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Author Topic: Performance issues with C.U.P.  (Read 5760 times)

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Performance issues with C.U.P.
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:59:41 PM »

Hi guys,
I was pretty hyped with the next big thing to replace UP3  but, the most important part of CUP, WaW, have serious performance issues.
I cant tell whether DOF and JTW suffer same performance issues because I cant test those planes in the same scenarios as WaW.

In places where juiced up UP3, stock IL2 have over 50 fps, in WaW I am rarely getting half of that.
When I started Battle of Midway single mission, I got some unplayable 1fps slideshow, literally!
To me, it doesn't look like typical weak hardware kind of issue.
I noticed that water has been modified and setting water to 0 only makes thing look worse than on directX (For that matter, landgeom, landshading, effects, forest, etc, also have no influence on framerate).

Could someone share with me stock files governing water behaviour, I would like to test and see whether its water or something else.
I spent quite a few hours trying to extract water from IL2 and even managed to get textures and BumpH files but I think I am missing some files that need to be there.
If you changed lighting or anything that could hit framerate even in very light scenes, would you guys consider sharing original IL2 files you replaced?


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2015, 01:31:03 AM »

Hi Chup, Would help if u posted your PC specs? CUP runs great on my rig with no drop off from DBW - I havent run UP3 for years so cant comment on that

Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2015, 04:34:53 AM »

Here's some info I posted a while ago about fps problems
What we need to help is: hardware info, conf.ini, error log (log.lst).


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2015, 05:10:09 AM »

Here it is.
Nvidia 630 GT
AMD Athlon 64x2 4000+

I know my PC is not a powerhouse but up till now, it was enough to run stock IL 2 or UP3 on max without issues.
I use two tracks for benchmarking, with stock game and UP3, on "Black Death" trk I got 25-80 fps with average of 45 fps on "Kamikaze" trk I had similar results, on WaW, I am not even getting half of that, even before a single shot is made.


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2015, 06:50:08 AM »

Hi Chupacabras

I have the same GC than your, and (I think) a similar rig.
Just to be sure: did you upper the ram usage in Il2selector?
By default it is set to 512mb: very bad performances I had too. Meanwhile, setting it to 768mb improved performances a lot and make it totally good. But perhaps you've already tried that, I don't know.


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2015, 07:28:44 AM »

Hi Baff,
Upping RAM in selector didnt do a thing for me unfortunately.
What kind of performance you are getting out of WaW on "Kamikaze" track if I my ask?
Fraps does a good job of making a nice benchmark and summing it up.

I tried your advice and set WepEffect=0 but unfortunately it didn't do much for me.
With WepEffect=1 (or without this param) I had tons of
Code: [Select]
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
and with WepEffect=0, I dont have errors in the log anymore but every time I start my engine, smoke really kills framerate.
With WepEffect=1 startup smoke doesnt do much difference performance wise, apart from that there is no change in fps, with or without it.


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2015, 09:23:53 AM »

About engines starts, try this:
Worked very well on my rig.

About the rest I cannot tell: my CUP install is messed up and about to be reinstalled from scratch within the next few weeks, so I cannot test this track your're talking about. I'm only playing DGen campaigns, with air/ground intensity set to "low". I know I had some fps trouble with some missions from scripted campaigns, like the Poltava's Midway one, still using HSFX7 at that time. Sorry I cannot help more.  :-\\


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2015, 11:55:17 AM »

I tried every graphical settings there is, I even reduced resolution to 1024 and I haven't gained a single fps in "kamikaze" track.
It might indicate that cause of those problems is not weak GPU related and probably something else.
I googled a bit and it looks like people were complaining about fps issues since this mod was called T.F.M.

I made a test, I placed 10 static camera objects across Berlin map (mostly in city itself) and ctrl+f2 trough them making notes of fps.
There wasn't any planes or vehicles, just empty city in which I measured fps at camera position in WaW and stock IL2, my fps was getting cut in half across the board, with no planes or vehicles around.

What change introduced in WaW can cut performance like that?
Is it lighting or sun glare or some peace of code that kills my framerate like this.
Look guys, I understand if you say you don't have this issue or that not enough people have this issue so you are not going to bother with it.
I am not asking you to fix it for me, I am asking you to at least point me in the right direction.
Maybe its something I can replace or modify on my own?


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2015, 02:38:26 PM »

I have noticed a drop in the performance of my pc. Before using DBW, and in my opinion, was much more stable than CUP. Keep in mind the huge amount of new material, and how difficult it must be to adjust everything ... I'm CUP test, and after 5 facilities, only works me 100% DOF; WAW you have lost cockpits, also of performance highly saturated maps ... (but my PGU is very old), other problems with AI, enemies crashing too many times, and my plane on autopilot fails missions. In TJW, the aim9B missiles, which are the ones I've tried so far, and other weapons have strange behaviors (abnormal inertia, bombs do not explode or explode when they should not, ...) do not work.

If I can not debug failures, I will a installation il2 4.12 + SAS Modact 5.3 + Mod it can, added one by one by me.

 :( :(           Very sorry for bad English


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2015, 03:19:11 PM »

I have the same problem and I made a post about it here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45306.msg507589.html#msg507589

I'm still hoping for a solution and I'm disappointed the devs didn't incorporate some solutions into their recent update of CUP.


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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2015, 11:44:34 AM »

Spend quite a few hours googling and troubleshooting and then I hit dead end, here is what I found till now.
I noticed someone mentioning similar issues as mine (especially part about GPU not being the case) and suggesting its Gurner FX responsible for this.
1, 2, 3, 4
Too bad I haven't found mentioned files in CUP but,  since CUP is incarnation of TFM I expect this mod to be in CUP as well, I did found that some files in Gourner FX are modified versions of java classes in #WAW/STD and SAS Engine mod, not sure how of relevance is that tho.

This dude seems to be onto something,
If I delete all German planes or just delete enough planes from air.ini, the game returns to the usual fps.
Now, what does that mean and how can I fix the issue?

If there is Gourner FX in CUP especially  WAW module, can CUP devs share files needed to disable it, it might be worth a try

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Re: Performance issues with C.U.P.
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2015, 03:53:15 PM »

I can tell you right now after reading your thread that your problem is RAM :( or lack of....

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