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Author Topic: New sky textures Part 4  (Read 14394 times)

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ol' Navy

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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2015, 08:48:22 AM »

I realize that I asked before, but could one of you smart guys tell me where the _Tex folder is located in CUP.  It was in the mapmods/maps folder before, but now it's gone.  Thank you for the advice.


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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2015, 08:56:46 AM »

I realize that I asked before, but could one of you smart guys tell me where the _Tex folder is located in CUP.  It was in the mapmods/maps folder before, but now it's gone.  Thank you for the advice.

If it is not there anymore you can create the folder yourself by right mouse click, select 'Create New Folder' and name it _Tex.
Drop the new sky textures in there.
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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2015, 11:28:33 AM »

Make sure to have this structure:
Name of CUP Mod Module/e.g. WAW/Mapmods/Maps/_Tex.

But then you still need to manually open any map you like to change and edit its load.ini inside it.

ol' Navy

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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2015, 02:50:34 PM »

Make sure to have this structure:
Name of CUP Mod Module/e.g. WAW/Mapmods/Maps/_Tex.

But then you still need to manually open any map you like to change and edit its load.ini inside it.

Thanks.  Any time something sounds easy, to me, I get pretty uneasy about my abilities.  I will certainly try it though.  All these sky textures mention putting something or other in the _Tex folder (which I could no longer find)  and now you guys have given me a way to do it.  Hopefully I won't need to ask again.  I know I can be a pain.  Thank you for the help.


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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2015, 03:16:58 PM »

Never mind asking.  :P

This is indeed not so super easy as maps in CUP are somewhat 'hidden' in SFS files.
Best way to enable a new sky texture would be find your map of choice in another install, copy its map folder over and add the entry for the sky manually.
Feel free to ask, if this is too complex.

ol' Navy

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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2015, 06:57:19 PM »

Never mind asking.  :P

This is indeed not so super easy as maps in CUP are somewhat 'hidden' in SFS files.
Best way to enable a new sky texture would be find your map of choice in another install, copy its map folder over and add the entry for the sky manually.
Feel free to ask, if this is too complex.

Tom2, you might be sorry you had told me to "ask".  Now just let me get this straight and I will try to leave you alone.  I now have a _Tex folder like you guys told me.  But - I have a whole bunch of maps in WAW/Mapmods/Maps listed.  Aren't they the ones that I would add the sky textures to instead of "copy its map folder over and add the entry for the sky manually" from another install as you said?  Would they be different?  Now I will restate - I can be a pain I know, but I really do appreciate your help and patience and I am trying to learn from you guys.  It's just another sign of old age I guess.  Thank you again.


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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2015, 02:15:54 AM »

In case you plan to make more high cloud textures, I don't know where you get your textures from but this site has dozens for free:


You won't be the first one who got his textures from this site.  :D
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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2015, 04:55:19 AM »

Never mind asking.  :P

This is indeed not so super easy as maps in CUP are somewhat 'hidden' in SFS files.
Best way to enable a new sky texture would be find your map of choice in another install, copy its map folder over and add the entry for the sky manually.
Feel free to ask, if this is too complex.

Tom2, you might be sorry you had told me to "ask".  Now just let me get this straight and I will try to leave you alone.  I now have a _Tex folder like you guys told me.  But - I have a whole bunch of maps in WAW/Mapmods/Maps listed.  Aren't they the ones that I would add the sky textures to instead of "copy its map folder over and add the entry for the sky manually" from another install as you said?  Would they be different?  Now I will restate - I can be a pain I know, but I really do appreciate your help and patience and I am trying to learn from you guys.  It's just another sign of old age I guess.  Thank you again.

'Ol Navy, never mind, in THIS case I am with you as eneabling such a sky texture needs understanding of
a) how to install and/or manipulate mapmods...
b) how to apply a dedicated "per map" mod to the somewhat hidden mapmods folders in CUP...as in C.U.P., default maps are inside the IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/SFS_MAPS folder.

There is no way to apply this fix for one of the non standard named sky textures to a map in CUP without first creating that specific map folder inside the module where you want to have the new sky tex...an example:

You want a new sky, let us say vp's new default clouds256.tga in e.g. the SLOT map. This is also a good example, as the SLOT map was sort of renamed in Dark Blue World to something that makes any fix in a map called SLOT rather useless as the name does not fit (always DISLIKED the new naming conventions in mod packs).

Now, you need to have the SLOT map "load.ini", the file which defines which tgas, textures etc. will be used in that map.

YOu would have to extract that map, open the load.ini, and add: (In one of the multiple load inis of that map)
  HighClouds  = Clouds256.tga
  HighCloudsNoise  = CloudsNoise.tga

Plus put the texture you want to have in that map into
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#WAW\MAPMODS\MAPS\_Tex

Where you have to create a MAPS/_Tex folder, aka two folders, if none is present.

Basically, forget it. :P

If you want a specific texture in one of your maps, let me know the map and I can see if I can extract it for you or not, but please not more than 1-3 maps.


Make yourself comfortable with how to add maps, then you will soon find these edits very piss easy to do, at the start you need to understand how maps work:



TO be honest, while these new skies look fantastic from a screenshot perspective, ingame, I find some of this new look rather comic alike as the lower far horizon always stands through as contrast and the default IL-2 sunlighting gets somewhat interferred with, plus there is a rectangular pattern visible when you fly at high altitude often. Nevertheless I use some of the new beauties and handcrafted me some MTO/PTO versions from vpmedia's versions. In short, fantastic ideas but not without a price, at late noon I still find the default IL-2 light effects best. Nonetheless I love the idea to manipulate the old default IL-2 colours.

ol' Navy

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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2015, 10:24:18 AM »

Tom2 - thank you for your response.  Lordy, with my seventy-two yr old eyes and shaky hands (and now with two kinds of cancer), that much typing would have taken me two days.  I am really gonna scrutinize carefully what you have written and then see if I can do the things you said.  I seem to have a hard time lately keeping thoughts together and some of this sounds kinda deep for a shallow mind.  But thank you, for your time and your patience.  You speak of specific maps - I most often use the map that is used in the Battle of Britain campaign I think, and the one in those single missions that are something like the BoB the first week or something like that.  Again, thank you.


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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2015, 10:48:22 AM »

Ok ol' Navy,
let's make this simple:
I will pack you a few maps with different skies together and also my new default version for clouds256.tga (vpmedia's with a little edit) so you have some more. Will also add an MTO map version for you. Gimme 2-3 days.

Cheers and BTW blessings for your health.  ;)



ol' Navy

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Re: New sky textures Part 4
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2015, 05:22:57 PM »

Ok ol' Navy,
let's make this simple:
I will pack you a few maps with different skies together and also my new default version for clouds256.tga (vpmedia's with a little edit) so you have some more. Will also add an MTO map version for you. Gimme 2-3 days.

Cheers and BTW blessings for your health.  ;)



Thanks Tom, that sounds super.  I think doctors are conspiring against me now.  Seems as though every time I go something new comes up.  And their cures are pretty much worse than the disease (at least that's the way I feel although I know it's really not).  Thanks for the thought, and thanks for your game help.  I'll try to leave you alone now that I have monopolized your time so badly.
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