vpmedia's mod only seems to address stock maps (48 different stock maps retextured...), as well as other items which I really do not want to install. Most of the maps in CUP are probably modded.
As far as your fix, it seems to mainly address the Western Front Maps. I was hoping to address the problems on all the CUP maps. So, I'll just keep an eye out for a more 'universal' CUP fix, if there is one.
I noticed that your mod did fix some airfields on some other maps. However, there are plenty more that I saw that were not fixed. Just as one example, look at the Pacific_and_Asia maps. Most of the airfields are transparent....especially the grass textured ones.
With all due respect to you, I just wanted to address one more thing in regard to what you said in your last post:
"Aviar, you got your question answered already by vpmedia and his and moezilla´s reply in the CUP release thread, together with the discussion with porschefan in the map thread pointed me in the right direction;
as it seems, you do not only need my fix but also, als vpmedia has suggested, that one of his"
Just because a person replies to someone's post, that does not automatically make that a 'correct' answer or an answer that satisfies the person looking for a resolution to their problem. I always appreciate people who take their time and effort to try and help others who may be looking for answers to their particular dilemma. However, over the years, I have personally had or seen suppossedly helpful replies that were either totally incorrect or, in retrospect, not very helpful at all.
So, you see I may not always agree with someone who tells me that "...you got your question answered already...". In any event, no hard feelings here at all. We're all basically in the same boat here so it's best to work together as a team. S!