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Author Topic: zip_Comic1's deleted (field) mods restored  (Read 13519 times)

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zip_Comic1's deleted (field) mods restored
« on: May 03, 2015, 07:55:50 AM »

Here and in the several threads you will find
all the zip_Comic1's field mods he deleted.
He asked if we can maintain this, so here it is.

Apart from restoring all the deleted zip files I also tried
to restore all the posts he deleted.

For questions, help requests
contact via PM:

Flyer101 (aka zip_Comic1)

or (new account of zip_Account aka Flyer101):

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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2015, 07:56:51 AM »

For WTE-Newy's Blenheim MkIVF here:

Orig post by zip_Comic 7-Dec-2014:

I have been flying the BlenheimMkIVF mod and made some field alterations

If I may, I would like to share it or ,,, put it back here....

I've been designating this one .....BlenheimMkIVF Field Mod WIP ver 4 ... Frazer Nash Field MOd ver2

Heavy caliber field mod, Bombardier Black Box, both level and Dive Bomber capability, test Skins, and a Frazer Nash chin turret add on.

Stock 4.10 British E default loads ....also Arms_British Ee load out options

Works for me under;
4.101m Mega Patch
SAS Mod Act 3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 Offline
SAS AutoDiff 4.111
SAS Arms_British Newest



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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2015, 07:57:01 AM »

For DreamK's Breda Ba65 mod here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 27-Dec-2014:

I have been flying the Ba65 series and have put together my files on this mod.......

I am calling this set...... Ba65New_AA_TA_MA_FMv4.......

This is for the AA TA and MA models only......

What you will get is....the Ba65New..field modded to........Heavy caliber and larger bomb loads, gunner arrangements..both single, twin, and bottom rear , improved turret tracking, Damage level on most surfaces,  dive and level bomber choices, test skins, and many more fixes....

Works for Me under;

4.101m Mega Patch
SAS Mod Act3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 offline
SAS AutoDiff 4.111



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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2015, 07:57:12 AM »

for Epervier's 4.09 version of DreamK's Breda above here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 27-Dec-2014:

I have been using the 4.09 ba65...

I have put together my files in a set on the 4.09 I am calling.......Ba65409_AA_TA_FMv4

This is for the AA and TA models only.....

What you will get is.....Heavy caliber and larger bomb loads, improved turret tracking, Additional Twin and bottom Gunner choices, Dive and level bomber choices, Improved Damage on most surfaces, Test Skins, and alot of other small additions.....

Works for me under;

4.101m mega patch
SAS Mod Act3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 offline
SAS Autodiff 4.111



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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2015, 07:57:22 AM »

For gio963tto's Caproni Ca133, Ca148 here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 5-Dec-2014:

I have the gunners working for the Ca-133 in 4.10...

If you are still having same issues....here is what I am designating ......Ca-133 Gunners Fix WIP ver2

Heavy caliber field upgrade.....included is a skin I used for testing.

Works for me under;
4.101m Mega Patch
SAS Mod Act 3.06
SAS Buttons for 4.10 offline
SAS AutoDiff 4.111

However, I TOO am still getting a lock up in FMB when clicking plane1, can be overcome by rendering plane with the view ..Object....aircraft ..."show" bar first..... See included readme.



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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2015, 07:57:32 AM »

For Epervier's CANT Z.1007bis + Z.506B - special pack here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 9-Dec-2014:

I would like to include what I am calling.....

CantZ1007bis Field Mod WIP ver1

What you will get is a 4.10 Field Mod WIP ver1 to this threads Flyable 4.09/4.10 06_Cant-Z1007_v2 which is.....heavy caliber upgrade, tracking turrets, Field Mod bomb loads, and a modified Hayate Greece 1941 test skin.

Works for me under;
4.101m Mega Patch
SAS Mod Act 3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 offline
SAS AutoDiff 4.111



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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2015, 07:57:40 AM »

For western0221's Fiat G.50bis A,bis AN/BN here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 6-Dec-2014:

I have been wanting to add to this category Also....since I have been flying both the 4.10/4.09 BN and the BC version

I have a version ...or a field mod of Both I would like to Put out there for use....

I have been calling it the Fiat G.50 BN & BC Field Mod WIP Ver5

Same Credits apply described above and in the 4.09 Bc thread...

Works for me under 4.101m Mega Patch, SAS Mod aCt3.06, SAS Buttons 4.10, SaS Autodiff 4.111
some variation require SAS ARMs_Italian Bombs and/or SAS Arms_France


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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2015, 07:57:53 AM »

for DreamK's FiatBr20 Early/ Br20 Series here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 8-Dec-2014:

I would like to submit a 4.10 field mod to the FiatBr20Early......

This original FiatBr20 package is a excellent mod...and I recommend it highly. However, I was getting shot down......my whole flight was getting shot down.

Here is a what I am calling FiatBr20Early Field Mod WIP ver2....

