Change your 4.12 menu background!following this request here:,43499.0.htmlI did a little search and got this when extracting 4.12s files.sfs:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~How to change this?
I copied the text from Storebros's post here, starting with "splashscreen":,37662.msg416705.html#msg416705as this here is very similar, changed the text a little bit.
Thank you Mike: for the text and your help with this!
The Games menus chooseable backgrounds reside in the "gui" folder
of the game's file structure, which means if you wanna use
your own Background(s) you first have to setup a regarding
own Mod folder like this:
<Your Game's Folder Name>\#SAS\<name for your Background Mod>\gui
Please replace "<Your Game's Folder Name>" by the folder name
where your game is installed, e.g. "C:\IL2\Modact 5" and replace
"<name for your Background Mod>" by what it tells you,
e.g. "MyCustomBackgrounds". In the Mod I uploaded below I have: "Backgrounds_TEST".
All 4 Backgrounds exist in two variations,
both "normal" (i.e. 4:3) aspect ratio
and "wide" (e.g. 16:9) aspect ratio.
In stock 4.12 these two variations exist for 4 countries "hangar scenes",
German (de), Japan (jp), Russian (ru) and English/USA (en).
Each background consists of a ".mat" file and a corresponding image file ".tga".
The file size of the image file must not exceed 4MB and the file has to be
in 24bpp uncompressed format, this means the maximum resolution
for 4:3 aspect ratio images is 1366x1025 pixels and for 16:9 aspect ratio
images it is 1577x887 pixels.
If you want to implement your own custom Background Image, you have
to create the set of ".mat" file(s) for the Country required and the
corresponding ".tga" image file(s) for the aspect ratio(s) required.
The safest way is to create files for all 4 countries and aspect ratios,
the same way as Modact 5 does.
For the Background Images the file names required for the ".mat" files are:
The dimension (width/height)of the stock images is 1024x512,
the "normal" pics will be scaled to 4:3, "wide_" to 16:9.
The content of such a ".mat" file looks like this:
ClassName TMaterial
TextureName <Your Image File Name Here>.tga
tfNoWriteZ 1
tfNoDegradation 1
tfMinLinear 1
tfMagLinear 1
The only thing you need to edit is "<Your Image File Name Here>"
which you replace with the name of your Backgrund Image
(TGA 24bpp uncompressed <4MB) file.
In my download I used the same names for TGAs the mat files have.
But this can be changed:
For instance if your Background Image is "Spitfire_attack.tga"
then the content of the ".mat" file would be:
ClassName TMaterial
TextureName Spitfire_attack.tga
tfNoWriteZ 1
tfNoDegradation 1
tfMinLinear 1
tfMagLinear 1
And so each ".mat" file points to a corresponding image.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Download my Test version as I have it for my setup:
4.12 MA5.30, 4:3 screen with 1280x1024 resolution.
and see how I did it. This should help to understand
the text above ..
but sadly I can't test "wide screen"
so for a different setup you have to create your own
background images mod following the text above.
btw: you can have this as "standalone" mod or you can combine
it with some splashscreen mod, the folder structure is the same.
DL Backgrounds_TEST mod with Backgrounds for 4:3 1280x1024 screen: 4.12 ModAct 5.xx: extract the 7z and copy/move the mod
"Backgrounds_TEST" into #SAS.
For 412-TFM: extract the 7z and copy/move the mod
"Backgrounds_TEST" into #SAS.
For HSFX7: extract the 7z and copy/move the mod "Backgrounds_TEST"
into either /mods folder or copy/move the mat and tga files from
"Backgrounds_TEST/gui" into /files/gui. I tested it in /mods folder, works flawlessy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My backgrounds now looks like this:
change it here:
and get a new one
make it transparent (User Interface color = 6, User Interface Detail = 1):
Have fun.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To dl more background (and startscreen) pics go here,
GUI mod for 4.12 by vpmedia:,43590.0.html~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To get all the
stock 412 start-pics dl this file (see reply #13):