Hi fellow pilots!

I have problem with this mod in my DBW 1.71
After i put this folder to my DBW(mod) folder like i usualy do with the new planes in my DBW instalation- then in game in QMB
i cannot see Lancaster model in the 3D window like others planes -and after i load successfully 100% and the mission starts there is no plane and some graphic bug occure (i can see just clouds, some distorted model of the land.) (*when i remove this new 3d model -i can see old one corrrectly both in QMB window and in game.)
-It seems for me that it have some conflict with stock Lancaster from DBW -and I dont know how to disable the stock one (if necessary)??
-I have also remove old Lanc line from air.ini adding "-" before and add all new ones -nothing (simple because the new and old they call in the same way...)
-I have also try to instal in my DBW Lancaster mod from Ranwers and then override it with this one -the same bug occure...
So how can i instal it in my DBW 1.71? (where i already have a stock one Lancaster model -I dont know where to find it folder and/or to remove it if this is necessary?)
And when I do/or not remove the old one -
correct installation of the new 3D Lanc model only requires placing new folder in my DBW folder??? (or also including adding a correctly new lines in air.ini, plane.ru and weapons.ru -if necessary (they exist already with "stock"version of Lancaster in DBW)* ?