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Author Topic: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War  (Read 37956 times)

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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #72 on: July 08, 2015, 04:51:48 PM »

I added my first two adders for #WAW PART-12 to the first post with a detailed listing of additions on the second post (reply #1).  They were just a quickie fix and I did very little testing as I'll be traveling soon will not be back until late July.   (Also my X-52 Pro broke and I had to take time out to fix it.)

Please let me know if you have difficulties with the new adder and I'll try to fix them when I return.

Marty has already mentioned a Part-13 adder is coming soon ... so these adders will probably be out of date by the time I return!

Hope you enjoy the adders  ... tooslow


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #73 on: July 27, 2015, 08:34:55 PM »

The first post now includes my updated third adder for #WAW PART-12 with a detailed listing of additions on the second post (reply #1).  This third adder is very similar to the third adder for the previous version.  However I have removed a couple of planes that caused a conflict and the "PS_Stationary Planes 4.12.2" (which I hope to soon release as the 4th adder).   I enjoyed testing five new planes ... which include sputnikshock's Hampden MkI,  Ten010's G3M2-11, Greybeard's Ki-43-Ic field modification & Ki-43-II Late production model, and the Wellesley MK I by GIO. & CWatson.  Hope you like them, I do.

Please let me know if you have difficulties with the new adder and I'll try to fix them.

Enjoy ... tooslow

P.S.  We (which includes my wife of 46 years) completed our first trip to Alaska which I enjoyed very much.  This was only an introductory trip and it was a small but wonderful preview that has made me want to return to experience more of this beautiful untouched wilderness.   


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #74 on: July 28, 2015, 06:50:05 AM »

thankyou Tooslow, glad to see you enjoyed your trip, i love wilderness areas; having grown up in east africa on the edge of the masai mara reserve i have this love of wide open spaces untouched by man, australia is a blast too once you get away from the urban sprawls.


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #75 on: August 14, 2015, 01:09:02 AM »

G'day and fantastic job tooslow (you may have to change your nick as you're pretty quick really LOL) I gather I just unzip to game folder ? like the rest of CUP stuff ? or best to unzip and then manually whack em in ?. PS I am soooo jealous you getz to go up and about the wilderness would love to see it one day, and Nyali, m8, very very very good to git outa the city sprawl of the cities. I waS BORN UNDER THE Sydney HARBOUR BRIDGE oops, dam caps, and had it at it's best through the 60's and 70's, I now live down the south coast NSW and I LOVE it, best move I did, and it was the best thing I got the wife and girls to do as well. and I get to surf and swim with the dolphins, I can travel to some close airfields/airports  and get some flying in, (highlight was flying a YAK52 trainer over and around the southern highlands) and the majority of the people will chat, smile and wave back.
keeping the dream alive........

New Right Arm Amputee, One armed flyer and Longboard surfer, I now swim and paddle in circles .


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #76 on: August 14, 2015, 12:29:07 PM »

hi Sharkzz, these days unfortunately I live half way up a welsh valley, have more or less constant rain and a severe lack of sunshine.


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #77 on: August 14, 2015, 06:53:02 PM »

First thanks for the compliments, but I really do these adders for myself ... It just takes a couple of extra steps to share them with the rest of the community.  Right now I'm testing a 4th adder and it's been working good since made some edits.   I should be releasing it soon.

The installation instructions are in the first post.  All you need to do is load the adders (after they have been unzipped) into your "jsgmemods" directory in your game folder.  (I actually just start the JSGME and copy them directly into listing on left side ... it works just as well.)   Then you run the JSGME to activate the mods one at a time in order.  Always wait until each one is fully loaded before you start the next one.  You can continue to do this until you have loaded all the adders.  Then start the game and see if they work, however, if you have a problem you probably will not know which adder is at fault.
A better way is to do what I do.   I always test each adder with a test load (run the game) and open it in the QMB and see if I can find the new planes, then I'll run a short quick mission using some of the "new" planes.  If all is good I'll close out the game and load the next adder.

