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Author Topic: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1  (Read 156199 times)

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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #384 on: August 09, 2016, 09:57:29 AM »

Hi, Seb.

Your error looks like .... this USMC pack depending on MiG-21 2nd generation package even it is not noticed.

Vega's "MiG-21 Unified Pack V.1.3" contains its contents and you have to install only one you like , not needed both.


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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #385 on: August 09, 2016, 02:26:14 PM »

Thank you for your help.
Everything works.


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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #386 on: September 02, 2016, 09:20:45 AM »

western minimum BETA patch on 02nd/Sep./2016.


Overwrite onto the Java pack folder of original v3.1 .
Playable game version and require mods are the same to original v3.1 .
I've tested about the points I think I've changed, my changes look like working all OK, but missing might be..... when you find them (original v3.1 doesn't behave such but my patch behaves so) m tell me in details.
Even the bug or discontent things continue in my patch from v3.1 , I have no plan to expand my patch to those areas. This is a MINIMUM patch.

* F/A-18 (clearly seen)
 - Wingtip AIM-9 following folding wings.
 - Fixing Flaps moving visual and its switch operation into historical one.
 - Enable to use Elevator Trim in cruise flight.
 - Not to so hard Nose-up in automatic taking-off.
 - Smoother moving Slats' visual in taking-off.
 - Showing correct droptanks remain fuel amounts in cockpit left MFD.
 - F/A-18D's rear pilot removes his oxygen mask following front pilot in opening the canopy on the ground.
* F/A-18 (internal codes not seen in missions)
 - Move common methods from child classes to the base class.
 - Separate Arresting Hook and Refueling codes into each methods from main loop.
* AV-8B+ (clearly seen)
 - Easy to level flight in cruise speed , use moving GCenter position instead of auto elevator trim.
 - Enable using elevator trim manually in level flight.
 - Showing correct droptanks remain fuel amounts in cockpit left MFD.
* AV-8B+ (internal codes not seen in missions)
 - Move common methods from child classes to the base class.
 - Separate Refueling and Drag Chute, AI Airbrake codes into each method from main loop.

I'm planning more drastic changes on this pack by 2 steps one is small and next is big.
1st will be released in 2 weeks , 2nd will be released in 12 months.
I'll post them in the separated my topic , not here.


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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #387 on: September 02, 2016, 02:43:34 PM »

Many thanks Western. Put a link to this patch into first post.
i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;


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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #388 on: September 02, 2016, 09:29:08 PM »


Thanks Western.
Looking forward to future improvements as well :)
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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #389 on: September 03, 2016, 01:21:27 AM »

Thanks western0221.

Aircrafts are more pleasant to fly and everything works well  :) (412.2 ma 5.3 +SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western Beta 22/Aug/2016).


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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #390 on: September 05, 2016, 03:48:46 AM »

In the interest of bettering this mod, I'd like to report some issues with the F-18C.

We found BUGS while flying this mod online and offline.
 We were flying in CUP #JTW pure install environment, (with the relevant recent patches for this mod),
  also I made a Modact 5.3 clean install with only the minimum requirements (and recent patches) to fly
   the US Marine Aviation Pack jets, yet we still found the same issues across a variety of stock and mod maps.

1) Landing behaviour in HALF flap mode and FULL flap mode is buggy and you will crash !
    Plane can flip on it's side randomly during landing approach, even if speed is well above 320kph.

   Edit: I need to test this behaviour more thoroughly, even though it seems random, there may be
           a cause I'm not aware of yet.

2) Speed washes off very rapidly in 180* turn. You need full mil power or afterburner to correct at
    end of turn or you stall !  It can cause a surprise stall and crash unless you really watch your
    speed carefully in turns under 800kph. This is particularly dangerous at the final turn on approach
    while reducing speed for landing. Best practice for now is to make a long approach with a high
    and fast final turn.
    Edit: I think perhaps I was flying with too high an AoA, further testing at lower AoA shows better
            performance and less energy loss in turns, so, it's likely my fault :P

3) VF19_Crash (Pete) is our squad's "crash test dummy". If it can be broken, he will break it :P
     Pete kept getting into un-recoverable tail slides, stalling vertically. The external view shows
     that the jet just seems to get locked into pointing straight up, then falls backwards, wobbling
      slightly, but it cannot be recovered. Very odd.

4) VF19_Crash (Pete) reported a screen lockup while switching to Fuel management screen on left MFD display. 
    I could not duplicate the issue on my setup, so I will report it again if the issue persists.

5) Weapons issues - seemingly unlimited air to air and air to ground missiles.
    Selection of missiles / rockets seems buggy.
     Yesterday I loaded 4x AGM84's, I fired two and it said I was empty.
   The unlimited missiles problem is also seen in all other mod jets I have
    seen so far, or at least it seems that way. I'm guessing this may be an IL2
    coding issue, but UP3 never had that problem. No one has ever given a reason
     for this problem, so we are still in the dark wondering if it can be fixed.

