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Author Topic: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors  (Read 18080 times)

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Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:43:21 AM »

Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors

Fixes permanent errors seen in C.U.P. due to missing Effect!

As most of you have realized the C.U.P. as it is currently released, permanently generates in propeller planes these hated errors:

Code: [Select]
INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' NOT loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff'
WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineWep2.eff' of class 'FObjSect' not created

It is not something blocking but it creates so many errors that its impact in performance is clear and significant.

Instead of the proposed WepEffect=0 workaround, I have been more radical. I don't know exactly what sound MOD was adopted by Monty, but this error associated to an effect is triggered by the SndAircraft class. The absolute solution for me was going to the stock 4.12.2 SndAircraft class. Here I offer it to you as a small and compact MOD, that has to be loaded on top of your #DOF, #WAW or #JTW folders.




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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2015, 12:07:48 PM »

Interesting . I will try this .


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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2015, 02:19:44 AM »

Thanks Pablo. I look forward to testing the effect on all modules this weekend.

The sound mods do vary across the modules.  DoF has its own presets based on the unique models and characteristics.  WaW uses Tiger33's sounds and JTW employs the basic 412 set.


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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2015, 03:36:30 AM »

Few notes, for this to work you need to load it before '!0000_Classfiles'.
IIRC 'EngineWep2.eff' had something to do with blue exhaust flames when you exceed 96% power.
It was later incorporated in Tigers sound mod for compatibility and probably with it, it made its way into CUP.
This error is getting produced probably because CUP doesnt have effects from tigers sound mod, furthermore, adding those effects actually enables blue exhaust flames, while your mod, unfortunately disables them altogether.

If you guys wanna fix this error, I propose a better fix, instead of disabling those effects, check my previous post on the issue.
If you copy '3do\Effects' from this mod The one-stop solution 3do folder and set 'WepEffect=1' you will not only fix EngineWep2.eff error but, you will also get blue exhaust flames back as well.
Few planes have those flames displaced but '3do\Plane' folder, contain meshes that have hooks for engine flames so its a matter of enabling it.

So, if you going to fix this error, I will lobby for my solution since I would like those effects to stay in game.


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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2015, 05:16:37 AM »

Few notes, for this to work you need to load it before '!0000_Classfiles'.
IIRC 'EngineWep2.eff' had something to do with blue exhaust flames when you exceed 96% power.
It was later incorporated in Tigers sound mod for compatibility and probably with it, it made its way into CUP.
This error is getting produced probably because CUP doesnt have effects from tigers sound mod, furthermore, adding those effects actually enables blue exhaust flames, while your mod, unfortunately disables them altogether.

If you guys wanna fix this error, I propose a better fix, instead of disabling those effects, check my previous post on the issue.
If you copy '3do\Effects' from this mod The one-stop solution 3do folder and set 'WepEffect=1' you will not only fix EngineWep2.eff error but, you will also get blue exhaust flames back as well.
Few planes have those flames displaced but '3do\Plane' folder, contain meshes that have hooks for engine flames so its a matter of enabling it.

So, if you going to fix this error, I will lobby for my solution since I would like those effects to stay in game.

                            the fact is that theorical Tiger33's inherited Sound MOD is not v4.12!!! Other things could be affected negatively. An extense revision (or real adaption of the Tiger33's MOD should be performed). That's why I prefer a pure and not incomplete modern stock class and not the other one.



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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2015, 08:37:48 AM »

Key here is: " An extensive revision (or real adaption of the Tiger33's MOD should be performed)".  Until then C.U.P. has a very good compromise (World at War Module ONLY) in place and the sounds are glorious. 

Therefore, while I agree Pablo is absolutely right to build code cleanly from scratch, and we should all closely heed his guidance - At the present moment, until we have all of Tiger33's Sounds converted to 412 from scratch, Chupacabras84's effects solution is a better choice for me, even if its temporary - and those engine flames do look good...

Its a massive job to clean up Java mess from one version to another.  We are very grateful to Pablo who is the cleanest coder of all and I don't want to make anything difficult.  The effects folder in question is tiny though, less than a meg, so its a good stop-gap atm.

BTW - we have been testing a lot of WaW-Flybys with full-throttle and idle throttle, giving the engines time to spool up and spool down, and listening to the difference.  There are many distinctly different tones.  You can also clearly hear the throttle-up in the middle of a flyby too, so I reject previous criticism that Tiger33's flybys are static recordings, there are not.


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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2015, 03:48:28 PM »

An extense revision (or real adaption of the Tiger33's MOD should be performed).

If you can pull this out, you'll be one more time SAS' hero  :)


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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2015, 09:29:11 AM »

Tiger's UV3 comes with a 3Do folder to implement exhaust blue flame effects, but may be CUP also includes crazyflak's blue flame mod, and in that case conflicts may arise ...


Just my 2 cts ...


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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2015, 11:09:39 AM »

I did put the mod in my #JTW folder, but it is not on the top .
Do I have to rename it to put it on top , or is it OK so , please ?

ol' Navy

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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2015, 07:18:35 AM »

Few notes, for this to work you need to load it before '!0000_Classfiles'.
IIRC 'EngineWep2.eff' had something to do with blue exhaust flames when you exceed 96% power.
It was later incorporated in Tigers sound mod for compatibility and probably with it, it made its way into CUP.
This error is getting produced probably because CUP doesnt have effects from tigers sound mod, furthermore, adding those effects actually enables blue exhaust flames, while your mod, unfortunately disables them altogether.

If you guys wanna fix this error, I propose a better fix, instead of disabling those effects, check my previous post on the issue.
If you copy '3do\Effects' from this mod The one-stop solution 3do folder and set 'WepEffect=1' you will not only fix EngineWep2.eff error but, you will also get blue exhaust flames back as well.
Few planes have those flames displaced but '3do\Plane' folder, contain meshes that have hooks for engine flames so its a matter of enabling it.

So, if you going to fix this error, I will lobby for my solution since I would like those effects to stay in game.

Although I understand very little you smart guys talk about here in the forum, I do read most of it and then it brings up questions.  I most always look at my game folders to see what mine say versa what is contained in your posts.  Here in your post, you say that in your conf folder you changed WepEffect to 1.  In my conf folder I don't have WepEffect.  Should I have?  Where else would it be?  Thanks for your patience and any info.


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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2015, 07:33:06 AM »

Although I understand very little you smart guys talk about here in the forum, I do read most of it and then it brings up questions.  I most always look at my game folders to see what mine say versa what is contained in your posts.  Here in your post, you say that in your conf folder you changed WepEffect to 1.  In my conf folder I don't have WepEffect.  Should I have?  Where else would it be?  Thanks for your patience and any info.

ol' Navy, the WepEffect=1 setting should be in the [Mods] section of your "Conf.ini" file contained in your main game folder.  It's not a separate folder.

ol' Navy

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Re: Fix for EngineWep2.eff Errors
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2015, 11:23:46 AM »

Thank you dpeters for your response.  The problem there is that I didn't have it in my [Mods} section either.  Matter of fact there weren't but two entries in it.  But then I looked back and another install of CUP and the {Mods} section of it did have several entries in it, one of which was WepEffect=0.  I have no earthly idea how/why the two were different, but I have to assume it is some of my doings.  It is hell getting old (73 is a couple of months) and not being able to remember stuff such as that (but sadly, a whole lot more).  Well, thanks again for you guy's response, and the help you provide to us who aren't very smart.
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