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Author Topic: SAS server for 4.12?  (Read 3329 times)

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SAS server for 4.12?
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:12:12 AM »

Hello folks of SAS, I have a question to ask. I've played on the UP3 SAS server and had fun with it, but I was wondering if there would be a possibility of a 4.12 SAS sever, to take advantage of all the new planes coming which are mostly 4.12 only. So would it be possible? Just wondering

Cheers, TAM
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Re: SAS server for 4.12?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2014, 12:48:16 AM »

It's unlikely that there'll be a 4.12 server since there are so many of them out on the hyperlobby already, it's hard to add some "special" flavour to it.
Plans are however to create some kind of "addon planes" pack for Ultrapack which would feature all relevant planes which were added to the game past UP's release.
This will take some time, bear with us.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: SAS server for 4.12?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2014, 12:50:12 AM »

It's unlikely that there'll be a 4.12 server since there are so many of them out on the hyperlobby already, it's hard to add some "special" flavour to it.
Plans are however to create some kind of "addon planes" pack for Ultrapack which would feature all relevant planes which were added to the game past UP's release.
This will take some time, bear with us.

Best regards - Mike

Oh okay, sounds good  ;D
Just call me TAM.


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Re: SAS server for 4.12?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2015, 07:50:50 PM »

What version of the IL-2 can be used to fly online using the Ultr@Pack? Does it have to be 4.10 or can we use 4.12.2m w/Modact 5.3?

I'm new to all of this so please bear with me. I went to the UltraPack site and saw that 3.0RC4 Beta was released back in 2011 and there has been no further development work. Did UltraPack just die? What happened to the stable release and all the other stuff that was posted about future enhancements? I hope this doesn't sound whiney, as it's not meant to be. If someone can just give me a quick summary and catch me up on 4 years of history I would be much obliged, thanks!


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Re: SAS server for 4.12?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2015, 09:37:47 PM »

I'm no onliner, but this I know  ;):
Ultrapack (UP3) runs on 4.10 only.
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Re: SAS server for 4.12?
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2015, 08:33:21 PM »

I'm no onliner, but this I know  ;):
Ultrapack (UP3) runs on 4.10 only.

Hi Gerax, thanks for the reply. So if I want to play online cooperatively, I will need to use 4.10 w/Ultrapack? Or do people play online using 4.12.2m?


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Re: SAS server for 4.12?
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2015, 02:47:59 PM »

is anyone likely to host a CUP server ? could be set to CUP no additional mods to prevent incompatibilities.


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Re: SAS server for 4.12?
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2015, 07:50:41 AM »

Currently, the only 4.12 mod pack offering also a dedicated server version is HSFX. For 4.12 servers it will either have to be HSFX or unmodded 4.12. You can use CUP for online but someone will have to use the game itself to host a mission and others joining directly, no dedicated server possible. We are doing this in our squad but not without problems. Such huge mod packs like DBW and CUP will not be stable online. You can use them but will run into troubles like people not being able to join, AI flying weird, CTDs and others. UP and HSFX are mod packs specifically designed and tested for smooth online play and this is why they offer also a dedicated server version.


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Re: SAS server for 4.12?
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2015, 02:58:51 AM »

G'day ALL and a BIG thank you for answering the quest. about CUP server Dimus. I was going to ask that myself. now answered. And thinking about it it makes sense that player hosting is the only way. & HL has plenty of modded flyable servers as stated. I was curious  but not concerned. and I am looking forward to have my CUP up and going I haven't been online flying for quite a while now. and with CUP to play with offline, will keep me very happily busy for a longer while more  8).
great work.
thankyou SAS ! and ALL involved with CUP ,
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