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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2014, 06:22:43 AM »

Hello modders, something for you to work on it...   ;)  :)

Regards, Gerhard
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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #37 on: November 28, 2014, 07:01:06 AM »

Not necessarily. The aircraft spawns "floating" above the deck with chocks engaged, it will only fall down once chocks have been released.
So it's rather a mission thing ;)

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #38 on: November 28, 2014, 11:00:52 AM »

I did some AF testing too last night. I did not see a visual benefit from using the higher AF settings in Inspector, but I didn't have a good spot for seeing it like your carrier deck. I *did* see a FPS hit on the minimum and average FPS values... and zero impact on the maximums. Like I said early, on my older card the Inspector settings for AF seemed to have no effect at all on FPS.

Here are the numbers I got in Black Death (first 75 seconds) with 16xS AA:

conf.ini 3,3,2 (Quality, Trilinear..?)                              60, 38, 82
Inspector 4x (Quality, Trilinear)                                  56, 34, 82
Inspector 8x (Quality, Trilinear)                                  53, 30, 82
Inspector 16x (Quality, Trilinear)                                49, 26, 82
Inspector 16x (High Quality)                                      46, 23, 82
conf.ini 3,3,2 (Quality, Trilinear..?)                              60, 38, 82

You seem to be getting very good FPS now. With 4x AA your avg is 127 vs 160 on mine. What is the reason why you consider higher AA settings that yield an avg FPS <80 to be unacceptable?




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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #39 on: November 28, 2014, 11:10:14 AM »

What is the reason why you consider higher AA settings that yield an avg FPS <80 to be unacceptable?
As you see, 8xCSAA would be suitable as well, it's just that I still have to check the quality difference.
Any higher AA setting will cause the game to fall below 60 FPS during normal gameplay from time to time, and that's an issue for me because in online gameplay, things tend to cause low FPS much more than "The Black Death" does so I will frequently face FPS below 60, which for me as a TrackIR user means that I'd either have to disable VSYNC and live with horrible tearing effects, or use VSYNC and have massive stuttering every time the FPS falls below 60. That's the backflip of playing online with TrackIR: You have to step back in the settings until your hardware can handle a steady 60 FPS with VSYNC, otherwise things become ugly.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #40 on: November 28, 2014, 01:06:34 PM »

Thanks... that's interesting. Even offline with no head tracking, I get "lines" (a discontinuity) moving across the screen sometimes. Is that what tearing is? I have vsync, adaptive, and 58fps limit set... which I thought would eliminate tearing if the fps dropped. Maybe I need to run lower AA also...

I got higher FPS with 8xCSAA vs 4xMSAA, but I also thought 4xMSAA looked better. They were close though.


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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2014, 08:34:31 AM »

Yep, these horizontal "lines" (in fact they are the borders between two frames) are tearing. It results from the graphics card drawing frames into the front buffer at the same time where the monitor is showing them, so a part of your image shown is the "old" frame and the other part is the "new" one already.
A good description of this effect and Nvidia's attempt to circumvent parts of the tearing vs. stuttering catch is described here: http://www.geforce.com/hardware/technology/adaptive-vsync/technology

The most sophisticated way to deal with this, apart from G-Sync, is VSYNC + triple buffering.
Triple buffering means that the graphics card holds 3 buffers for the image being shown.
Buffer no.1 is the actually shown image on the monitor.
Buffer no.2 is the next image ready to be shown on the monitor.
Buffer no.3 is the buffer where the GPU draws the next image in.
Now when the vertical sync event occurs, the buffers will roll, Buffer no.2 becomes no.1, no.3 becomes no.2, no.1 becomes no.3. That can be done within microseconds, so stutters will be limited to a minimum (in fact they will only occur when the GPU is not able to provide a complete buffer in slot 2 when the vsync event occurs).

With G-Sync, the old VSYNC is reversed and the monitor will draw the image right when the GPU has completely filled the next buffer, whenever that may be (of course within some FPS range, something like 30-144 FPS). Usually this results in no tearing and no stutter at all, but G-Sync monitors are quite expensive.

I've got one more thing: In my previous tests, I made a mistake when checking the effect of anisotropic filtering in Nvidia Inspector.
In fact the settings there do apply to the game and they do have an effect both on image quality and FPS rate.

See the real images and corrected FPS table below:

No anisotropic filtering, note the blurred front end of the deck where you cannot see the catapult at all:

4xAF, that's the game's default setting ("Application controlled"), note the visible catapult at the front end of the deck:

16xAF through Nvidia Inspector, note the crisp and clear deck all the way, including catapult:

Now to the results from video track testing ("The Black Death"), all tests have been performed on the same system running the first 90 seconds of that thread, game version was Ultrapack 3.0 RC4 with no mods.

