I think connecting here with my latest results of map experimenting will not hurt.
There are similar topics around, even one I started but could not find.
Recently I tried, inspired by other sims, to improve the look of forest in a few map mods.
If we let the option to plant palm trees aside (or other trees), we find several ways to apply forest and trees in IL-2:
The default forest, as defined by wood 0 to Wood 4 in the load.ini and again as wood 0 to wood 3 in the texture load.ini section.
The random trees...
A mix of both, whenever the random trees surround the forest sectors if the forest texture does either not come with a "_fields.tga" extension or has such an extension and sports a dedicated "...fields.tree.tga" file, matching it.
Then there is the very interisting option to place textures outside the forest areas as forest without IL-2's 5 layer cake.
This can be done, nothing new here, by placing any texture except the wood textures and applying a "..._fields.tga" naming convetion and adding a dedicated ".._Fields.tree.tga".
Modders that come to my mind who did that e.g. are Mission_bug, WhiteCat and Checkyersix.
The tricky part: If the "..._Fields.tree.tga" does not come in the correct painted format, it will simply not work.
AND: I found, to make it work, in my last attempts, you need to have a load.ini like this:
Country0 = whc/land/pacific/whc_rice_field_VN_fields.tga
and not Country0 = whc/land/pacific/whc_rice_field_VN_fields.tga
,2The texture size addition in my tests spoiled the effect, at least when additional random trees with a dedicated "..._Fields.tree.tga" texture where used.
For forest I am still testing.
The total advantage of using such a method is, the trees, especially such as Uufflakke's high res trees, look natural and their thickness can be controlled via the "..._fields.tree.tga".

The other factor is planes will not magically crash and explode as soon as they scratch one of the default forest layer cakes.

The extreme disadvantage:
They will pop up and cause bad effects from altitude except the underlying texture is very smartly chosen. An example for such a texture would / could be Checkyersix's great set of tree carrying textures in his South Vietnam Full Scale map, available only at FM afaik.
I used his textures for a remesh of WHC's repaint of South Vietnam, to be released soon.
I also used his method and "..._fields.tree.tga" files for an experiment in the Lapland Jet map (map by agracier, tad modded).
The effect with the autumn trees was amazing, tried several base textures.

Another thing I just noticed while playing with my modified Slot map mod:
You can actually assign RGB 2
6 in map_T.tga and this RGB value aka texture carries the default 5 layer forest!
That opens another way of planting default forest/wood:
...using 2 sets of textures manually in map_t.tga, or one in the FMB+ and one by paint(ing).
However, I find playing with real trees much more satisfying, if they only would not pop up.