On October-04-2019 : A little correction. Please, have a look at reply 151. On May-15-2019 : Warning, new major update some lines further !
or please, have a look to reply 122._____________________________On April-02-2018 :Hi all. This, is for you:
A very big add-on for essentially the WF Généric maps, and including my previous updates and some improvment of the WF40-44 & Généric maps. 
Here is the summary :South East England : "Coastlines & inland towns".
France & Belgium : "Coastlines".
France : "Le bassin minier région de Valenciennes".
France : "Le bassin minier de Somain à Bruay en Artois".
France & Belgium : "Le sillon Sambre et meuse".
Netherland & Belgium : "Maastricht & Eben-Emael".
Belgium : "Dinant & La Roche-en-Ardennes".
France : "Laon old Town".
Germany : "Essen".
Trains : "New skins for original & mods railway rolling stock".
Towns, harbours, railways infrastructures, roads, industrial areas, coal mining, slag heaps,
floodgates, inland ports, power stations, airfields, seaplanes bases, beachs, seasons, reliefs and more...
No less than about 450 pictures,listed by subject, of this very long and hard work are here,
for downloading, in a Pdf file :https://www.mediafire.com/file/f0cmerb2b00bff3/WFG_maps_Add-On_Pictures_T-Bauchot.7zThis Add-On was build on a DBW modded game but could be used on any installation as soon as
you have all the needed objets regarding to your game version.
Installations instructions are inclued in the downloads.
Part 1 : The maps & Textures.https://www.mediafire.com/file/qd3bp9mzekakmbr/WF-Maps_Add-On_T-Bauchot.7zPart 2 : The really needed objects for DBW, HSFX and all other Games versions users ?https://www.mediafire.com/file/oban5gy0learxkd/WFmaps_Add-On_Objects_DBW_T-Bauchot.7zPart 3 : The needed complementary objects, only for HSFX users ?https://www.mediafire.com/file/sv5ks31vrprax7i/WFmaps_Add-On_Objects_HSFX.7zPart 4 : The needed objects for BAT-WAW users ( With the great help of "Gaston".)https://www.mediafire.com/file/gj2dthn8uqiztbn/For_BAT-WAW_users_WF-maps_Add-On_Objects.7zPart 5 : BumpH files for the Westfront Add-On maps textures. ( details are at reply #99)https://www.mediafire.com/file/bcbimns9g3cgtsv/BumpH_Files_WF-Maps_T-Bauchot_Add-On.7z_____________________________On May-15-2019 :
West Front Généric Maps add-on Part one.Coastal cities and harbors, from UK, Belgium,Netherlands,
and France.
Here is the summary:Update of all the French coastal cities and harbors, from under Dieppe to Bray-Dunes.
Update of all the Kent coastal cities, harbors, and some inland towns principally near airfields.
Update of all the Belgian coastal cities and harbors from De Panne to Breskens + Antwerpen.
Update in Netherlands, of Vlissingen and Rotterdam.
Addition of the West Front Généric Maps "late" in six seasons options, like on WFG maps.
Update of Manston Airfield + addition of Asch, Grave, Heesh and Ophoven.
________________________"Towns, harbours, railways infrastructures, roads, industrial and petroleum areas, floodgates, inland ports, power stations, airfields, seaplanes bases, beachs, recreation and tourism facilities, reliefs and more..."
________________________No less than about 250 pictures,listed by subject, of this very long and hard work are here,
for downloading, in a Pdf file :https://www.mediafire.com/file/u6emy7es1ll2mqy/WFG_maps_Add-on_Part-One_Pics_Thierry-Bauchot.7z/fileThis Add-On was build on a DBW modded game, and also adapted to an HSFX modded game, but could be used on any installation as soon as you have all the needed objets regarding to your game version.
Installations instructions are inclued in the download.
The West-Front Généric Maps add-on Part one, for DBW & HSFX, is here for downloading :https://www.mediafire.com/file/xu6uyx0ayd6p5x7/WFGM_add_on_Part-1_Thierry-Bauchot.7z/fileMore informations at reply : 122.