6) Maybe a bit picky, but aircraft still jumps off the runway a bit suddenly,
    but the recent patch is much better than it was, thankyou Western.
    This seems to be a common issue with a few jet mods, so not sure what
     is going on here, but Western's latest patch really did improve the F-18's
     takeoff characteristics - it was really dangerous before that.

An F-18 pilot I talked to says the real aircraft is almost foolproof to land. The approach should be approx.
120-125Kts speed at light loads (50% fuel and little or no ordinance), 5 degrees AoA. The F-18 can
actually plop onto the deck at 80kts / high alpha if it gets messed up !  He says the undercarriage is extremely
strong and difficult to damage on the F-18. (He has obviously not seen VF19_Crash trying to land).

By contrast, so many other mod jets are just fantastic flyers! Their landings and handling are superb
fun, not easy, but challenging and rewarding when done correctly. I don't know how to help other than
to report my findings, but the F-18 needs a little work.
The F-16, for example, is pretty good and doesn't suffer the approach issues that this F-18 does, even
though it has a fairly similar feel while flying in IL2.

Please understand I'm not complaining here, I like to fly the Russian jets :)
I am reporting on behalf of others who love the F-18 !
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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #391 on: September 07, 2016, 04:06:14 AM »

Double post here, but I just discovered something important about the F-18.

Regarding why the F-18 bounces and takes off again after a touchdown with the correct HALF flap setting !

Try this:
Spawn in the F-18, go to external view, then set "HALF" flap mode for takeoff and watch what happens.
The flaps will lower, but also, the elevator goes to TAKEOFF position. This is, presumably, TAKEOFF MODE.

When you land, as soon as the wheels touch the ground, TAKEOFF MODE is reset by the Fly By Wire system
and the elevator locks into takeoff position!  You can see this happen in outside view when landing.
Then, it launches itself back into the air as a result, and this easily explains the problem.

Also, watch the "flightpath indicator" on the HUD the very instant the wheels are on the ground..... 
it just suddenly flies up to the top of the HUD as soon as the wheels touch, and to me, that looks like the
FlyByWire is telling the aircraft to climb, and it exactly coincides with the Elevator slamming UP to the stops !

I do not understand fully the Flightpath Indicator on this jet. On approach, you can have it held above the
far end of the runway and you can still sink into the ground before you get to the near side of the runway, so,
the flightpath indicator is either not calibrated correctly, or it works with some other function, perhaps the FBW system?

PLEASE take note:
Another important problem with the flight model on the F-18, F-16 and to a lesser extent, on some other jets -
and I stress, this really important, is the reversing of pitch tendency when power is applied or reduced.
On the F-16 and F-18, this reverse pitching with power is a very strong force, not noticeable so much at high
combat speeds, but it is deadly at lower speeds and when landing.
If you need to suddenly add a little power to reduce descent rate on late final approach, the plane will pitch forward
into the ground as it powers up, the exact opposite of what you need!
If you need to reduce power for higher descent rate on late final, the plane will pitch up and your approach is over!
If you try to save the approach in either scenario, you are probably going to crash. This needs to be fixed.
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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #392 on: September 07, 2016, 06:56:50 AM »

I'm not sure its perfect, but MFD Fuel mode freezing maybe solved.
BETA patch of 07th/Sep./2016 .


The change point is only it.
Other things are kept from 02nd/Sep./2016 version.
Today's patch contains all the classfiles of 02nd/Sep./2016 one.

Other reported points need long time to solve.
I'm trying , but fixing almost of them will be after some months and maybe separated to another branch of mine.


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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #393 on: September 08, 2016, 09:03:51 PM »

Thank you very much Western !

Take your time, I am very patient  for a good result :)
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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #394 on: September 11, 2016, 03:31:36 AM »

Western, you finally resolve the problem of "moving ordenance"??? So Sidewinder could following the moving of the wingtip...Excellent.  8)
 Very quiet question: this also means that we have the possibility to create aircrafts with "moving ordenance", so Tornado, F-111, etc...very quiet question;)


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Re: US Marine Aviation pack (F/A-18C/D, AV-8B+) v3.1
« Reply #395 on: September 11, 2016, 03:42:24 AM »

Very quiet question: this also means that we have the possibility to create aircrafts with "moving ordenance", so Tornado, F-111, etc...very quiet question;)

Possible but special "moving" code is needed in each ordnance classfiles, and existing bombs or missiles don't have that code.

AIM-9L used by F/A-18 has the code.
S3 once made it whole of AIM-9L and F/A-18C/D classes. But in some time of developing, F/A-18C/D side code was lost and forgotten.
I've done only recovering his old work, not scratching.
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