of planting default forest/wood:
...using 2 sets of textures manually in map_t.tga, or one in the FMB+ and one by paint(ing).

However, I find playing with real trees much more satisfying, if they only would not pop up. :P


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Re: 2 tree sets and two water colours a possibility?
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2015, 09:59:07 PM »

interesting.....still waiting for talk on two water colours, though, lol :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)
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