This is a small and humble update to JapanCats A6M's.,10774.0.html

JapanCat worked very hard to make his versions of the A6M's as historicaly correct as he could.
I remember years ago when they were a WIP he wanted to know how to place a second running light on the wings as the real ones had back in WWII. I guess at that time no one knew how to add the second set of running lights but years later we did find how to do this.
I have placed the second set of running lights on the wings where I have seen them in pictures and also where JapanCat placed the running light cap over the flap section of the wing.
You will notice that on his model he also placed what looks like another running light cap where the Japanese marking on the wing is but I cannot find any pictures that show that it is a third set of running lights.
I have also corrected the tail light position on the A6M-N's as they were placed too far behind the tail and were not attached to the plane.
1. Make a back up of your Jcats_A6M folder that you have in your mods folder and put it somewhere safe.
2. Open the Update folder from my zip file and then copy and paste the JCats_A6M folder to you mods folder. It will ask you if you want to overwrite. Click yes and continure to answer yes and select all and move and replace as it asks you. You should then have all JCats A6m's with corrected running lights.