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Author Topic: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War  (Read 37962 times)

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I'm taking a suggestion from SAS~Gerax to make my JSGME aircraft additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War a separate thread so that they are easier find.   I will be repeating the installation instructions from my previous posts to make this Thread complete for the folks unfamiliar with the additions offered below.   I will attempt to keep the additions updated as additions are made to the WAW module.  Of course there will be a delay of several days or so to test any changes necessary to keep these additions compatible with the latest version of WAW.

Update 1/22/2016 ... tooslow

WARNING:  These Adders Only Work on C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-14 and will NOT work on later versions.  Please remove any of my adders (using the JSGME) before upgrading to the newer versions.   

The Latest Changes by Monty have made my old antiquated way of adding aircraft to WAW a very risky proposition and may give problems in your Upgraded versions of CUP.   I tried to up date the adders for PART-17, but I got some unexpected results that were less than satisfactory.   I have been able to get some of the added aircraft to work, but others do not.   Unless I can figure out a reliable way to add additional aircraft I will not be issuing any new adders ... I don't want to cause problems with anyone's CUP installation.   

I'm thankful that Monty and crew have been able to build CUP into what you have today ... a magnificent collection of mods that work very well together!   To all involved THANK YOU!!!!

Enjoy ...  tooslow   

Update 12/17/2015 ... tooslow

I apologize for the long delay between updates, but life problems took over my time I'm just now starting to tinker with CUP again.

C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-14

[This is an update mainly correcting the adders to work with PART-14 and the content has been adjusted.]

Here is an updated download link with a short descriptions for some add on aircraft for WAW PART-14.  Below are two adders to WAW using the JSGME setups that are activated the same way the original TFM was done, i.e., just load them in the jsgmemods folder and activate them using the JSGME.  I just picked the additions that I would like to be included in a future #WAW update.  The 1st folder is about 2.0GB or so uncompressed or about 310 MB compressed using 7zip.  The second is about 1.9GB or so uncompressed or about 210 MB compressed using 7zip.

I have done some limited testing (very little time) in the QMB and almost everything seems to work, please let me know if you discover a problem and I will try to deal with it.   The Aichi E13A1 "Jake", the Mitsubishi_Ki-2, and the B-29B are AI only and if any of them become flyable I'll try to include that in a future update.  Also I can't make start the engine of the G-56 on scramble QMB missions, but it works fine on an air start.

I started a new numbering system with these adders being designated PART-14 which means they are compatible with  CUP Module-03 WAW PART-14.

More detail on the adders and credits for the mods can be found in Reply #1.

#WAW_1st adder PART-14 is similar to #WAW_1st adder m12 with a few planes removed and a few planes added.

#WAW_1st adder PART-14


#WAW_2nd adder PART-14 a combination of  #WAW_2nd & 3rd adder m12 with a few planes removed and a few planes added.

#WAW_2nd adder PART-14

Please note that the below adders are NOT compatible with C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-14

Update 7/8/2015 ... tooslow

C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-12

[Just a quickie update mainly correcting the first two adders to work with Part-12 with a little additional content.]

Here is an updated download link with a short descriptions for some add on aircraft for WAW PART-12.  Below are three of adders to WAW using the JSGME setups that are activated the same way the original TFM was done, i.e., just load them in the jsgmemods folder and activate them using the JSGME.  I just picked the adders that I wanted to see included in #WAW.  The 1st folder is about 2.0GB or so uncompressed or about 310 MB compressed using 7zip.  The second is about 1.6GB or so uncompressed or about 180 MB compressed using 7zip.

I have done very limited testing (very little time) in the QMB and almost everything seems to work, please let me know if you discover a problem and I will try to deal with it.   The Aichi E13A1 "Jake" is AI only and if it becomes flyable I'll try to include that in a future update.  Also I can't make start the engine of the G-56 on scramble QMB missions, but it works fine on an air start.

I started a new numbering system with these adders being designated m12 which means they are compatible with  CUP Module-03 WAW Part-12.

More detail on these adders can be found in Reply #1.

#WAW_1st adder M12 is very similar to #WAW_1st adder v3 with a few planes removed (they are in Module-03 WAW Part-12) and a few planes added.

