One of the first modded campaigns I built has now been updated to modded 4.12:

This is a semi-historical, 15-mission static campaign, set during 1941. You are a pilot in Llv 32, a Finnish fighter squadron, equipped with the US Curtiss Hawk A75. We have already been instructed painted yellow recognition-markers on our aircraft. No one knows why, but three days ago Germany invaded the Soviet Union and the rumor has it that this is the way the German aircraft are marked. This looks like war...
The Curtiss Hawk is a joy to use: fast, maneuverable and packing quite a punch! After flying it you will probably not be surprised to hear that the RAF was interested in aquiring the aircraft, and when testing it against a Supermarine Spitfire Mk I the Hawk turned out to have several advantages over the famous British fighter. The Hawk was found to have lighter controls than the Spitfire at speeds over 480 km/h, especially in diving attacks, and was better in a dogfight thanks to the less-sensitive elevator and better all-around visibility. The Hawk was also easier to control on takeoff and landing. However, what tipped the balance was the Spitfire's superior acceleration and speed. You will score against your Soviet opponents!
Download it here: campaign has been built in
HSFX 7. There is no need for additional uploads if you have this pack. When I get my own CUP install sorted out I hope to convert this campaign to CUP as well.
Included in this campaign is 20 SKINS, that have been made by the following talented skinners:
Imme, Mission_Bug, Hayate, VP_Media, Mangas, Ife, Tchaika and
Macwan. Thanks guys! Without skinners no campaigns!
Thanks for looking!