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Author Topic: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.  (Read 519410 times)

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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #516 on: March 09, 2015, 04:42:19 PM »

I have, by chance I think, found a solution for some of my freezing issues - I deactivated the PAlVisual mod in JGSME -  I downloaded the latest version of the PAlVisualmod v9 from here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42495.0.html
and installed it using JGSME into all three modules.
Hey presto no more Parachute errors and the three missions I had been testing that had consistently thrown up these errors before are all working fine! I don't have the competence to compare the contents - all I know is that the original is about 140kb smaller than the CUP version - so there is a difference. Would be keen to know if anyone else sees an improvement.



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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #517 on: March 09, 2015, 05:03:26 PM »

Just a very big thank you for all your work.
I have not got it perfect, only have WAW and that gave 70% ctd till I deleted it and put it back without part 7.
I don't know what I am missing without it but I have plenty to enjoy as it stands.


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #518 on: March 09, 2015, 07:35:19 PM »

Probably a silly question, but I just pulled this down, and installed it without a hitch.  All 3 worlds are loadable.  But what I DON'T know is what I should do in them?  In other words, when I go to single missions or campaigns in any of the mods it's just the stock ones from the IL2 1946 game.  What am I missing?


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #519 on: March 09, 2015, 07:51:13 PM »

The only problem i have is that the DOF module seems somewhat slower than the rest of the modules. Fmb loads slow, and when i start a WWI plane, it just keeps the power at 100% and i can;t slow it down

Some WWI planes, like the Camel, Fokker Dr.I and Fokker E.III have rotary engines wich you can only control power through mixture or firing certain number of cilinders. They have no throttle, as historical ones didn't. You can learn more in these threads:

Sopwith Camel: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,26104.0.html
Fokker E.III: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,28413.0.html
Fokker Dr.I: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,30927.0.html


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #520 on: March 09, 2015, 09:56:41 PM »

Which exact files are having issues from the torrent?

That's what SAS Mike is going to post tomorrow.  Might I also suggest you post Checksums Mike?  I had to d/l some files a couple of times from Mediafire as they were smaller than they should have been.

Oh don't worry, I'm not particularly worried, it's just that I downloaded some stuff through the torrent and some stuff through Mediafire, so I'm just wondering if I need to replace any files. I haven't had any problems with incomplete .RARs or anything though, so I assume I'm in the clear.


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #521 on: March 10, 2015, 01:22:49 AM »

I found the culprit from the drop bombs error! it is the jsgme option TB_Skies!!

Any ideas how you can fix this?


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #522 on: March 10, 2015, 02:11:38 AM »

Could someone summarise the sfs files that are faulty in the torrent? Thank you.


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #523 on: March 10, 2015, 03:13:18 AM »

Just a short update:
The old torrent has been tagged as deprecated in first post, new users please don't start with that torrent anymore.
A new "v2" torrent will be provided in due time together with an update for "v1" torrent users who have downloaded the old torrent already.
The old "v1" torrent will be left seeding for another week, then I'll part from it and I encourage all other seeders to do the same.
The "v1 to v2" update torrent will be left dead the same way a week later, from then on, only the new "v2" torrent or another successor will be supported.

The first post of this thread now also holds checksums for all files (you find them at the bottom of the post) together with a link to a freeware tool which can be used to check your downloaded files, so you can compare your checksums to the ones provided here (checking either of the checksum types is sufficient, you don't need to check all of them. If e.g. MD5 matches, then the files is okay).

The corrupted files from the old "v1" torrent are:
  • C.U.P.- Module 02 - Dawn Of Flight Pt01.rar (Byte errors keep DOF2.SFS from extracting)
  • SAS-MME05.rar (Can be extracted, but size and checksums don't match, so the content is suspicious)
  • C.U.P.- Module 03 - World At War Pt04.rar (Can be extracted, but size and checksums don't match, so the content is suspicious)
  • C.U.P.- Module 03 - World At War Pt05.rar (Can be extracted, but size and checksums don't match, so the content is suspicious)
  • C.U.P.- Module 04 - the Jet Age Pt03.rar (Can be extracted, but size and checksums don't match, so the content is suspicious)
  • EXPANSION-Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt05.rar (missing completely)

The corrupted files' size sums up to 4,400,858,946 Bytes, that will be the size of the upcoming "v1 to v2 Torrent Update".
Torrent users please stay tuned, fresh torrents are being prepared...

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #524 on: March 10, 2015, 03:21:43 AM »

I would like to suggest something please.


What do you all think? Is there any support for this?



You have my support Slipper. :) Somebody made an interesting comment at the beginning of the post about that, in comment 130 https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44975.msg504070.html#msg504070
I found his remarks and the planes he mentioned quite relevant.

Also, for people with many missing files and the Selector not displaying any CUP option, I suggest you check your ZIP tool options. Mine was set up to "Skip existing files" when extracting...  :P

Thx a lot to the CUP team for the great support! Waiting for the v1-v2 update then. :)


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #525 on: March 10, 2015, 03:35:36 AM »

Just a very big thank you for all your work.
I have not got it perfect, only have WAW and that gave 70% ctd till I deleted it and put it back without part 7.
I don't know what I am missing without it but I have plenty to enjoy as it stands.
I had to do the same. What is in the part 7?, and will there be a corrected patch?


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #526 on: March 10, 2015, 03:43:48 AM »


I would like to know if one of you has a problem with the map " WF La Chute of spit 973 in WAW

Here is mine:
Code: [Select]
world land(). LoadMap() error: java.lang.RuntimeException: landscape WF_La chute_Spit973/ Chute_load.ini'/loading error

All the others maps work


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Re: Community Universal Patch C.U.P.
« Reply #527 on: March 10, 2015, 03:52:33 AM »

SAS-MME05.rar (Can be extracted, but size and checksums don't match, so the content is suspicious)

Hi Mike!

I have just finished the download of the basic CUP files.

As the error in this section is only about MME5 , can you report the correct size so I can start install the basic stuff and give some test?

---- BTW

Luckly I have also the MME5 from mediafire (that is unreliable to get all the stuff as it crash a lot) and the dimension (extracted) of the files are:

MME5 from mediafire 1891103930
MME5 from torrent 1894792156


The difference in the dimensions (torrent is bigger than mediafire) are also due some more stuff into torrent MME5 which are missing from the mediafire one:




Modular Map SAS.txt

---- AND

If compared the dimensions and creation date of common (folder) SFS_MAPS and (file) SAS-Modular Map Expansion.txt are the same....
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