Would it be easily possible to link to other physical elements in the game, like water movement, gravity, or "X sort of object at Y location"? Also, if If the animator supports animated textures that brings an entirely new dimension to ground objects: things that change color, pattern, or light intensity. Lighthouses, stoplights, blinking lights, outdoor movie screens, neon billboards, airfield runway control lights and glide angle landing aids.
The combinations allow players to easily program:
* Buoys or floating docks which rock on the waves or which follow river currents.
* Floating debris, dye, or oil patches which move with wind and waves.
* Objects that slowly sink into water.
* Waterfalls, dams, and spillways, landslides & avalanches, buildings which visibly collapse when destroyed.
* More realistic parachute/drogue behavior (e.g., the possibility that parachutes can tear, tangle, burn, or spill their air).
* Falling bundles of "Window."
* Radar dishes and similar devices which track a particular aircraft's movement.
* Visible waypoint or mission objective markers which appear or vanish when the player achieves some goal. (For example, Rise of Flight has training missions where you have to fly through giant artificial rings in the sky which change color once you've gone through them.)
More realistically, you could have flares or fires on the ground which are extinguished when a player achieves some objective or just rolls past them on a takeoff or landing run. (Great for covert SOE/OSS missions where temporary airfield lights only go on when the player's plane gets near and which are extinguished immediately after the plane passes them on landing.)
* Animated landing signal officers aboard aircraft carriers who give you correct paddle/light signals based on your behavior during the landing approach. Animated ground crew who do things like pull chocks away, ride on the aircraft's wing to guide it during taxi, start engines (either manually or with a Huck starter), or cheer you as you take off or land. Animated aircrew who physically move or perform some action on your command.
* Herds of animals which panic and run when an aircraft gets too close. Flocks of birds which respond to aircraft movement. People who run for cover when an aircraft gets too close!