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Author Topic: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module pt08! (should improve fps)  (Read 35462 times)

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World at War module introduced large number of new aircraft which unfortunately caused performance issues for some people.
Above mentioned performance issues happens when number of active planes in air.ini passes certain threshold.
A tell tale of this, is a situation in which your fps is severely reduced across the board regardless of your graphics settings and scene complexity.

This mod is an attempt at fixing this situation by reducing number of aircraft enabled in air.ini at any time.
Instead of mindlessly removing random planes I tried to create theatres of war so, despite missing half of planes in game, you wont miss on anything as long as you stick to particular theatre.

This mod is only for World at War module part 08!

To use this mod, just drop it into jsgmemods folder and enable/disable via jsgme

Sometimes in QMB, you will get "mission loading null" or you will spawn in a plane you didnt chose.
Click "Chose side: Allies /Axis" button at the top right corner of the screen, it will fix the issue.

If you enable particular air.ini and then try mission or track which requires plane that is not in currently enabled air.ini, you will end up with errors, freezes and most likely CTD.
For example, enabling Soviets_vs_Axis_air.ini and then trying to play Kamikaze track or playing Battle of Midway.

It wont work with any other mod that needs its own air.ini. "Tooslow adders" for example
Adding planes manually its an option but not a good one because...

If your game hungs up when you press QMB, you need to delete 'last.quick' from 'Quicks" folder, you can do it manually or use Last.quick_cleaner to do it via JSGME.
Lightened _up_air.ini already contains last.quick_cleaner, above solution is just in case you would like to have it as a standalone.
You have to delete last.quick whenever you switch between modules (DoF/WaW/TJA) for reasons not related to Lightened up air.ini

As a bonus I added water extracted from stock game, while water=2 looks good, I think water=0 look rather weird in C.U.P (too fast and jerky).
So, if you are looking for additional 10fps and would rather use water=0, you might find this useful.

Download Lightened_up_air.ini V.09

Water extracted from stock game


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2015, 01:53:42 PM »

Moved down to make first post more readable:
Apparently there are people like me who get really low fps with CUP WaW module, not everyone suffer from those framerate losses but those few that do, find it really hard to enjoy the game.
After jumping trough hoops trying to figure out why World at War kills my framerate, I gave up on finding the cause but, I did find a way to bring back fps into more playable range.

After tons of googling and troubleshooting I wanted to try something, and decided to lighten up air.ini hoping it would improve my framerate.
Surprisingly, I think I managed to do just that, my fps went back to what it once was on stock/unmodded game.
Its hard to tell whether everyone experience same increase in framerate I did but hey, try it and see for yourself.
If it helps, give me a sign so I know whether it worth tweaking further, if it doesnt, do tell as well, poll would be nice here.

Small update, now you don't have to delete last.quick file every time you switch air.ini.
As a bonus I added water extracted from stock game, while water=2 looks good, I think water=0 look rather weird in C.U.P (too fast and jerky).
So, if you are looking for additional 10fps and would rather use water=0, you might find this useful.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2015, 12:36:11 AM »

I would really like to hear some feedback on this.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2015, 07:23:55 AM »

Brilliant idea! thank you!

I did the same while I was toying with homemade FMB Swiss missions, just load the planes/maps/objects you need.
With the vastness of WAW, a theater switcher seems like a good idea.

For example, right now I don't care much about air craft carriers and the Pacific theater so with a slow rig like mine it makes a difference (the game just loads faster which is why I did it initially).


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2015, 08:37:10 AM »

Glad it is useful to someone, what is your framerate gain with it?
For me its aprox 20-30 fps, depending on scenario, curious how it is for other people.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2015, 11:27:20 AM »

Thanks a lot for this very clever and usesful mod, Chupacabras!

I installed van ofterdingen's great "Battle of Hankow" DGC campaign - and got a frustrating 1 to 7 FPS  :(

With the lightened "Pacific_Theater" air.ini the FPS rose to 30+!!!!
That's an amazing increase  :D
That really brought new life to CUP for me, before I stayed with HSFX 7 with which I got also playable framerates (30+).


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2015, 11:50:11 AM »

Thanks for giving me a heads up, seeing how there was no replies for a long time I wasn't sure if it works for other people.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2015, 06:57:44 AM »

Glad it is useful to someone, what is your framerate gain with it?

I tested your Soviet-v-Axis combo and got a 100% gain... I went up from 10 to 20-21 FPS  :D

I also tried a bare minimum approach, leaving in the air.ini with just the four planes I needed for the current DGEN mission I was playing (makes for a very skinny air.ini), no difference still +100%, 20-21 FPS.
I would love to spend some more time testing, in particular with the ships and the maps, I wonder if it would make a difference (not too many cruisers or destroyers in the Gulf of Finland around Leningrad in 1942 ...)

Thank you again, great stuff and very well packaged !


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2015, 07:36:02 AM »

Hi Chupa I keep getting a 'file does not exist' message when trying to download?
Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2015, 07:43:56 AM »

try downloading in Google Chrome for example; with Firefox and IDM I got that file does not exist message too, with Chrome it was working :)


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2015, 08:19:10 AM »

I also tried a bare minimum approach, leaving in the air.ini with just the four planes I needed for the current DGEN mission I was playing (makes for a very skinny air.ini), no difference still +100%, 20-21 FPS.
Yeah, there is point past which every additional aircraft reduces fps,  I tried my best to include all planes that should be a part of the conflict and tested it to make sure the performance is optimal.
It is especially noticeable in 'UK & USA vs Germany' air.ini where I "scrapped bottom of the barrel" and even had to remove two or three planes from navy.
Just adding one additional plane will result in lower fps but until reaching that point, you can have 5 or 10 or 50 planes and it wont make a difference.

If you find air.ini in which removing planes still increases framerate, give me a heads up, I tried my best to make sure performance is optimal but if something can be improved I would like to hear.


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Re: Lightened up air.ini for World at War module (should improve fps)
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2015, 10:32:42 AM »

Downloaded and tested the 1936-1943 on a dozen missions and.....

... it's worth a new rig for me :) :) :)!

I went from a slide show to a decent framerate on my "furball" missions.
My CPU (Q6600 2.4Ghz) might not need a replacement with your "magic" air.ini

There was a few bugs, but nothing serious:
- air start with engine stopped on some missions
- missions loading at 100%, but I got a "blank" screen (without plane) or a see-through plane
I didn't have time to go through these missions to find where exactly the bug was;due to RL, I will not be able to continue the testing for some time  :(. As soon as possible, I'll try to give you more detailed feedback.

A thousand thanks for your contribution Chupacabras84! It's a worthy one  8).
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