here is the result of the QwikMark test;
That's fine, everything alright.
Here is my conf.ini
Let's change a few values here, but it will not affect your FPS, just set a few things straight.
All of this applies to the
section. Set the following values please:
So what about your FPS?
Black Death;
Visibility distance = High (Avg: 53.322 - Min: 17 - Max: 63)
Visibility distance = Very Low (Avg: 58.324 - Min: 25 - Max: 63)
Your FPS is fine. Period.
It's absolutely normal to have a low "Min" value on the blackdeath track.
See my excessive tests on an i5-2500K OC'ed @4.1GHz with a GTX-970 here:,43542.msg490759.html#msg490759My FPS dropped to about 30 with AA/AF enabled when the car column got hit.
Your CPU and GPU are a bit weaker than mine, plus you might not have your game run from SSD, that's why the drop is deeper in your case.
Your Max values show that you run your game with VSync enabled in Nvidia control panel, otherwise your Max FPS would go much higher.
As long as in
normal circumstances your FPS doesn't drop below 60, your settings are just fine.
You will notice when the FPS goes below that value when looking around (very good to spot for TrackIR users) because tearing will appear as soon as your GPU can't deliver sufficient frames for the VSync anymore.
Best regards - Mike