UPGRADE for your AV-8B " Harrier II Plus" version ONLY---
https://www.mediafire.com/file/dmni8hbjt4ckajc/MarineAviationPack__Skin_Upgrade_AV-8B.7zThis is a little upgrade to all the skin which make up the mod-aircraft
AV-8B "Harrier II PLus" - It is for the IL2-1946+Mods game versions.
Instructions....Place the folder from this download named " 3do" into your
folder of the ... !_US_Marine_Aviation_Pack v3.7
-( or where you keep your mod-airplane of the
AV-8B )-
Overwrite the old skins with these new versions.
This will give you new skins for the pilot, ejection seat, interior cockpit +parts (exterior views),
other interior+exterior parts skins, new engine fan (stopped and moving),
and new default skins (1024 x 1024 size).
Important note - if you wish to keep the original 2048x2048 HD default skins which
are inside your "summer" folder and mod-airplane folder--- Then do not use my versions.
It has been known for some time now that the default skins in the normal size of 1024x1024
make the mod-aircraft work much better in the game and you should only use the
larger HD skins when selecting an extra skin from your Paintschemes folder.
All the default skins and other skins inside the mod-airplane folder should always
be in the normal size of 1024x1024.
It is your game, you decide what to do with it.
If it breaks, its not my fault. You have been warned.
Enjoy your new Harrier II Plus and have a great flight
Some details and colors are not able to be used on this model. There are some parts which share the same colors
and line-details with other parts. So this is the best and closest to the real machine that I am able to
paint at this moment.
Another upgrade may be done in the future to this 3d-model, but until then, we shall wait.



