Hi all,
here, for maps users, maps and missions builders, some new textures for the sky :
I had began this work in the idea of creating more cloudy heavy skies over northern Europe
in order to make more convincing atmospheres on the very nice maps WF of "Gilb".
So I decided to open a new topic on this subject and to provide all these new skies regardless
of my Mod: "WF maps updated".
In the download you will find all the skies used for my upgraded maps WF 40 & 44 as well as a new skies range
slightly less dense and suggesting parts of blue sky in the background.
Guests can also find images folder with the name of each sky and the entries for "map load.ini"
in order to make an easier choice !

After numerous tests I noticed that this cloud Mod :
"Clouds big 2.1" of Manysh fits perfectly with these skies.
(in this version the cloud are more nuanced in colors and brightness than in V.2.1a)
Please have a look at :
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18405.0.htmlMoreover, the size of the clouds in this mod helps mitigate the bug on the horizon simply by masking it !
in the conf.ini of the game by settling :
LandGeom=3 it is possible to have perfect horizons
but it only works for a weather setting on "clear" or "good"
This bug exists with all types of skies (and principally from hight altitude.)
and it will be even stronger with denser skies as it is the case here !
So to summarize and for these reasons I recommend you this cloud mod !

The results are visually very correct on these weather settings :
Clear, Good, Poor, Blind, Rain and Thunderstorm...
However, I would not recommend you the setting : Hazy...
So for Dgen campaigns go into your Dgen folder / Settings"name of the campaign or sub-campaign".dat File
( for example : settingsDeBoe09.dat ) and set the [MapWeather] accordingly...
for example :
WF_1939Ardennes 5 65 0 10 10 5 5
Each number represents the chance percentage of having a type of weather.
For example : 5% of clear weather, 65% of good weather, 0% of hazy weather, etc...
The result of adding these number must be equal to 100.
Download link : https://www.mediafire.com/download/p20a1u1ig1ws4gy/TB_New_Skies_Textures.7zFor the pics of the WF maps new skies please look at :https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44070.0.htmland especially to :
reply #16And now, finally,surely better that my bad English, my last skies pics :

Have fun and good flight , Thierry.