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Author Topic: Copying objects from a mission file into an unlocked version of a map?  (Read 1804 times)

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I understand that there is a way to copy a group of objects, for example a village, that was added to a mission file using FMB into an unlocked version of a map. Can anyone tell me how to do this?



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Re: Copying objects from a mission file into an unlocked version of a map?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2014, 08:26:26 AM »

You can do that with Zuti's Actors Management Tool.

His mediafire d/l link is in the 1st post:

If you know how to handle the tool (read his manual very closely and follow it step by step) then extract the actors.static of your map, copy-paste all objects of [Buildings] section of that particular FMB mission into the actors.static and select 'create'.
Then objects from mission file are into actors.static.
Note: take care there is no open space between last line of extracted actors.static and first line from [Buildings] section you just pasted into it.  And no open space after last entry at the end of extracted actors.static. Otherwise you get a 'string error' and a new actors.static can not be created.
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Re: Copying objects from a mission file into an unlocked version of a map?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2014, 01:08:37 AM »


I've downloaded it. I'll spend some quality time with the manual and give it a try. Thank you very much :).




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Re: Copying objects from a mission file into an unlocked version of a map?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2014, 05:23:51 AM »

One thing to take in account when following the tutorial.
On page 5 there is the screenshot were it says:

#  Size of map in y direction in

But it should be written on 2 lines like this:

#  Size of map in y direction in meters

Otherwise extracting and creating won't work.

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Re: Copying objects from a mission file into an unlocked version of a map?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2014, 02:44:20 AM »


I've read the instructions several times. It does not mention mission files?




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Re: Copying objects from a mission file into an unlocked version of a map?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2014, 05:23:36 AM »

You have to add the mission file yourself into the extracted actors.static like I mentioned in my 1st reply.

Zuti only explains how to extract/create so you can filter out, adding objects from FMB mission etc. before creating the new actors.static.

I did it this way with my Crete retexture:
-Created a village template and saved it as a mission in normal FMB
-Extracted the actors.static with Zuti's tool
-Copy-pasted the objects from the mission file into the readable actors.static
-Created the new actors.static
-Put that actors.static back in the appropiate map folder
-In Unlocked FMB I copy-pasted that village template on other places of the map.

As soon as you know how to handle the extract/create tool it is very easy to add objects to the actors.static.

More I can not help.
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Re: Copying objects from a mission file into an unlocked version of a map?
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2014, 09:00:25 PM »


OK, thanks.


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