Hope that helps clear up how to install the adders.

Also, regarding installing new "Parts" for WAW ... Make sure you remove my adders before you install the new PART(s) or you probably will have problems. When a new PART, like PART-13, becomes available you can remove my adders using the JSGME.    Just REVERSE the loading process ONE ADDER AT A TIME!!  Start with the last adder activated and when it has been removed then, and only then, remove the next adder, and the repeat this process with the rest of the adders.   When all adders are removed you should be able to load and enjoy the new PART.   Once a new PART is added I'll have to modify my adders to make them compatible with the new version.


We've done a lot of traveling in the USA, We live in California near San Francisco.  We have traveled (driven) over a lot of the our county.  Usually I'll be traveling in my motorhome towing a car.   Now that we've retired our trips are much more relaxed and we generally take our time traveling only a few hundred miles at a time.  We park the rig and use the car to explore the local areas.   The US has a lot of spectacular scenery.   For example, late last year we (along with several of our friends, also in motorhomes) explored a lot of the National and Regional Parks in Arizona and New Mexico, it was wonderful.   

I have always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand and at least get a feeling for what the countryside and people are like, but there is only some much time (and money) available.  Hopefully we will get a chance to get there before we get too old to travel (I'm already in my 70's).  Also, our grand children are starting to want more and more attention and we want to enjoy them while we can.   They live only a couple of blocks away, so we see them a lot.

Sorry I've been rambling, hope I didn't bore you to death ... tooslow


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #78 on: August 14, 2015, 07:14:28 PM »

Ramble as much as you like


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #79 on: August 22, 2015, 01:44:29 AM »

Thanks again tooslow, awesome work!

I have tested and re-tested the adders 1,2 & 3 for #WAW M12.

I get total PC lockup (requires reboot) if the following planes are selected
in the Arming screen in Multiplayer DF :


I simply remove those from my mission files so I cannot select them.
I hope this helps!

(If you ever go to Australia, maybe I can be of some help.)


* Update !

Ok, now I feel silly. I installed the adders by directly overwriting to my game install !
It's ok, it was a copy.

So, I'm now adding them to the JSGME folder and adding them through JSGME into
a fresh installation folder.

JSGME gives me an overwrite warning, I'm guessing that is normal, correct ?
The first two adders grey out in JSGME.

And it's still locking me up when I select the planes above in the new install.

I'm the clown walking around with a bucket over his head....


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SM79, CantZ1007,CantZ506 Crash in WAW with last Tooslow planes Adders
« Reply #80 on: August 27, 2015, 03:27:17 PM »

Hi All!
Everytime  when selected in QMB or FMB sm79, cantz1007 and cantz506 cause a suddenly crash to desktop. all other planes are ok .
Crash Happened when installed Tooslow new planes Adders otherwise all is working flawlessy...

 :( Any help is much apreciated


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #81 on: August 27, 2015, 07:52:29 PM »

It's normal to get an overwrite warning using the JSGME when installing my adders.  You have to overwrite some files to make the modifications work.  The adders usually "grey out", but if you wait for a while (10-20 minutes) it will usually go away.

I just noticed that you are using the "Multiplayer".  I wasn't aware that CUP worked in "Multiplayer".   Are all the other members of your "Multiplayer" using the same adders ... if not that could be the problem.   I've only tested the adders in the QMB and the planes you mention work fine for me in the QMB.   Have you tried the same planes in "Multiplayer" with a clean version of CUP?


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #82 on: August 27, 2015, 08:20:00 PM »

I just added the 4th adder for PART-12 to the first post.

I'm now working on the 5th adder which will include most of the stationary planes for those added in the first four adders.  If you have any suggested adders, I'm open to suggestions ... tooslow


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #83 on: August 28, 2015, 12:15:49 AM »

Many thanks tooslow!  :)

i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;
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