It was an extraordinary Testbed, built in early Summer 1944, from the first Leipheim batch.
It was twice nearly destroyed in Air-raids, built up both times again and served until late March 1945.
It was discovered at Lechfeld by US troops on 29. of April in 1945
According Dan O'Connells Me262 - The Production Log, it is a Me 262 A-1a, Werknummer 170056, with Stammkennzeichen KL+WJ, built at Leipheim,
where it was before 12. July 1944. Used as the second V-2 Testbed after it's loss, V-2 was first used for aerial testing, only fitting. Here being a
constructional, armament, Bombracks, Bombsight, aerial attachment testbed. In late August Oberammergau delivered ETC 504 racks for installation
on V056. As for nightfighting equipment, it was installed, but no trace it was used/tested. Instead it widely served for the Tailplane stabillity tests,
see white woolen fur attached to the black painted Tailframe. It was to measure the flutter that suffered the 262s.
At the time of the capture it sported a complete new Tailplane section added, then coded with the 170056 in a very
unusual area known for this batch.

Notice the difference in quality of the image reproduction.
That it was retrofitted you can trace on the excessive use of putty used to
smoothen the two sections on assembly. This putty or bright band can be traced on the seem of the nose and fuselage section too,
but subtler, as this got a bit handled.

You may also note the completely different rugged surface of a real Me262, which the complete opposite to a smothed out
Museum piece with polished, smooth surfaces.
Make a Google Search
Me 262 V056 Goggle Translator
This Mod depicts the known colour series shots during the aerial testings and armament trials.
Here you see V056 using the following installation:
FuG 218 Hirschgeweih
FuG 226 Neuling (two wing mounted aerials)