Yes, the poor old things are feeling a bit neglected. Their kids don't call, or visit. The telly is on the blink, and the lady who does the bingo on Thursdays isn't near as good as her predecessor. What they need is a few G and Ts, and a trip to the salon for a blue rinse.
Pete could restore them to their former glory........... 
Sorry Alfie, those three need more help than I can give.

Anyway guys, glad you are happy so far.
Sorry no slots for the Austrian lovelies though, I have got bogged down again with the cockpits for the LVG and I really need to take time out once it is done.

Besides doing a lot of messing with the parts shown in the previous posts I had a look at using Gio's existing details:

I would need to borrow a steering column possibly from the TB-3 to replace Gio's 3D and as with the other existing cockpit
there would not be working rudder pedals.
Man is that front seat cramped, not sure quite how they adapted that front seat for a student pilot. ???
Thoughts guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.