#WAW_1st adder M12


#WAW_2nd adder M12 is very similar to #WAW_2nd adder v3 with a few planes removed (they are in Module-03 WAW Part-12) and a few planes added.

#WAW_2nd adder M12


Update 7/23/2015 ... tooslow

#WAW_3rd adder M12 is similar to #WAW_3rd adder v3 with a couple planes removed (they created conflicts during testing) and a five new planes added which include sputnikshock's Hampden MkI,  Ten010's G3M2-11, Greybeard's Ki-43-Ic field modification & Ki-43-II Late production model, and the Wellesley MK I by GIO. & CWatson.   Also removed were the "PS_Stationary Planes 4.12.2" which I hope to soon  release as the 4th adder.

#WAW_3rd adder M12


Update 8/27/2015 ... tooslow

#WAW_4th adder M12 includes 15 additional aircraft and adds bombs to the G-50 load outs.  For the details see the print out of the documentation on the next post.  The stationary planes will be added in the 5th adder.

#WAW_4th adder M12


Enjoy ... tooslow



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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2015, 08:11:17 PM »

Update 12/17/2015 ... tooslow

For your information below are printouts of the documentation files for each of the adders offered above for C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-14

#WAW_1st adder PART-14

PAL-HUDConfig by benitomuso

A-26 by Docholiday
A-20G-1 by Aviator Mod Team: VH-Rock, F22-Raptor-2006
A-20Gussr by  Blitz & Cranky.1
A-20H by Aviator Mod Team: VH-Rock, F22-Raptor-2006
A-20H late by Docholiday, original A-20H by Aviator Mod Team
A20 DB7 Boston MkII by Charlie ChapFirefly-FR-1 by Ectoflyer & CWaston
Aichi E13A1 'Jake' by choisek [Daidalos Team (4.13)] & Epervier
Arado-196T_for_4.12 by NS the Radge, Tyril, & CWatson,
Avia_Bk.534sea by Skipper
AviaB-71_412_v1.02 by Archie1971, Maddox, Magot, Jutocsa, Imme, LesniHU & Epervier
B-24D-140-CO by Daidalos Team (4.13) & modified by PA-Jeronimo & Epervier
Ba65's by Dreamk
Barracuda-MkII by Ectoflyer & CWatson
C202CB by Spitwulf
D520_IES by Catsy & F_Red
Delfin/FF1 by Dreamk, Epervier, & Agracier
F4U-1/F4U-1A/F4U-1C/F4U-1D_USMC (FM fix) by CWatson
F6F-6 by Riken, Friction, & Bombsaway
Fiat Cr20 by Gio963TTo & Epervier
HawK-75h by Skipper
He111ABE by Dreamk
Hellcat Flap and FM Fix 409 04-02-13 by CWatson
HurricaneHercules by Red_Fox90, SAS Anto, Epervier, & 1C
HurricaneHercules20mm By By Riken, Red_Fox90, SAS Anto, Epervier, & 1C
HurricaneMkIBelgian by "FreeModding Team"
MustangMkI FM Fix  by Greybeard & CWatson
MustangMkIa by Riken & Birdman plus FM fix by Greybeard & CWatson
Nakajima Ki-43-Ic field modification by Greybeard, Spitwolf, Jaypack, & PA_Jeronimo
Nakajima Ki-43-II-Early by Greybeard, Spitwulf, & PA-Jeronimo
Nakajima Ki-43-II Late production model by Greybeard, Spitwolf, Jaypack, & PA_Jeronimo
Nakajima Ki-43-III_Ko by theMiSfiT & Stefan SG
P-40A by Riken, C6 Team, & Gaston
P-51H-5NA  by crazyflak, Wolfigther, F22-raptor & storebror
Pe-2series244/265/402 by yt2 & Epervier
Russian A-20C/G's by Rudy & Karabas-Barabas
Russian B-25C/D/J's by Karabas-Barabas
Seversky-NF1 by by CWatson
Vought 156-F by CWatson & Ectoflyer