What you get is for the FiatBr20Early aircraft only....heavy caliber, new turret angles, tracking turrets, test skins, and a  bomb load (I am was not getting a bomb load for the early). I have removed the popup action of the top turret and the bottom rear gunner for tracking purposes. the rear access hatch will drop down if enemy is near.

Note: this is just a Field Mod WIP for the FiatBr20Early only.....keep a copy of your entire original FiatBr20 mod and updates in a safe place before installing this field mod. It shouldn't positively or negatively effect any other of the FiatBr20 aircraft in the mod.....but I would use this for the early only ....and do a fresh install if you want a accurately flying other.

Also, this Field mod WIP ver2 only working as of 12/7/2014. The original FiatBr20 download and updates maybe changing or are getting updated. I didn't include a copy of the entire mod....so it is a dynamic environment......should work on the original FiatBr20 Mod and updates Listed in the first post of this thread on or before 12/8/2014.

Lastly, keep the sun off your six o'clock. Even good tracking turrets are blinded.

Works for me under;
4.101m Mega Patch
SAS mod Act 3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 offline
SAS Autodiff 4.111
SAS Arms30's_Italian_Bombs

and post 8-Dec-2014:

Yes.....animatiion of turrets seems to complicate the targeting.....

It is like the  BAzar scene from indian jones and raiders of the lost arc..........the big dude with the huge sword.....

Best not to swing your weapons around before a fight.........

I tried to investigate the code and class files for the math to give turrets a start point other than zero or 90 ....but..no joy....... I get the turret firing quickest and most accurate...if it  starts from 0, 90, 180, 270....when ever possible.

Aslo, distortion of the  TurretxA_D0 and turreXB_D0 ...... seems to be a problem.......best attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ...or similar normal combination. Historical...yes....but cocking your turrets at angles..........or storing them, pulling out of the holster, and spinning on your finger....before you shoot.....makes for more complex code...which I can't find.

Same with hook locks..... Normal combinations.

Also, new patches and new class files seemed to effect the SM79 in 4.101m......I think.

I am not the last word in code...I just found one avenue that works for me.



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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2015, 07:58:04 AM »

For Epervier's version of Reaper 3-1's Ford Tri Motor Universal here in this thread.

Orig post by zip_Comic 2-Dec-2014:

I have been wanting to add to this category....since I have been flying epervier's version

I have a version ...or a field mod of Epervier's to add....

I have been calling it the Ford Trimotor ...WIP ver6 (see " The lounge" ford Trimotor .....for pics)

it works for me in 4.10, mod act 3.06 buttons 4.10 offline and  with autoDiff 4.111...but just a reminder....need .....Air_Ju 52 Cockpit Ranwers mod

I have some modified skins .....which I will link in skins section?





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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2015, 07:58:14 AM »

For Epervier's Hurricane Mk.II Hercules 4.09 version here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 2-Dec-2014:

I have been flying this mod since it came out.....

I have added to it now and then......

I have been designating it the Hawker Super hercules....field Mod ver3

It is part hurricane forward observers....but mostly it is a hercules...so I feel it belongs here....

work for me in 4.10 with autodiff 4.111



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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2015, 07:58:24 AM »

For SAS~Riken's Typhoon Mk.Ia here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 14-Mar-2015:

Hawker Tornado Mk1X Add On ver4.5.....

As with the Tornado Mk1A.....this is an  add on aircraft to the Typhoons & Tempests SAS Pack v2......You need to have this pack installed.

What you will get is a Hawker Typhoon 1A field modded to a Hawker Tornado (Centaurus) ...or as I am calling it...Mk1X. You get the eye candy of a early proto centaurus engine, two forward firing auto cannons (heavy caliber), and some additional SAS_Arms british weapons.

Combined RAAF Skin Package, Alt Engine/Intake/Exhaust, Wing Cannons/12 Browning swap, .....see readme

Works for me under;
4.101m mega patch
SAS Mod Act 3.06
SAS Buttons 4.10 offline
SAS Autodiff 4.111
Typhoon & Tempest SAS Pack v2 installed

Note: for dog fights ...best to have less than 50% fuel on board at start of a fur ball.

and  26-Mar-2015

I combined all the alternatives ...and options into one download.

Gmax edit instead of percent mesh enlarge the engine and intake.....after one last look at archives...and to stop possible franken "shine".

Made the Wing Cannons the default.....

And other small stuff.....see read me ...download above





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Re: zip_Comics deleted several planes (field) mods
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2015, 07:58:34 AM »

For mikoyan99's IJN Mitsubishi F1M 'Pete' here.

Orig post by zip_Comic 22-Feb-2015:

F1M Pete Field Mod WIP ver1.....

What you get is a addon to give the  F1m pete a rear gunner, heavy caliber....and updated wind screen blisters

4.101m and autodiff 4.111 setup....Hope it still works....



Rear gunner blister update...



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