Settings   FPS AVG   FPS MAX   FPS MIN   FPS MIN (*)   Remarks
FXAA (ingame AF)11716155311st run of the game
./.11816089452nd run of the game
./., ingame AF disabled761463737looks horrible
8xCSAA+TB+AFO+ASO+ingame AF1212038145better than FXAA!!
4xMSAA+./.1272098845best AA match for 550Ti
./.+2xSSTAA881346242too much for 550Ti
./.+4xSSTAA55903737way too much for 550Ti
./.+8xSpGSSTAA1272108845best TAA match for 550Ti
./. (inkl.TAA) +16xAF1052046146Too much for online gameplay

Red = Setting dropped during testing for either performance or quality reasons.
Green = Setting kept for further tests.
AVG = Average
FPS MAX = Maximum FPS during test run
FPS MIN = Minimum FPS during test run, expect situation below
FPS MIN (*) = FPS impact when incendiary bomb is dropped on care column at ~70 seconds of the video.
FXAA = Nvidia Full Screen Anti Aliasing.
AF = Anisotropic Filtering
TB = Triple Buffering
AFO = Anisotropic Filter Optimization setting in Nvidia Inspector
ASO = Anisotropic Sample Optimization setting in Nvidia Inspector
CSAA = Coverage Sample Anti Aliasing
MSAA = Multisample Anti Aliasing
TAA = Transparent Anti Aliasing
SSTAA = Supersampling TAA
SpGSSTAA = Sparse Grid Supersampling TAA

Some preliminary conclusions (needs more testing to verify):
  • FXAA looses against 4xMSAA both in terms of quality and performance. 8xCSAA is nearly on the same performance level, quality needs further testing.
  • normal SSTAA is a no-go for the 550Ti.
  • SpGSSTAA shows no performance penalty at any setting. Impressive. Quality needs further testing.
  • When the game runs for the first time, FPS is reduced for the need of loading stuff off the HDD.
  • When the incendiary bomb is dropped on the car column, the explosion effects seem to hit some other limit than the GPU, it's "virtually" nailed at max. 45 FPS regardless FPU settings.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2014, 10:02:10 AM »

Sparse grid supersampling is not working in this game. You can check it in transparent textures like several cockpits. For example, G4M transparent textures. If you want to improve transparent textures you need to use Transparency Supersampling.

It's easy to check it. Thats the reason you don't suffer any penalties. It's not working.


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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2014, 11:54:27 AM »

That makes sense. And it means that for a GPU like the 550Ti, in the ~2000 Passmark points range, transparent anti aliasing beyond 1xSSTAA will cause issues in crowded scenes.
Thanks for clarifying this Willy.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2014, 01:58:35 PM »

This thread has turned into very interesting reading. You guys have helped me get my settings fixed so that I have a lot better FPS. Thanks :)
Dell Inspiron 7559. Windows 10 64. Intel I7-6700HQ@2.6GHz. 16GB RAM. NVIDIA GeForce GTX960M 4GB GDDR5.


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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #45 on: November 29, 2014, 06:49:50 PM »

It's easy to check it. Thats the reason you don't suffer any penalties. It's not working.

Ha! Bummer... thought I was getting super special transparency AA for nothing!


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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #46 on: November 29, 2014, 06:55:48 PM »

Thanks again Mike! I'm learning a few things.

I tried toning down the AA to 8xS, and didn't notice tearing then. I've been researching adaptive vsync, and with that enabled (and triple buffering) I shouldn't have been experiencing tearing anyway. But I did. Makes me wonder if it is working properly in this game? More testing...


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Re: Graphic Settings
« Reply #47 on: December 14, 2014, 07:54:57 AM »

A few more tests, this time with the new Nvidia GTX 970, results start with the comparative 550Ti values for reference:

GTX 550Ti:
Settings    FPS
FXAA (ingame AF)11716155311st run of the game
./.11816089452nd run of the game
4xMSAA,no TAA,16xAF1052046146

GTX 970:
Settings    FPS
FXAA (ingame AF)200378106471st run of the game
./.200373105462nd run of the game
4xMSAA,no TAA,16xAF20037810746

Additional Tests with GTX 970:
Settings    FPS
8xMSAA 4xSSTAA 16xAF1412619046
./. 8xSSTAA951966047
8xSQ AA 2xSSTAA 16xAF1102386345
8xS AA + ./.14823810146
./. + 4xSSTAA1132047446
8xS AA + 2xSSTAA + 16xAF
+ Water=4 + Effects=2
8xS... +
Text.Filt.=High Qual.

AVG = Average
FPS MAX = Maximum FPS during test run
FPS MIN = Minimum FPS during test run, except situation below
FPS MIN (*) = FPS impact when incendiary bomb is dropped on car column at ~70 seconds of the video.
FXAA = Nvidia Full Screen Anti Aliasing.
AF = Anisotropic Filtering
TB = Triple Buffering
AFO = Anisotropic Filter Optimization setting in Nvidia Inspector
ASO = Anisotropic Sample Optimization setting in Nvidia Inspector
CSAA = Coverage Sample Anti Aliasing
MSAA = Multisample Anti Aliasing
TAA = Transparent Anti Aliasing
SSTAA = Supersampling TAA
SpGSSTAA = Sparse Grid Supersampling TAA

No conclusions yet.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.
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