plus US_Weapons by Cirx

Plus some Skins

#WAW_2nd adder PART-14

_Arms_Spain by Dreamk
A6M5b from HSFX7 for 4.09 Rebels by HSFX Team & JapanCat
Avia_float  by Beowolff
Bell Aircobra 1 ~ RAF by SAS~CirX plus Shooter, NonWonderDog, & 1C
B-29B by Paulus
Fiat G-56 Centauro by Team SAS, SAS~CirX
FM-1_GM & FM-2_GM by PA_Jeronimo, Griffon_301, Bravo, Beowulff, & Stefan SG
FokkerCX by DreamK & Birdman
He-111pack 9.6 by yt2
G-50_Bomber_409_v1.1 by Loku
I153N  by Beowolf & RealDarko
Kawanishi E7K Alf by Gio963TTo, Dreamk, Aiko, Reaper3-1, CWatson, Archie1971
Ki-43-III_Ko by theMiSfiT & Stefan SG
Lublin R-XIII's by Loku
MC-200_I_early_+_MC-201 by Verhangnis
Me-209-II by 101tfs
Messerschmitt Me-509 by mikoyan99, SAS forums
Mitsubishi_Ki-2 by gio963tto, CWatson, & Ont_R
Nakajima-A2N2/3 by gio963tto, CWatson, Stalker
P11f by Loku
P-38K by Paulus
P-39Q-30 by Karabas-Barabas & Rudy
P-40Q by Riken & Paulus
PB4Y-1 by alexmepr & over a dozen more .. see readme         
PB4Y-2 by Ecto, Alexmepr, Aachen, Twister, Ton, Docholiday, & Ranwers
Poli_Pack_I-15 Cutouts by Lefty & Blitz
PolPack I16 Cutouts SAS v2 by Lefty & Blitz, plus Ivan750, Mosca, CirX, Alge1, Aroman, Loku, Hades, & Birdman
PZL_P7 by Loku
Spitfire_Floatplane by Beowolff & Hawkman
TS_Macchi_Sea by SAS~Skipper
Wellesley MK I by GIO., CWatson, & MURDOC

Plus some Skins

Update 7/8/2015 ... tooslow

For your information below are printouts of the documentation files for each of the adders offered above for C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-12

#WAW_1st adder m12

PAL-HUDConfig by benitomuso

A-26 by Docholiday
A-20G-1 by Aviator Mod Team: VH-Rock, F22-Raptor-2006
A-20Gussr by  Blitz & Cranky.1
A-20H by Aviator Mod Team: VH-Rock, F22-Raptor-2006
A-20H late by Docholiday, original A-20H by Aviator Mod Team
A20 DB7 Boston MkII by Charlie ChapFirefly-FR-1 by Ectoflyer & CWaston
Aichi E13A1 'Jake' by choisek [Daidalos Team (4.13)] & Epervier
Arado-196T_for_4.12 by NS the Radge, Tyril, & CWatson,
Avia_Bk.534sea by Skipper
AviaB-71_412_v1.02 by Archie1971, Maddox, Magot, Jutocsa, Imme, LesniHU & Epervier
B-24D-140-CO by Daidalos Team (4.13) & modified by PA-Jeronimo & Epervier
Ba65's by Dreamk
Barracuda-MkII by Ectoflyer & CWatson
C202CB by SpitwulfSeafang F Mk32 by SAS_Storebror & Ton414
D520_IES by Catsy & F_Red
Delfin/FF1 by Dreamk, Epervier, & Agracier
F4U-1A/C/D_USMC (FM fix) by CWatson
F6F-6 by Riken, Friction, & Bombsaway
Fiat Cr20 by Gio963TTo & Epervier
Fiat_G50_bis_A_AN by Western0221, Red_Fox90, Birdman. Wolfighter, Barnesy, PA_Jeronimo, Luku, F-22-Raptor-2006, & Agracier
HawK-75h by Skipper
He111ABE by Dreamk
Hellcat Flap and FM Fix 409 04-02-13 by CWatson
HurricaneHercules by Red_Fox90, SAS Anto, Epervier, & 1C
HurricaneHercules20mm By By Riken, Red_Fox90, SAS Anto, Epervier, & 1C
HurricaneMkIBelgian by "FreeModding Team"
Ki-43-II-Early by Greybeard, Spitwulf, & PA-Jeronimo
MustangMkI FM Fix  by Greybeard & CWatson
MustangMkIa by Riken & Birdman plus FM fix by Greybeard & CWatson
P-40A by Riken, C6 Team, & Gaston
P-51H-5NA  by crazyflak, Wolfigther, F22-raptor & storebror
Pe-2series244/265/402 by yt2 & Epervier
Re-2001 by Spitwulf, Ecto, & RedFos_90
RE-2005 by 101tfs, Barnesy12, Edlor, CWatson
Russian A-20C/G's by Rudy & Karabas-Barabas
Russian B-25C/D/J's by Karabas-Barabas
Seversky-NF1 by by CWatson
Vought 156-F by CWatson & Ectoflyer

