I have been reading from the beginning and so far not seen any mention that addressed my small problem.
I still have the issue with no Fly-by sound?
As I understand it - it is in the SFS files so it should be there without adding other mods.
I can hear good engine noise inside the cockpit and from outside view but if I go to flyby it is all but dead quite - just a slight buzz as it passed opposite you. Jets seem OK also WW1 kites?
Here is the log file or some of the bits with errors.
\MAPS53.SFS... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_MAPS\VCL01.SFS... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_MAPS\VCL02.SFS... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_MAPS\VCL03.SFS... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_MAPS\VCL04.SFS... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_MAPS\VCL05.SFS... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_MAPS\VCL06.SFS... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_MAPS\VCL07.SFS... mounted successfully!
Trying to AutoMount SFS_MAPS\VCL08.SFS... mounted successfully!
AutoMounting SFS files from folder SFS_MAPS finished.
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 3 -> 2 (delta = -1) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5 -> 2 (delta = -3) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 3 -> 2 (delta = -1) to Range 0..2
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 75 -> 32 (delta = -43) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 120 -> 60 (delta = -60) to Range 0..60
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 1024 -> 512 (delta = -512) to Range 1..512
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/GunShells/GunsmokeI.tga'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/GunShells/GunsmokeI.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/GunShells/Cannonsmoke.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
Cannot load sound preset motor.DB-600_Series.start.begin (java.lang.Exception: Invalid preset format)
FM called 'FlightModels/Fw-190D-14.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Fw190-D15 Loading FMD: FlightModels/Fw-190D-15.fmd
FM called 'FlightModels/Fw-190D-14.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Fw190-D15 Loading FMD: FlightModels/Fw-190D-15.fmd
FM called 'FlightModels/Fw-190D-15.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Fw190-D15 Loading FMD: FlightModels/Fw-190D-15.fmd
Ship: Value of [IJNMusashi_1942]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't set property
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric$SPAWN.getS(BigshipGeneric.java:226)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.BigshipGeneric
Not too sure what is going on here with Float clamp?
called 'FlightModels/SpitfireIIb.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
FM called 'FlightModels/Rolls-Royce-Merlin.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 3
Flight Model File FlightModels/SpitfireIIb.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
FM called 'FlightModels/SpitfireIIb.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
FM called 'FlightModels/HurricaneMkIIa.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
FM called 'FlightModels/Rolls-Royce-Merlin.emd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
Flight Model File FlightModels/HurricaneMkIIa.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
FM called 'FlightModels/HurricaneMkIIa.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
This fills a lot of the log.?? A lot of the log

More strange stuff?
class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
WARNING: To many faces 2988 or Vertexes 7199
Finally the end of the log.
class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
WARNING: TSmokeTrail::TSmokeTrail() Estimated number of particles 30 was clamped to (1 .. 8)
Chat: --- MUSTANG is RTB.
Chat: --- MUSTANG has left the game.
Chat: --- Osudog is on the ground safe and sound.
Chat: --- Osudog has left the game.
Chat: --- Sir Rod is RTB.
warning: no files : music/crash
Chat: --- Bird Dog is on the ground safe and sound.
socketConnection with on channel 0 lost. Reason:
[Mar 12, 2015 2:10:57 AM] -------------- END log session -------------
I have built this build from the original CD's and loaded the Mega Pack over it - Then the Modac 5.30 and get a working Sim in SAS Modact 5.3
The rest of the files I have then loaded to the Root folder per instructions and at first I could only see TFM splash screens? I now see the Hanger19 screens after working with the Config.ini file.
Apart from the lack of Tigers flyby sound in WAW - I get 1 FPS bouts that render it unplayable.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is it not possible to build from the original CD v4.07? and load the Super pack to it like this?
I did try to build another Sim using my #UP build files and removing the #SAS folders
and all references to #DBW and #DBW1916.
It too ran fine at first but the FPS will sometimes drop to 1 FPS on Korea maps with jets.
I run a Quad Core Intel i7 930, 2933MHz proc with 256 GB SSD and 3x 1TB HDA's - NVidia GTX 970 SSC - 12BG Corsair Ram on a Asus P6X58D Premium MB.
What am I doing wrong?
I have to say when it runs it is just fabulous. Best thing to happen to IL2 since launch

I just have to somehow get it stable. Thanks so much for all the effort you guys put into this. Much appreciated.
Sorry - not sure if this is too long.