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Author Topic: Ta-152H of Stab - JG/11 1945.  (Read 2470 times)

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Ta-152H of Stab - JG/11 1945.
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:57:22 PM »

Hey all it's me again,  ;)

Instead of requesting a Dora after that slight c**k up with the fictional Black 4, I decided to take a look at the second unit that used the Ta-152H. That unit was JG/11, little is known about ''Green 2'' albeit she was used in the last days of the war. It's an aircraft that has been skinned in the past, but most of the files on the net have gone walkabout or the ones I have found are corrupted files.

The picture I have attached seems to state that this aircraft flew in January 1945...yet Ta-152's didn't see service until April, May 1945 with the only well known Jagdgeshwader 301.

If this is another fake I will eat my hat, even though I don't have one.... :-X

Best to all


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Re: Ta-152H of Stab - JG/11 1945.
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 09:03:36 PM »

The above is a hypothetical scheme, the Stab of Jg11 did recieve as many as 6 152H's in March/April from test aircraft based at Reichlin, but no record of them entering combat or even service survives.

I dont know if that qualifies for hat eating?

My info comes from the +4 book, unfortunatly I dont have to the new eagle editions one, though I'm sure if that changed I would have heard about it by now.
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Re: Ta-152H of Stab - JG/11 1945.
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2014, 09:17:20 PM »

There is a JG-11 scheme at Asisbiz.

Link: http://www.asisbiz.com/il2/Ta-152H/Ta-152H1-JG11-Green-2.html

I do believe this is the one you want?



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Re: Ta-152H of Stab - JG/11 1945.
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2014, 03:26:09 AM »

The above is a hypothetical scheme, the Stab of Jg11 did recieve as many as 6 152H's in March/April from test aircraft based at Reichlin, but no record of them entering combat or even service survives.

I dont know if that qualifies for hat eating?

My info comes from the +4 book, unfortunatly I dont have to the new eagle editions one, though I'm sure if that changed I would have heard about it by now.

Well in terms of my hat at least I can use it during my next airshow season  ;D

Thanks to Ta-183 for showing me that skin. I have downloaded it and it doesn't show up in my skin lot on the 152...I have sent the guy a message saying it needs to be altered to fit the size...

It would be nice however if this aircraft could be skinned better, its obvious she did exist, and its one that I think many people would want as the Ta-152 is rarely skinned....of course big credit to those who have skinned her in the past...including you Phas3e...those Ta's you made are the best I have in my collection without a doubt.

But turning back to Green 2, I would do anything to have it skinned properly...even if I had to pay real money for it  :-[

But still at least it comes from a valuable source that this aeroplane WAS built, but like you said, no record of it in combat. Chances are she was but not of historical records.

Best to you and keep skinning beautifully

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Re: Ta-152H of Stab - JG/11 1945.
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2014, 10:02:24 AM »

I'm planning on doing another Ta skin this week to go with a Lancaster skin but it wont be a made up one like this scheme, it will one of Jg301's, probably 'Green 4'
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Re: Ta-152H of Stab - JG/11 1945.
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2014, 10:19:29 AM »

BlackAce, did you click on the skin itself from the link I gave?

This will bring it up at 1024x1024, so it will work for you. It works for me this way, if nothing else. Maybe I could package it up for you and give you it via pm or something.....


Orrrr I could just post a direct link to the skin: http://www.asisbiz.com/il2/Ta-152H/Ta-152H1-JG11-Green-2/pages/MV-Ta-152H1-StabJG11-Green-2-Germany-1945.html



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Re: Ta-152H of Stab - JG/11 1945.
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2014, 10:43:41 AM »

I'm planning on doing another Ta skin this week to go with a Lancaster skin but it wont be a made up one like this scheme, it will one of Jg301's, probably 'Green 4'

Thanks Phas3e I guess thats one request that I can scratch off, seeing you have already have done Green 9 and Yellow 1, as well as an Unmarked Prototype.

And Ta-183 it works now, I found it on Flight Sim Files. Its the same pack, but she works, I guess I can scratch that off too buddy! Thankyou!

I might have a go at skinning her myself once I buy Photoshop. As well as do some Dora's. But I will make do mate!

Best to you both!

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