plus US_Weapons by Cirx

Plus some Skins

#WAW_2nd adder m12

_Arms_Spain by Dreamk
A6M5b from HSFX7 for 4.09 Rebels by HSFX Team & JapanCat
Avia_float  by Beowolff
Bell Aircobra 1 ~ RAF by SAS~CirX plus Shooter, NonWonderDog, & 1C
Fiat G-56 Centauro by Team SAS, SAS~CirX
FokkerCX by DreamK & Birdman
He-111pack 9.6 by yt2
I153N  by Beowolf & RealDarko
Kawanishi E7K Alf by Gio963TTo, Dreamk, Aiko, Reaper3-1, CWatson, Archie1971
Ki-43-III_Ko by theMiSfiT & Stefan SG
Lublin R-XIII's by Loku
MC-200_I_early_+_MC-201 by Verhangnis
Me-209-II by 101tfs
Messerschmitt Me-509 by mikoyan99, SAS forums
P-39Q-30 by Karabas-Barabas & Rudy
P-40Q by Riken & Paulus
PB4Y-1 by alexmepr & over a dozen more .. see readme         
PB4Y-2 by Ecto, Alexmepr, Aachen, Twister, Ton, Docholiday, & Ranwers
Poli_Pack_I-15 Cutouts by Lefty & Blitz
PolPack I16 Cutouts SAS v2 by Lefty & Blitz, plus Ivan750, Mosca, CirX, Alge1, Aroman, Loku, Hades, & Birdman
Seversky 2PA by CWatson, Barnesy12, Archie1971, Frankiek, Redfox90, Gumpy, & SAS Cirx
Spitfire_Floatplane by Beowolff & Hawkman

Plus some Skins

Update 7/23/2015 ... tooslow

#WAW_3rd adder m12

Aer. Macchi C.205N2 by Spitwulf, Wolfighter,  Red_Fox90
F8F's & F2G by Gerd, Mexchiwa,Gumpy, & Malone   
FM-1_GM & FM-2_GM by PA_Jeronimo, Griffon_301, Bravo, Beowulff, & Stefan SG
G3M2-11 by Ten010, Maddox, Birdman, Barnesy12, & PA_Jeronimo
Hampden MkI HP52 WIP ver1. by Knochenlutscher & JoHNy_SpRoCK-X
IL-2M-82A by The Radge & Bison_M           
I-180 by SAS~Skipper
Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter by sputnikshock, maraz, & Birdman
Nakajima Ki-43-Ic field modification by Greybeard, Spitwolf, Jaypack, & PA_Jeronimo
Nakajima Ki-43-II Late production model by Greybeard, Spitwolf, Jaypack, & PA_Jeronimo
P11f by Loku
PBJ's by  & mikoyan99, SAS forums
SwordfishII_4.12.2 by Docholiday & DreamK
TB_1_ANT's  by Bison_M & Mission_bug
TBD-1A_v0.1 by NS~The Radge
TS_Macchi_Sea by SAS~Skipper
Wellesley MK I by GIO., CWatson, & MURDOC

Plus some Skins

Update 8/27/2015 ... tooslow

#WAW_4th adder m12

ANT 3 series  P_3  R_3LD  R_3M5 by gio963tto & Stalker
Avro Lincoln MKI Prototype by Bison, Ranwers, TF-101, Mission_bug, & PA_Jeronimo
B-29B by Paulus
Ca 311/311M by Gio963tto & CWatson
Dornier P.232/2 (Do-232) by Mikoyan99, Lisek, SAS~Anto, PA_Jeronimo & max_thehitman 
Fiat G.55m *Marina version* by western0221 & SAS~Skipper
Gladiator-Float by Beowolff           
I-190 & I-153Bis by mikoyan99
G-50_Bomber_409_v1.1 by
Mitsubishi_Ki-2 by gio963tto, CWatson, & Ont_R
Mustang-MkIa by Barnesy12, CWatson, Riken, & Ranwers
Nakajima-A2N2/3 by gio963tto, CWatson, Stalker
P-38K by Paulus
RE-2002M  by Red_Fox90, western0221, Birdman, Epervier
Seafires_MkIIc no-filter by Barnesy12, CWatson, veltro, Ton414
SpitefulMkXIV by 101tfs & SAS~Storebror

Plus some Skins



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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2015, 02:05:35 AM »

Many thanks for all the efforts and dedication you put in this mate!  :)
downloading now ..  ;D

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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2015, 03:33:47 AM »

WOW! Great work tooslow well done mate!!

Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2015, 09:56:31 AM »

Hello guys!

as the adders that tooslow has created are quite well received here, I have decided to make them a sticky for the time being till Simon adds the aircraft, that the adders introduce to CUP´s native SFS format.

so grab them, they are really good and I have taken some of the aircraft out of the adders for my own install as well....



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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2015, 01:21:17 PM »


I had a crash at 60% with the 4th adder. Are missing air.SaettaSea and  air.FolgoreSea. I have disabled them in the air.ini and all runs well.




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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2015, 01:26:25 PM »

Hi, Tooslow, nice initiative and I've dld all 4 'adders' and install but it gave me 60% ctd... and with 3 adders when shutting down the game it gives error, also. With just 1 or 2 adders gives 60% ctd, too.  I'm sure it did work for you and those addictions are important and make the difference... D520 shouldn't be the 412 version instead of IES2? Thanks anyway.

... well, after following Marsouin's tip: «I had a crash at 60% with the 4th adder. Are missing air.SaettaSea and  air.FolgoreSea. I have disabled them in the air.ini and all runs well», it seems to work fine.
Only at game's shutdown comes the error: '...6DOF\TIR Enabled...' something like that, maybe interference from 00_PAL VisualMod9... doesn't seem to be hazardous, anyway!
So, Tooslow, congratulations, and D520 works fine, too. One of this days maybe you'll be able to correct the missing planes: SaettaSea and FolgoreSea to complete #4 adder, isn't it?

Thanks, Tooslow & Marsouin for the tip!
...well, sorry to announce that after a day the error still exist , the game stops running and there's a fatal error, and after take out the #4 adders, no more error. I should be watching for the logevent, sorry, I'll do it later.
Thanks anyway!


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2015, 02:32:45 PM »

I had a crash at 60% with the 4th adder.

Can confirm the same works for me


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2015, 12:23:09 AM »

Hi, Tooslow, nice initiative and I've dld all 4 'adders' and install but it gave me 60% ctd...

I had the same issue could never resolve it so decided to delete all the classfiles from the visualmod - worked for me but kinda defeats the visualmod idea!!
Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2015, 11:56:30 AM »

anyone has the air.ini  //  plane.ru  // and weapon.ru overwrited and ordered like the original ones in waw? i dunno  all the planes and its a pain to paste that, can anyone dome that favor? i want to have every plane well distributed like i see in the menu in QMB.

 mi email:


thx a lot masters,  its so difficult for me!!


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2015, 12:24:21 PM »

Hello razanon,

delete your E-mail adress!

Or do you want to have hundreds of shit mails?  ;)

We can do privat posts here on SAS per PM.

Regards, Gerhard  :)
FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz


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Re: JSGME Aircraft Additions to C.U.P. WAW Module-03 World at War
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2015, 06:32:45 PM »

 :) A corrected download link for #WAW_4th adder v2 has been added to the original post. ;)

Marsouin & others ...

Thanks for the heads up regarding the air.ini problem in my original post.  I tried to make the SaettaSea and FolgoreSea part of the 4th adder, but I couldn't make them work.   The folder I tested was not the one I actually uploaded to Mediafire, sorry about that :-[.  I hope I got the correction right this time.

I'll be away from my computer (going camping with no cell or internet connections) for about a week starting Thursday, April 23, hope every thing is OK until I get back. ;D


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